The Contribution of Quantum Physics
Beside Einstein´s theory of relativity, there is another approach to exploring the secrets of space and time: Quantum Physics, focusing on very small objects having atomic sizes. This differs totally from astrophysics, dealing as it does with the world of the biggest. Nevertheless, the world of the micro cosmos does have a mysterious connection to the world of the macro cosmos. There is a relationship but physicists have yet to discover it.
The trailblazer for that what we call Quantum Physics and the forerunner of the String theory which followed later, was Max Planck. He was awarded the Nobel prize for Physics in 1919 for his discovery of the so called energy quantum, also known as Planck´s constant. This constant is related to the quantization of light and matter. Planck originated quantum physics and was the first to consider the world to be digital.
The most important scientific institution in the world is named in his honour: The Max Planck Society. This is a non-governmental and non-profit making association, comprising nearly 80 research institutes, working independently but cohesively.
Max Planck found his constant whilst investigating the problem of back-body emissions. He noticed that energy of that type of radiation is non-continuous, in other words, it exists in steps. Planck´s formula is: E = h x f x n where E equals Energy, f, frequency and h for the action quantum, n is any integer value (n=1,2,3…). h represents the energy quantum – this is a constant appearing in almost every formula related to the physics of black holes. The energy quantum is beside the gravitational constant G and the velocity of light c, one of the three fundamental nature constants of physics.. The value of the Planck constant is very small: h = 0,000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 006 626 J.
In the diagram below, random values were chosen solely to demonstrate the influence of n on the energy level applied at any frequency f. Clearly it can be seen that this energy level rises in steps. The relationship is also known as Planck relation
The integer n is closely related to the energy level which electrons may have in the Bohr atom. It depends upon in which shell the electrons are situated. Once an electron reaches the lowest level (n=1), it cannot get closer to the nucleus. This is identical to the state of lowest energy. Planck´s calculations led to a result for the smallest possible length in the Universe, the so called Planck length. It is the smallest distance possible: about 10-35 m. It quickly transpired that there is also a Planck Mass, a Planck Time, a Planck Charge and a Planck Temperature. For black holes that would mean that the singularity must have at least the size of one Planck length, the said 10-35 m.
A Singularity cannot be any infinite point mass, as considered for some time but must have at least the finite length of Planck size. To take that to the extreme, another physicist and contributor to quantum physics, Heisenberg defined the Uncertainty principle which gives a fundamental limit to the precision with which particles can be predicted to be measured. Neither time nor location of any particles can be calculated precisely, only the probability of their existence. Intuition suggests that the Universe is not calculable: it is unpredictable. The Cosmos is not determinable in the sense that all is predetermined but chaotic and evolution occurs in small steps. This we all know from daily life. It should also be true for the black holes
It is obviously impossible to describe the inside of a black hole by means of Einstein´s theory of relativity. Equally, the mathematical formulae of Quantum Mechanics failed, even with the help of so called wave functions. Both theories have just one thing in common, i.e. The description of the world of space and time. The two theories are deficient in being unable to explain gravity. Currently, efforts are underway to define the quantum behaviour of a gravitational field, this with the help of new branches in Quantum Physics called Quantum gravity (QG) and Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). All these theories are extensions and are derived from Planck´s Quantum theory but largely failing to define gravity.