iCer by Michael C. Brausam - HTML preview

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Chapter 21 | Rebellion


From end to end, energy rifles and pistols lined the weapon depot walls. JT and Jennifer selected weapons several of along with ammunition that they could give to the other BMIs. That’s if they could free them.

JT and Jennifer sneaked through the plant and worked their way to the BMI reprograming area. They entered the room where the BMIs were being held. Grayson recognized JT. He said, “You’re the iCer!”

JT replied, “Yes, but I'm not here to ice you.”

Terrack and Peyton jumped to their feet. Terrack said, “Maybe not, but I'm going to kill you!”

Grayson held up his hand and signaled Terrack to wait. Grayson said, “Wait! hear him out.”

JT walked up to the BMIs and said, “We overheard Reynolds. The factory workers, they're BMIs like you, the 1600 series. And you heard ‘um. If he succeeds, we’re both gonna end up like the dinosaurs: extinct.”

Grayson paused, then said, “He's right. What do you propose?”

JT sparked their interest. JT said, “Free the BMIs in the factory and blow the plant, with Reynolds in it. We may be mankind’s last hope.”

“How?” asked Grayson.

JT explained what they were going to do as they made their way to the space dock. He said, “Okay people. First we need to get into the lower power service tunnels. We can overload some of the power stations as a distraction. You two (pointing at Terrack and Peyton) go to the arms depot. Take one of the cargo carts in the hall. Load it to capacity. When the facilities power switches over to the auxiliary power, go to the plant floor and distribute the weapons to the BMIs.  Terrack asked, “What if they stand there like deer in the headlights?”

JT replied, “That’s going to be their only chance if they want to escape. They’ll need to do their own fighting to get off this rock. We need to take care of ourselves.”

It was time to move. Terrack and Peyton were loaded up and ready. JT and the others had sabotaged the power generators.  JT said, “Cella, contact the others and let them know it’s a go in five minutes.

Cella replied, “Yes JT, notification made.”

Five minutes later, the lights went dark for a few seconds as the main generators went offline. The auxiliary units kicked in and the power went back on, but every other light remained on in auxiliary mode. Peyton and Terrack rushed onto the plant floor from started shooting at the security droids. The first two on their end of the building were caught off guard and destroyed with a single shot.

JT, Jennifer and Grayson entered from the other side, on the second floor. They were able to pick off some of the droids that were responding from the hallways as they entered the plant floor. Smoke and debris flew into the air as the droids were terminated. An alarm triggered and red strobe lights flashed on the plant floor.

Complete confusion and mayhem spread across the floor as the attack begun. Terrack yelled to the other BMIs working on the floor, “This is your chance to be free. Fight now our die on this rock.” Several of the BMIs took energy pistols from Terrack and Peyton to join the fight. Others ducked and cowered, not knowing what to do.

Androids were being terminated one by one until two large doors that separated one part of the plant from other opened. On the other side were hundreds of android security guards standing side by side, about five hundred total. They were all armed and prepared to clear the plant floor.

Doctor Reynolds went on the intercom and said, “Stand down. Stand down.”

The Doctor saw his daughter on the monitor and said, “Jennifer, Detective. I see you started a bit of a rebellion. I don’t want to see my daughter hurt. If you and the BMIs stand down now, I will not kill you. If you don’t, I will have no choice but to eliminate you and put down this rebellion.”

JT told Grayson, “I’m not staying here to be somebody’s prisoner or slave. I’m fighting. It’s do or die”

Grayson replied, “Agreed. We don’t have much time left as it is. We have to take control of this plant and capture Reynolds or we die anyways. My power cell is almost empty. The least I can do is help my fellow BMIs fight for their freedom.”

JT told Grayson, “I’m going to take Jennifer and head for the space dock.” Grayson replied, “I understand. Good luck!”

Two android guards approached from JT’s rear. He turned and fired at both droids. One was struck in the head and the other the chest. Flames and sparks had emitted from the fried droids as they collapsed to the ground.

Grayson shouted at Peyton and Terrack, “Fight! Fight! The battle is ours. The rest of you on the floor better take up arms or you’re going to die.”

Realizing that Grayson and the others had left them no options, the rest of the BMIs grabbed weapons off the cart and armed themselves. They took up positions behind the equipment and prepared themselves for the oncoming advancement of droids.

In the meantime, JT and Jennifer had made it to the space docks. The security droids all went to the plant floor to do battle. A ship was prepared to leave and looked like it was just standing by.

JT and Jennifer had looked all directions; the coast was clear. They ran to the spacecraft’s passenger entry door and rushed in. A steward greeted them and said, “Are you travelling with us today? Doctor Reynolds should be here shortly.”

JT pointed his gun at the steward, and said, “No! No he won’t. Secure the door and prepare to depart.”

The steward replied, “I can’t without the Doctor’s permission.”

JT pushed his gun into the stewards ear and said, “You can either do what you’re told, or I’m gonna pull the trigger, and remove that thing you call a brain from your head.”

The steward had shaken, cowered, and replied, “Okay, okay. I will secure the door.”

He locked the door and JT headed to the cockpit. JT said, “Take off! Take off now!”

The pilot looked at him and saw the gun. He said, “Okay. No arguments here. I’ll take off.”

JT and Jennifer waited for the spacecraft engines to warm up as battle inside for control of the plant had begun.

Grayson and the other BMIs engaged the droid guards as they marched onto the plant floor and started firing on them. Floor machinery, computers, carts, and equipment all exploded as they were hit by energy weapons. Droid guards although massive in number, were dropping quickly because they had no tactical skills. They had advanced onto the floor in rows and become easy targets. The battle for control of the plant and the freedom of the BMIs continued as JT and Jennifer fled in Doctor Reynolds spacecraft.