Calculus-Based Physics by Jeffrey W. Schnick - HTML preview

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Chapter 11 Relative Velocity



v = v

+ v




v =







2 + 10








v = 15. m/s



and the definition of the tangent to determine the direction of v





BG y

θ = vBGx



θ = tan− BGy






θ = tan 11. m/s



θ = 43 8


Hence, v

= 15.6 m/s at 43.8° North of East.



Chapter 12 Gravitational Force Near the Surface of the Earth, First Brush with Newton’s 2nd Law

12 Gravitational Force Near the Surface of the Earth, First

Brush with Newton’s 2nd Law

Some folks think that every object near the surface of the earth has an

acceleration of 9.8 m/s2 downward relative to the surface of the earth. That just

isn’t so. In fact, as I look around the room in which I write this sentence, all the

objects I see have zero acceleration relative to the surface of the earth. Only

when it is in freefall, that is, only when nothing is touching or pushing or pulling

on the object except for the gravitational field of the earth, will an object

experience an acceleration of 9.8 m/s2 downward relative to the surface of the


Gravitational Force near the Surface of the Earth

We all live in the invisible gravitational field of the earth. Mass is always accompanied by a

surrounding gravitational field. Any object that has mass, including the earth, is surrounded by a

gravitational field. The greater the mass of the object, the stronger the field is. The earth has a

huge mass; hence, it creates a strong gravitational field in the region of space around it. The

gravitational field is a force-per-mass at each and every point in the region around the object,

always ready and able to exert a force on any particle that finds itself in the gravitational field.

The earth’s gravitational field exists everywhere around the earth, not only everywhere in the air,

but out beyond the atmosphere in outer space, and inside the earth as well. The effect of the

gravitational field is to exert a force on any particle, any “victim,” that finds itself in the field.

The force on the victim depends on both a property of the victim itself, namely its mass, and on a

property of the point in space at which the particle finds itself, the force-per-mass of the

gravitational field at that point. The force exerted on the victim by the gravitational field is just

the mass of the victim times the force-per-mass value of the gravitational field at the location of

the victim.

Hold a rock in the palm of your hand. You can feel that something is pulling the rock

downward. It causes the rock to make a temporary indentation in the palm of your hand and you

can tell that you have to press upward on the bottom of the rock to hold it up against that

downward pull. The “something” is the field that we have been talking about. It is called the

gravitational field of the earth. It has both magnitude and direction so we use a vector variable,

the symbol g to represent it. In general, the magnitude and the direction of a gravitational field

both vary from point to point in the region of space where the gravitational field exists. The

gravitational field of the earth, near the surface of the earth is however, to a very good

approximation, much simpler than that. To a very good approximation, the gravitational field of

the earth has the same value at all points near the surface of the earth, and it always points

toward the center of the earth, a direction that we normally think of as downward. To a very

good approximation,



g 9 80





at all points near the surface of the earth. The fact that the gravitational field is a force-per-mass

at every point in space means that it must have units of force-per-mass. Indeed, the N (newton)


Chapter 12 Gravitational Force Near the Surface of the Earth, First Brush with Newton’s 2nd Law


appearing in the value 9.80

is the SI unit of force (how strong the push or pull on the object


is) and the kg (kilogram) is the SI unit of mass, so the N/kg is indeed a unit of force-per-mass.

The gravitational force exerted on an object by the earth’s gravitational field (or that of another

planet when the object is near the surface of that other planet) is sometimes called the weight of

the object. To stress that the gravitational force is a force that is being exerted on the object,

rather than a property of the object itself, we will refer to it as the gravitational force. The

gravitational force F exerted on an object of mass m by the gravitational field of the earth is


given by

F = m




The product of a scalar and a vector is a new vector in the same direction as the original vector.

Hence the earth’s gravitational force is in the same direction as the gravitational field, namely

downward, toward the center of the earth. The magnitude of the product of a scalar and a vector

is the product of the absolute value of the scalar and the magnitude of the vector. [Recall that the

magnitude of a vector is how big it is. A vector has both magnitude (how big) and direction

(which way). So for instance, the magnitude of the force vector F = 15 N downward, is

F = 15 newtons.] Hence,

F = m




relates the magnitude of the gravitational force to the magnitude of the gravitational field. The

bottom line is that every object near the surface of the earth experiences a downward-directed

gravitational force whose magnitude is given by F = m where m is the mass of the object and




g is 9.80



When the Gravitational Force is the Only Force on an Object

If there is a non-zero net force on an object, that object is experiencing acceleration in the same

direction as that net force. How much acceleration depends on how big the net force is and on

the mass of the object whose acceleration we are talking about, the object upon which the net

force acts. In fact, the acceleration is directly proportional to the force. The constant of

proportionality is the reciprocal of the mass of the object.


a =

∑ F





Equation 12-4 is known as Newton’s 2nd Law. Newton’s 2nd Law can also be written ∑ F =

where p is the


momentum of the object. This latter equation is valid at all possible speeds, even at speeds close to the speed of

light. To derive equation 12-4 from it, we use p =


m which is only valid for speeds small compared to the speed


of light. Hence, equation 12-4 is only valid for speeds small compared to the speed of light (3.00 ×

10 m/s). Also,


Chapter 12 Gravitational Force Near the Surface of the Earth, First Brush with Newton’s 2nd Law

The expression ∑ F means “the sum of the forces acting on the object.” It is a vector sum. It

is the net force acting on the object. The mass m is the inertia of the object, the object’s inherent


resistance to a change in its velocity. (Inherent means “of itself.”) Note that the factor



equation 12-4:

= 1


∑ F


means that the bigger the mass of the object, the smaller its acceleration will be, for a given net

force. Equation 12-4 is a concise statement of a multitude of experimental results. It is referred

to as “Newton’s 2nd Law.” Here, we want to apply it to find the acceleration of an object in

freefall near the surface of the earth.

Whenever you apply Newton’s 2nd Law, you are required to draw a free body diagram of the

object whose acceleration is under investigation. In a free body diagram, you depict the object

(in our case it is an arbitrary object, let’s think of it as a rock) free from all its surroundings, and

then draw an arrow on it for each force acting on the object. Draw the arrow with the tail

touching the object, and the arrow pointing in the direction of the force. Label the arrow with the

symbol used to represent the magnitude of the force. Finally, draw an arrow near, but not

touching, the object. Draw the arrow so that it points in the direction of the acceleration of the

object and label it with a symbol chosen to represent the magnitude of the acceleration. Here we

use the symbol ag for the acceleration to remind us that it is the acceleration due to the earth’s

gravitational field g.

Free Body Diagram for an Object in Freefall near the Surface of the Earth






The next step in applying Newton’s 2nd Law is to write it down.


a =



∑ ↓



the concept of force proves impractical on the atomic scale and smaller (distances less than about 1 ×


m). Such

small scales are the realm of quantum mechanics where energy and momentum still play a major role.


Chapter 12 Gravitational Force Near the Surface of the Earth, First Brush with Newton’s 2nd Law

Note that equation 12-4:

= 1


∑ F


is a vector equation. As such it can be considered to be three equations in one—one equation for

each of a total of three possible mutually-orthogonal (meaning perpendicular to each other)

coordinate directions in space. In the case at hand, all the vectors, (hey, there are only two, the

gravitational force vector and the acceleration vector) are parallel to one and the same line,

namely the vertical, so we only need one of the equations. In equation 12-5,


a =


∑ ↓


we use arrows as subscripts—the arrow shaft alignment specifies the line along which we are

summing the forces and the arrowhead specifies the direction along that line that we choose to

call the positive direction. In the case at hand, referring to equation 12-5, we note that the shafts

of the arrows are vertical, meaning that we are summing forces along the vertical and that we are

dealing with an acceleration along the vertical. Also in equation 12-5, we note that the

arrowheads are pointing downward meaning that I have chosen to call downward the positive

direction, which, by default, means that upward is the negative direction. (I chose to call

downward positive because both of the vectors in the free body diagram are downward.)

Next we replace a with what it is in the free body diagram,






namely ag, and we replace ∑ F with the sum of the vertical forces in the free body diagram,

counting downward forces as positive contributions to the sum, and upward forces as negative

contributions to the sum. This is an easy substitution in the case at hand because there is only

one force on the free body diagram, namely the gravitational force, the downward force of

magnitude F . The result of our substitutions is:



a =

F (12-6)




The F in equation 12-6 is the magnitude of the gravitational force, that force which you already


read about at the start of this chapter. It is given in terms of the mass of the object and the

magnitude of the earth’s gravitational field g by equation 12-3, F = m . Replacing the F in





equation 12-6, a =

F , with the g


to which it is equivalent we have





Chapter 12 Gravitational Force Near the Surface of the Earth, First Brush with Newton’s 2nd Law


a =

m (12-7)





Now the m that appears in the fraction

is the inertia of the object. It is the amount of inherent


resistance that the object has to a change in its velocity and is a measure of the total amount of

material making up the object. The m appearing in the mg part of the expression (equation 12-7)

is the gravitational mass of the object, the quantity that, in concert with the gravitational field at

the location of the object determines the force on the object. It is also a measure of the total

amount of material making up the object. As it turns out, the inertial mass and the gravitational

mass of the same object are identical (which is why we use one and the same symbol m for each)

and, in equation 12-7, they cancel. Thus,

a =




Now g is the magnitude of the earth’s gravitational field vector at the location of the object.

g = 9.80 N/kg and a , being an acceleration has to have units of acceleration, namely, m/s2.


kg ⋅ m


Fortunately a newton is a

so the units of g, namely N/kg, do indeed work out to be








a = 9 80






Now this is “wild”! The acceleration of an object in freefall does not depend on its mass. You

saw the masses cancel. The same thing that makes an object heavy makes it “sluggish.”

One-Dimensional Free-Fall, a.k.a., One-Dimensional Projectile Motion

If you throw an object straight up, or simply release it from rest, or throw it straight down;

assuming that the force of air resistance is negligibly small compared to the gravitational force:

the object will be in freefall from the instant it loses contact with your hand until the last instant

before it hits the ground (or whatever it does eventually hit), and the object will travel along a


straight line path with a constant acceleration of 9.80




Consider the case in which the object is thrown straight up. The whole time it is in freefall, the


object experiences an acceleration of 9.80

downward. While the object is on the way up, the



downward acceleration means that the object is slowing down. At the top of its motion, when

the velocity changes from being an upward velocity to being a downward velocity, and hence,

for an instant is zero, the downward acceleration means that the velocity is changing from zero to

a non-zero downward velocity. And on the way down, the downward acceleration means that

the velocity is increasing in the downward direction.


Chapter 13 Freefal , a.k.a. Projectile Motion

13 Freefall, a.k.a. Projectile Motion

The constant acceleration equations apply from the first instant in time after the

projectile leaves the launcher to the last instant in time before the projectile hits

something, such as the ground. Once the projectile makes contact with the

ground, the ground exerts a huge force on the projectile causing a drastic change

in the acceleration of the projectile over a very short period of time until, in the

case of a projectile that doesn’t bounce, both the acceleration and the velocity

become zero. To take this zero value of velocity and plug it into constant

acceleration equations that are devoid of post-ground-contact acceleration

information is a big mistake. In fact, at that last instant in time during which the

constant acceleration equations still apply, when the projectile is at ground level

but has not yet made contact with the ground, (assuming that ground level is the

lowest elevation achieved by the projectile) the magnitude of the velocity of the

projectile is at its biggest value, as far from zero as it ever gets!

Consider an object in freefall with a non-zero initial velocity directed either horizontally

forward; or both forward and vertically (either upward or downward). The object will move

forward, and upward or downward—perhaps upward and then downward—while continuing to

move forward. In all cases of freefall, the motion of the object (typically referred to as the

projectile when freefall is under consideration) all takes place within a single vertical plane. We

can define that plane to be the x-y plane by defining the forward direction to be the x direction

and the upward direction to be the y direction.

One of the interesting things about projectile motion is that the horizontal motion is independent

of the vertical motion. Recall that in freefall, an object continually experiences a downward


acceleration of 9.


but has no horizontal acceleration. This means that if you fire a



projectile so that it is approaching a wall at a certain speed, it will continue to get closer to the

wall at that speed, independently of whether it is also moving upward and/or downward as it

approaches the wall. An interesting consequence of the independence of the vertical and

horizontal motion is the fact that, neglecting air resistance, if you fire a bullet horizontally from,

say, shoulder height, over flat level ground, and at the instant the bullet emerges from the gun,

you drop a second bullet from the same height, the two bullets will hit the ground at the same

time. The forward motion of the fired bullet has no effect on its vertical motion.

The most common mistake that folks make in solving projectile motion problems

is combining the x and y motion in one standard constant-acceleration equation.

Don’t do that. Treat the x-motion and the y-motion separately.

In solving projectile motion problems, we take advantage of the independence of the horizontal

(x) motion and the vertical (y) motion by treating them separately. The one thing that is common

to both the x motion and the y motion is the time. The key to the solution of many projectile

motion problems is finding the total time of “flight.” For example, consider the following

sample problem:


Chapter 13 Freefal , a.k.a. Projectile Motion

Example 13-1: A projectile is launched with a velocity of 11 m/s at an angle of

28° above the horizontal over flat level ground from a height of 2.0 m above

ground level. How far forward does it go before hitting the ground? (Assume

that air resistance is negligible.)

Before getting started, we better clearly establish what we are being asked to find. We define the

forward direction as the x direction so what we are looking for is a value of x. More specifically,

we are looking for the distance, measured along the ground, from that point on the ground

directly below the point at which the projectile leaves the launcher, to the point on the ground

where the projectile hits. This distance is known as the range of the projectile. It is also known

as the range of the launcher for the given angle of launch and the downrange distance traveled by

the projectile.

Okay, now that we know what we’re solving for, let’s get started. An initial velocity of 11 m/s at

28° above the horizontal, eh? Uh oh! We’ve got a dilemma. The key to solving projectile

motion problems is to treat the x motion and the y motion separately. But we are given an initial

velocity v which is a mix of the two of them. We have no choice but to break up the initial


velocity into its x and y components.


v = 11 m/s


θ = 25°








= cosθ



= sinθ



= v cosθ

v = v sinθ





v = 11

cos 25






= 11

sin 25




v = 9 97





v = 4 65




Now we’re ready to get started. We’ll begin with a sketch which defines our coordinate system,

thus establishing the origin and the positive directions for x and y.


Chapter 13 Freefal , a.k.a. Projectile Motion

y [m]


