Calculus-Based Physics by Jeffrey W. Schnick - HTML preview

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Chapter 26 Impulse and Momentum

26 Impulse and Momentum

First, a Few More Words on Work and Energy, for Comparison Purposes

Imagine a gigantic air hockey table with a whole bunch of pucks of various masses, none of

which experiences any friction with the horizontal surface of the table. Assume air resistance to

be negligible. Now suppose that you come up and give each puck a shove, where the kind of

shove that you give the first one is special in that the whole time you are pushing on that puck,

the force has one and the same value; and the shove that you give each of the other pucks is

similar in the following respect: To each puck you apply the same force that you applied to the

first puck, over the same exact distance. Since you give each of the pucks a similar shove, you

might expect the motion of the pucks (after the shove) to have something in common and indeed

we find that, while the pucks (each of which, after the shove, moves at its own constant velocity)

have speeds that differ from one another (because they have different masses), they all have the

same value of the product mv 2

and indeed if you put a ½ in front of that product and call it


kinetic energy K, the common value of




is identical to the product of the magnitude of the


force used during the shove, and the distance over which the force is applied. This latter product

is what we have defined to be the work W and we recognize that we are dealing with a special

case of the work energy principle W = K

∆ , a case in which, for each of the pucks, the initial

kinetic energy is zero. We can modify our experiment to obtain more general results, e.g. a

smaller constant force over a greater distance results in the same kinetic energy as long as the

product of the magnitude of the force and the distance over which it is applied is the same as it

was for the other pucks, but it is interesting to consider how different it would seem to us, in the

original experiment, as we move from a high-mass puck to a low mass puck. Imagine doing that.

You push on the high-mass puck with a certain force, for a certain distance. Now you move on

to a low-mass puck. As you push on it from behind, with the same force that you used on the

high-mass puck, you notice that the low-mass puck speeds up much more rapidly. You probably

find it much more difficult to maintain a steady force because it is simply more difficult to “keep

up” with the low mass puck. And of course, it covers the specified distance in a much shorter

amount of time. So, although you push it for the same distance, you must push the low-mass

puck for a shorter amount of time in order to make it so that both pucks have one and the same

kinetic energy. Pondering on it you recognize that if you were to push the low-mass puck for the

same amount of time as you did the high-mass puck (with the same force), that the low-mass

puck would have a greater kinetic energy after the shove, because you would have to push on it

over a greater distance, meaning you would have done more work on it. Still, you imagine that if

you were to push on each of the pucks for the same amount of time (rather than distance), that

their respective motions would have to have something in common, because again, there is

something similar about their respective shoves.

Now we Move on to Impulse and Momentum

You decide to do the experiment you have been thinking about. You place each of the pucks at

rest on the frictionless surface. You apply one and the same constant force to each of the pucks

for one and the same amount of time. Once again, you find this more difficult with the lower

mass pucks. While you are pushing on it, a low-mass puck speeds up faster than a high-mass

puck does. As a result you have to keep pushing on a low-mass puck over a greater distance and