Calculus-Based Physics by Jeffrey W. Schnick - HTML preview

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Chapter 18 Circular Motion: Centripetal Acceleration

imaginary line segment extending from the center of a circle to the particle. To use this method,

one also needs to define a reference line segment—the positive x axis is the conventional choice

for the case of a circle centered on the origin of an x-y coordinate system. Then, as long as you

know the radius r of the circle, the angle θ that the line to the particle makes with the reference

line completely specifies the location of the particle.





In geometry, the position variable s, defines an arc length on the circle. Recall that, by

definition, the angle θ in radians is the ratio of the arc length to the radius:


θ =


Solving for s we have:

s = r θ


in which we interpret the s to be the position-on-the-circle of the particle and the θ to be the

angle that an imaginary line segment, from the center of the circle to the particle, makes with a

reference line segment, such as the positive x-axis. Clearly, the faster the particle is moving, the

faster the angle theta is changing, and indeed we can get a relation between the speed of the

particle and the rate of change of θ just by taking the time derivative of both sides of equation

18-1. Let’s do that.