Urban Mythic by C. Gockel & Other Authors - HTML preview

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Valkyrie's Vengeance is an expanded version of The Child Thief, so I'd like to acknowledge the beta readers who provided input on the original story. Many thanks to Carol Braswell, Lucinda Gunnin, Rissa Watkins, and Lara Parker.

My thanks also to the individuals who provided more insight along the way: Gabby-Lily Raines, Ana P. Martinez, Pamela Talley, and Jessica Kisia.

I can't begin to express my gratitude to Michelle Devon and Lynn Hunter for their patience and shared wisdom over the last couple years as I've developed my Loki's Wolves series. You guys rock!

Sheryl R. Hayes and Lisa Rayns are two of the best critique partners a girl could ask for.

Jen Whitten, thank you so much for the constructive feedback!