Winter Trials by K.S. Marsden - HTML preview

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Merry Christmas


Christmas Day normally felt unexciting after the Winter Solstice.  Mark still loved it, the presents and being allowed wine with dinner; but after the big annual party on the 21st December, Christmas was very quiet in comparison.  Nanna would come around, of course; and Mark's Dad was in charge of the cooking, although they all had their own little jobs (Mark was always in charge of the mash and roasties); and his Mum was in charge of the copious drinks, and equally copious embarrassing photos.

This year was rather different, and Mark couldn't help but think that they were on to a new tradition!

His Mum managed to persuade Damian and his aunt to join them for Christmas Dinner, which was perfect.  Mark had been worrying how Damian's mood would dip, being alone with his aunt; surely lots of noise and people would help to distract.

Mark met Damian's aunt for the first time.  She was younger than he had been expecting, only thirty years old.  He found her to be very pleasant, and suddenly felt guilty that he'd been so consumed with everything Damian, he hadn't given the aunt another thought.  She'd lost her sister and her brother-in-law; she was suddenly raising a sixteen-year old who appeared to be a trouble-causer...  Nanna tried to persuade Damian to tell her the truth, but he refused to.  Mark had a feeling that Damian was scared that his last remaining family member would reject him if they knew he was possessed.

Later that afternoon, once their own family requirements had been appeased, Harry's parents brought him and Sarah round.  The old house was so full of warmth and life!  Squeezing past each other, careful not to spill the mulled wine; handing round the biscuit tin.  Mark grinned at the thought that it almost felt like they were in one of those cheesy Christmas adverts.

As the evening wore on, Damian sat on the small sofa next to Nanna.  Mark sat on the thick rug, using Damian's legs as a backrest.  His Dad had just brought round a tray of turkey and cranberry sandwiches, which were so delicious that everyone tried to find room for them.  Harry had brought his guitar and was perched on the arm of the big chair, playing Christmas carols.  Mark listened, realising how long it had been since he last heard him play; he was much better than Mark remembered.  Harry's Mum and Sarah were squished into the seat of the big chair, giggling and singing along to the carols.  Mark wished he could say that they sounded just as good but, yeah, flat notes all round.

They might have had a hard time recently, and there was definitely danger ahead, but Mark couldn't help feeling that just for a moment, for a day, this was perfect.  They had a full week and a half before school ensnared them once more.  Mark had wondered how Damian's demon possession might affect the average school day, but that had only given him a headache.  They would simply face each day and each problem as it came, together.

Smiling to himself, he got up and took his empty plate to the kitchen.  Once he'd finished loading the dishwasher, two strong hands caught about his waist, and he could feel warm breath on the back of his neck.

"I have been trying to get a moment alone with you for hours."  Damian stated.

Mark turned in his hold to face him.  "Really?  What on earth for?"

Damian smiled, leaning in closer before pausing.  His now-dark blue eyes flicked upwards and he chuckled.  "What do you know, mistletoe..."