Yermah the Dorado: The Story of a Lost Race by Frona Eunice Wait - HTML preview

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1. The modern name is preferably employed.

2. Modern name preferably employed.

3. J. M. Hutchings in “The High Sierras.”

4. Indian name for Mirror Lake.

5. Modern names are preferably employed.

6. This head is in the Museum in the City of Mexico. It was found in 1830 in the streets of Santa Teresa by some workmen while excavating for the foundation of a new house.

7. The giant Gulliver bound in a net-work of threads by the Lilliputians is a familiar mythical form of the same belief—Gulliver representing the whole human family with its net-work of desires and illusions.

8. Modern names preferably used.

9. Indian Legend.

10. From the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

11. Later, in all the distorted legends of Adam Kadmon, the cosmic man,—Woman was accused of causing his fall through lustful desire; and what was originally an allegory of initiation, or of being able to distinguish between the true and the false in the battle-ground of our own hearts, has been perverted into a literal interpretation of dread consequence.

This false idea has degraded millions of men and women.

12. Aleutian Island chain.

13. In the year 1866, a miner found Akaza’s skull, while sinking a shaft in a strata of gravel one hundred and thirty-seven feet below the surface. It was in a beautiful flat, about fifteen miles north of Table Mountain, a mass of basaltic lava, six hundred feet thick, which was not erupted until after Akaza’s death.

The skull no longer surmounted that last nudity of man which instinct bids us conceal in the Earth. It was coated with a deposit of gravel and sand, that told of its lying in a river bed while mountains were worn to plains, and the decomposed quartz and loose gravel were plowed up by glacial erosion, and scattered over the hillsides. The skull was broken in its strongest part, an evidence of the force with which some torrent had dashed it against bowlders in the lapsing centuries.

Some time during its wanderings in the river beds, or while resting on the banks, a snail had crawled under the malar bone and died. Its shell was found there, and no such species of snail has been known since the volcanoes ceased pouring lava over California.

The skull[33] and the snail-shell have been the cause of great discussion among the scientists of our epoch: Its age is too great to agree with the preconceived idea of man’s existence.

14. Initiates were always considered hermaphrodites, but not in a sex sense. The name itself implies this, being a compound of Hermes (wisdom) and Aphrodite (love). When sex takes precedence over humanity it is hard to explain a divine mystery, because organs are mistaken attributes, and the whole world is sex mad. Nevertheless, activity and repose, positive and negative, equilibrium and discord, cause and effect, involution and evolution, differentiation and polarization of atoms, and the laws governing them are united in the one word—SEX.

15. Lares and penates—household gods.

16. H. P. Blavatsky in The Secret Doctrine.

17. It is a mistake to suppose that the personality originates thought. The sphere called mind reflects thought, as the earth reflects the light of the sun. It is quite as mis-leading to assert that the spirit leaves the body at death as it would be to assume that the sun is actually in the earth, because this planet lives by its rays. The spirit never is in the body—therefore it has neither birth nor death. It contacts and vivifies the body in the same manner as does the sun and the earth. The photosphere of the earth, and the aura of man are universal exemplifications of the mysterious Bridge of Kinevat.

18. Sixteen hundred (Egyptian) feet long by five hundred feet wide.

19. Profane and blasphemous words were unknown to the native races in the Americas. These people believed that speech was given man to enable him to praise his Maker.

To this day the Indian is chary of words—and in all the relations of life his language is circumspect, and dignified. He only speaks when it is necessary, and rightly has profound contempt for the human who talks too much.

20. The Breath of Life.

21. Co-ownership of property necessitated the institution of civil marriage, in order to define inheritance.

22. Egyptian Book of the Dead.

23. A planet runs through its grand period of life from a formless nebula to a globe, which solidifies into a planet with or without satellites. It is involution as long as the planet is in process of formation; but when matter begins to manifest, the first step in evolution is taken, which goes on from protoplasm to man. Then comes the blooming-time, when this flower of space will scatter its seeds, as did the huge planet once revolving between Jupiter and Mars.

Where once was unity, light and power, we have now a confused mass of asteroids moving in eccentric orbits. This was not merely the experience of a planet, but was a tragedy of the solar system; and in it the extremity of individualism finds exemplification. The mind of humanity is broken and divided in a corresponding manner. Both represent the fluid side of nature, and are correlated to the soul on the downward spiral.

No one claims that the ego contacts through the animal kingdom, but the soul of desire may.

When the latter does so, it is lost—until brought back on the upward spiral by aspiration and harmony, where it becomes one with Divinity.

24. City of Mexico.

25. Cholula was to the primitive Americas, what Jerusalem is to the Christian; Mecca, to the Mohammedan; Benares, to the Brahman.

26. Gautamozin—meaning son of Guatama—was the nephew of Montezuma, and the spiritual leader of the Aztecs at the time of the conquest. He was the last hierophant of the Brotherhood of Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec Messiah. He defended Mexico City and was tortured and slain by Cortez. The statue erected in his honor in the Paseo de la Reforma, Mexico City, is one of the finest monuments on the North American continent.

27. All the heroes and ideal men of primitive times were sun-gods. Buddha was the shining one. Zoroaster (zoe, light; aster, star); was called the glittering one. The Son of Man came clothed in the glory of the sun. When the padres attempted to teach the natives of America the story of Jesus, they exclaimed: “El Dorado!” Such at least is the Spanish translation of what they called their own spiritual leader.

28. History of the Conquest of Mexico.

29. Esoteric students everywhere understand that California is one of the occult eyes of the world, because it still retains the magnetism of pre-historic times, never having been visited by the ice ages nor the flood, and only in recent geologic reckoning being partially purified by fire. Its Sanscrit name is Kali (time) and purna (fulfillment).

30. Yermo and Yermina are diminutives and corruptions of Guillermo, the Spanish for William, and are in common use among the natives of Mexico and the neighboring states.

31. Chas. Piazzi Smyth, at Teneriffe.

32. Von Humboldt at Teneriffe.

33. Calaveras skull, Smithsonian Institution.

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