Calculus-Based Physics by Jeffrey W. Schnick - HTML preview

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Chapter 5 Conservation of Angular Momentum

Example 5-2

A horizontal disk of rotational inertia


4 25

. kg ⋅ m with respect to its axis of symmetry is

spinning counterclockwise about its axis of symmetry, as viewed from above, at

15.5 revolutions per second on a frictionless massless bearing. A second disk, of rotational



1.80 kg ⋅ m with respect to its axis of symmetry, spinning clockwise as viewed from

above about the same axis (which is also its axis of symmetry) at 14.2 revolutions per second,

is dropped on top of the first disk. The two disks stick together and rotate as one about their

common axis of symmetry at what new angular velocity (in units of radians per second)?

I = 1.80 kg⋅m2





= 4.25 kg⋅m2





Some preliminary work (expressing the given angular velocities in units of rad/s):

rev  2π rad 


rev  2π rad 


w = 15 5


 = 97.39

w =14 2


 = 89 22




s  rev 


s  rev 


Now we apply the principle of conservation of angular momentum for the special case in which

there is no transfer of angular momentum to or from the system from outside the system.

Referring to the diagram:


= L′

We define counterclockwise, as viewed from

above, to be the “+” sense of rotation.

I w − I w = (I + I )w′







I w − I w





w′ =

I + I



(4 25

. kg ⋅ m2 ) 97.39 rad /s − 1

( .80 kg ⋅ m2 ) 89 22


rad / s

w′ =

4.25 kg ⋅ m2 + 1.80 kg ⋅ m2


w′ = 41.9

(Counterclockwise as viewed from above.)



Chapter 6 One-Dimensional Motion (Motion Along a Line): Definitions and Mathematics

6 One-Dimensional Motion (Motion Along a Line): Definitions

and Mathematics

A mistake that is often made in linear motion problems involving acceleration, is using

the velocity at the end of a time interval as if it was valid for the entire time interval. The

mistake crops up in constant acceleration problems when folks try to use the definition of


average velocity v =

in the solution. Unless you are asked specifically about


average velocity, you will never need to use this equation to solve a physics problem.

Avoid using this equation—it will only get you into trouble. For constant acceleration

problems, use the set of constant acceleration equations provided you.

Here we consider the motion of a particle along a straight line. The particle can speed up and

slow down and it can move forward or backward but it does not leave the line. While the

discussion is about a particle (a fictitious object which at any instant in time is at a point in space

but has no extent in space—no width, height, length, or diameter) it also applies to a rigid body

that moves along a straight line path without rotating, because in such a case, every particle of

the body undergoes one and the same motion. This means that we can pick one particle on the

body and when we have determined the motion of that particle, we have determined the motion

of the entire rigid body.

So how do we characterize the motion of a particle? Let’s start by defining some variables:

t How much time t has elapsed since some initial time. The initial time is often referred to

as “the start of observations” and even more often assigned the value 0. We will refer to

the amount of time t that has elapsed since time zero as the stopwatch reading. A time

interval ∆t (to be read “delta t”) can then be referred to as the difference between two

stopwatch readings.


Where the object is along the straight line. To specify the position of an object on a line,

one has to define a reference position (the start line) and a forward direction. Having

defined a forward direction, the backward direction is understood to be the opposite

direction. It is conventional to use the symbol x to represent the position of a particle.

The values that x can have, have units of length. The SI unit of length is the meter. (SI

stands for “Systeme International,” the international system of units.) The symbol for the

meter is m. The physical quantity x can be positive or negative where it is understood

that a particle which is said to be minus five meters forward of the start line (more

concisely stated as x = −5 m) is actually five meters behind the start line.


Chapter 6 One-Dimensional Motion (Motion Along a Line): Definitions and Mathematics

v How fast and which way the particle is going—the velocity1 of the object. Because we

are considering an object that is moving only along a line, the “which way” part is either

forward or backward. Since there are only two choices, we can use an algebraic sign

(“+” or “−”) to characterize the direction of the velocity. By convention, a positive value

of velocity is used for an object that is moving forward, and a negative value is used for

an object that is moving backward. Velocity has both magnitude and direction. The

magnitude of a physical quantity that has direction is how big that quantity is, regardless

of its direction. So the magnitude of the velocity of an object is how fast that object is

going, regardless of which way it is going. Consider an object that has a velocity of

5 m/s. The magnitude of the velocity of that object is 5 m/s. Now consider an object that

has a velocity of −5 m/s. (It is going backward at 5 m/s.) The magnitude of its velocity

is also 5 m/s. Another name for the magnitude of the velocity is the speed. In both of the

cases just considered, the speed of the object is 5 m/s despite the fact that in one case the

velocity was −5 m/s. To understand the “how fast” part, just imagine that the object

whose motion is under study has a built-in speedometer. The magnitude of the velocity,

a.k.a. the speed of the object, is simply the speedometer reading.

a Next we have the question of how fast and which way the velocity of the object is

changing. We call this the acceleration of the object. Instrumentally, the acceleration of

a car is indicated by how fast and which way the tip of the speedometer needle is

moving. In a car, it is determined by how far down the gas pedal is pressed or, in the

case of car that is slowing down, how hard the driver is pressing on the brake pedal. In

the case of an object that is moving along a straight line, if the object has some

acceleration, then the speed of the object is changing.

1 Looking ahead: The velocity of an object in the one-dimensional world of this chapter is, in the three-dimensional

world in which we live, the x component of the velocity of the object. For the case of an object whose velocity has

only an x component, to get the velocity of the object through three dimensional space, you just have to multiply the

x component of the velocity by the unit vector i. In vector notation, saying that an object has a velocity of 5m/si

means the object is moving with a speed of 5m/s in the +x direction and saying that an object has a velocity of

−5m/si means the object is moving with a speed of 5m/s in the −x direction.


Chapter 6 One-Dimensional Motion (Motion Along a Line): Definitions and Mathematics

Okay, we’ve got the quantities used to characterize motion. Soon, we’re going to develop some

useful relations between those variables. While we’re doing that, I want you to keep these four

things in mind:

1. We’re talking about an object moving along a line.

2. Being in motion means having your position change with time.

3. You already have an intuitive understanding of what instantaneous velocity is because

you have ridden in a car. You know the difference between going 65 mph and

15 mph and you know very well that you neither have to go 65 miles nor travel for an

hour to be going 65 mph. In fact, it is entirely possible for you to have a speed of

65 mph for just an instant (no time interval at all)—it’s how fast you are going (what

your speedometer reading is) at that instant. To be sure, the speedometer needle may

be just “swinging through” that reading, perhaps because you are in the process of

speeding up to 75 mph from some speed below 65 mph, but the 65 mph speed still

has meaning and still applies to that instant when the speedometer reading is 65 mph.

Take this speed concept with which you are so familiar, tack on some directional

information, which for motion on a line just means, specify “forward” or “backward;

and you have what is known as the instantaneous velocity of the object whose motion

is under consideration.

A lot of people say that the speed of an object is how far that object travels in a

certain amount of time. No! That’s a distance. Speed is a rate. Speed is never how

far, it is how fast. So if you want to relate it to a distance you might say something

like, “Speed is what you multiply by a certain amount of time to determine how far

an object would go in that amount of time if the speed stayed the same for that entire

amount of time.” For instance, for a car with a speed of 25 mph, you could say that

25 mph is what you multiply by an hour to determine how far that car would go in an

hour if it maintained a constant speed of 25 mph for the entire hour. But why explain

it in terms of position? It is a rate. It is how fast the position of the object is

changing. If you are standing on a street corner and a car passes you going 35 mph, I

bet that if I asked you to estimate the speed of the car that you would get it right

within 5 mph one way or the other. But if we were looking over a landscape on a day

with unlimited visibility and I asked you to judge the distance to a mountain that was

35 miles away just by looking at it, I think the odds would be very much against you

getting it right to within 5 miles. In a case like that, you have a better feel for “how

fast” than you do for “how far.” So why define speed in terms of distance when you

can just say that the speed of an object is how fast it is going?

4. You already have an intuitive understanding of what acceleration is. You have been

in a car when it was speeding up. You know what it feels like to speed up gradually

(small acceleration) and you know what it feels like to speed up rapidly (big, “pedal-

to-the-metal,” acceleration).


Chapter 6 One-Dimensional Motion (Motion Along a Line): Definitions and Mathematics

All right, here comes the analysis. We have a start line (x=0) and a positive direction (meaning

the other way is the negative direction).



Consider a moving particle that is at position x when the clock reads t and at position x when




the clock reads t .








The displacement of the particle is, by definition, the change in position ∆x = x − x of the



particle. The average velocity v is, by definition,


v =



where ∆t = t − t is the change in clock reading. Now the average velocity is not something



that one would expect you to have an intuitive understanding for, as you do in the case of

instantaneous velocity. The average velocity is not something that you can read off the

speedometer, and frankly, it’s typically not as interesting as the actual (instantaneous) velocity,

but it is easy to calculate and we can assign a meaning to it (albeit a hypothetical meaning). It is

the constant velocity at which the particle would have to travel if it was to undergo the same

displacement ∆x = x − x in the same time ∆t = t − t at constant velocity. The importance of





the average velocity in this discussion lies in the fact that it facilitates the calculation of the

instantaneous velocity.

Calculating the instantaneous velocity in the case of a constant velocity is easy. Looking at what

we mean by average velocity, it is obvious that if the velocity isn’t changing, the instantaneous

velocity is the average velocity. So, in the case of a constant velocity, to calculate the

instantaneous velocity, all we have to do is calculate the average velocity, using any

displacement with its corresponding time interval, that we want. Suppose we have

position vs. time data on, for instance, a car traveling a straight path at 24 m/s.


Chapter 6 One-Dimensional Motion (Motion Along a Line): Definitions and Mathematics

Here’s some idealized fictitious data for just such a case.

Data Reading

Time [seconds]

Position [meters]

















Remember, the speedometer of the car is always reading 24 m/s. (It should be clear that the car

was already moving as it crossed the start line at time zero—think of time zero as the instant a

stopwatch was started and the times in the table as stopwatch readings.) The position is the

distance forward of the start line.

Note that for this special case of constant velocity, you get the same average velocity, the known

value of constant speed, no matter what time interval you choose. For instance, if you choose the

time interval from 1.00 seconds to 10.0 seconds:


v =

(Average velocity.)


x − x



v =

t − t





− 23. m


v =

10. s

0 − 1.




v = 23 0



and if you choose the time interval 0.100 seconds to 100.0 seconds:


v =


x − x



v =

t − t





− 2.



v =

100. s

0 − 0.




v = 23 0




Chapter 6 One-Dimensional Motion (Motion Along a Line): Definitions and Mathematics

The points that need emphasizing here are that, if the velocity is constant then the calculation of

the average speed yields the instantaneous speed (the speedometer reading, the speed we have an

intuitive feel for), and when the velocity is constant, it doesn’t matter what time interval you use

to calculate the average velocity; in particular, a small time interval works just as well as a big

time interval.

So how do we calculate the instantaneous velocity of an object at some instant when the

instantaneous velocity is continually changing? Let’s consider a case in which the velocity is

continually increasing. Here we show some idealized fictitious data (consistent with the way an

object really moves) for just such a case.

Velocity (This is what

Time since object was

Position (distance

we are trying to

Data Reading Number

at start line.

ahead of start line)

calculate. Here are the



correct answers.) [m/s]

























What I want to do with this fictitious data is to calculate an average velocity during a time

interval that begins with t = 1 s and compare the result with the actual velocity at time t = 1 s.

The plan is to do this repeatedly, with each time interval used being smaller than the previous


Average velocity from t = 1 s to t = 5 s:


v =


x − x



v =

t − t







v =


5 − s



v = 34


Note that this value is quite a bit larger than the correct value of the instantaneous velocity at

t = 1 s (namely 18 m/s). It does fall between the instantaneous velocity of 18 m/s at t = 1 s and

the instantaneous velocity of 50 m/s at t = 5 seconds. That makes sense since, during the time

interval, the velocity takes on various values which for 1 s < t < 5 s are all greater than 18 m/s but

less than 50 m/s.


Chapter 6 One-Dimensional Motion (Motion Along a Line): Definitions and Mathematics

For the next two time intervals in decreasing time interval order (calculations not shown):

Average velocity from t = 1 to t = 2 s: 22 m/s

Average velocity from t = 1 to t = 1.1 s: 18.4 m/s

And for the last time interval, we do show the calculation:


v =


x − x



v =

t − t



14 1804


m − 14 m

v =



01 − s



v = 18.04


Here I copy all the results so that you can see the trend:

Average velocity from t = 1 to t = 5 s: 34 m/s

Average velocity from t = 1 to t = 2 s: 22 m/s

Average velocity from t = 1 to t = 1.1 s: 18.4 m/s

Average velocity from t = 1 to t = 1.01 s: 18.04 m/s

Every answer is bigger than the instantaneous velocity at t = 1s (namely 18 m/s). Why?

Because the distance traveled in the time interval under consideration is greater than it would

have been if the object moved with a constant velocity of 18 m/s. Why? Because the object is

speeding up, so, for most of the time interval the object is moving faster than 18 m/s, so, the

average value during the time interval must be greater than 18 m/s. But notice that as the time

interval (that starts at t = 1s) gets smaller and smaller, the average velocity over the time interval

gets closer and closer to the actual instantaneous velocity at t = 1s. By induction, we conclude

that if we were to use even smaller time intervals, as the time interval we chose to use was made

smaller and smaller, the average velocity over that tiny time interval would get closer and closer

to the instantaneous velocity, so that when the time interval got to be so small as to be virtually

indistinguishable from zero, the value of the average velocity would get to be indistinguishable

from the value of the instantaneous velocity. We write that:


v = lim

∆ →0 ∆



(Note the absence of the bar over the v. This v

is the instantaneous velocity.) This expression

for v

is, by definition, the derivative of x with respect to t. The derivative of x with respect to t is

d x

written as

which means that



Chapter 6 One-Dimensional Motion (Motion Along a Line): Definitions and Mathematics

d x

v =



d x

Note that, as mentioned,

is the derivative of x with respect to t. It is not some variable d


times x all divided by d times t. It is to be read “dee ex by dee tee” or, better yet, “the derivative

of x with respect to t.” Conceptually what it means is, starting at that value of time t at which

you wish to find the velocity, let t change by a very small amount. Find the (also very small)

amount by which x changes as a result of the change in t and divide the tiny change in x by the
