Calculus-Based Physics by Jeffrey W. Schnick - HTML preview

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then on. In general, while the block is oscillating, the energy

E = K + U

is partly kinetic energy



K =



and partly spring potential energy



U = k x . The amount of



each varies, but the total remains the same. At time 0, the K in E = K + U is zero since the

velocity of the block is zero. So, at time 0:

E = U



E = k x



An endpoint in the motion of the block is a particularly easy position at which to calculate the

total energy since all of it is potential energy.

As the spring contracts, pulling the block toward the wall, the speed of the block increases so, the

kinetic energy increases while the potential energy



U = kx


decreases because the spring

becomes less and less stretched. On its way toward the equilibrium position, the system has both

kinetic and potential energy



Chapter 28 Oscillations: The Simple Pendulum, Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion

E = K + U

with the kinetic energy K increasing and the potential energy U decreasing. Eventually the block

reaches the equilibrium position. For an instant, the spring is neither stretched nor compressed

and hence it has no potential energy stored in it. All the energy (the same total that we started

with) is in the form of kinetic energy,



K =






E = K + U

E = K

The block keeps on moving. It overshoots the equilibrium position and starts compressing the

spring. As it compresses the spring, it slows down. Kinetic energy is being converted into

spring potential energy. As the block continues to move toward the wall, the ever-the-same

value of total energy represents a combination of kinetic energy and potential energy with the

kinetic energy decreasing and the potential energy increasing. Eventually, at its closest point of

approach to the wall, its maximum displacement in the –x direction from its equilibrium position,

at its turning point, the block, just for an instant has a velocity of zero. At that instant, the kinetic

energy is zero and the potential energy is at its maximum value:


E = K + U

E = U

Then the block starts moving out away from the wall. Its kinetic energy increases as its potential

energy decreases until it again arrives at the equilibrium position. At that point, by definition,

the spring is neither stretched nor compressed so the potential energy is zero. All the energy is in

the form of kinetic energy. Because of its inertia, the block continues past the equilibrium

position, stretching the spring and slowing down as the kinetic energy decreases while, at the

same rate, the potential energy increases. Eventually, the block is at its starting point, again just

for an instant, at rest, with no kinetic energy. The total energy is the same total as it has been

throughout the oscillatory motion. At that instant, the total energy is all in the form of potential

energy. The conversion of energy, back and forth between the kinetic energy of the block and

the potential energy stored in the spring, repeats itself over and over again as long as the block

continues to oscillate (with—and this is indeed an idealization—no loss of mechanical energy).

A similar description, in terms of energy, can be given for the motion of an ideal (no air

resistance, completely unstretchable string) simple pendulum. The potential energy, in the case

of the simple pendulum, is in the form of gravitational potential energy U =



rather than

spring potential energy. The one value of total energy that the pendulum has throughout its

oscillations is all potential energy at the endpoints of the oscillations, all kinetic energy at the

midpoint, and a mix of potential and kinetic energy at locations in between.



Chapter 29 Waves: Characteristics, Types, Energy

29 Waves: Characteristics, Types, Energy

Consider a long taut horizontal string of great length. Suppose one end is in the hand of a person

and the other is fixed to an immobile object. Now suppose that the person moves her hand up

and down. The person causes her hand, and her end of the string, to oscillate up and down. To

discuss what happens, we, in our mind, consider the string to consist of a large number of very

short string segments. It is important to keep in mind that the force of tension of a string

segment exerted on any object, including another segment of the string, is directed away from

the object along the string segment that is exerting the force. (The following discussion and

diagrams are intentionally oversimplified. The discussion does correctly give the gross idea of

how oscillations at one end of a taut string can cause a pattern to move along the length of the

string despite the fact that the individual bits of string are essentially doing nothing more than

moving up and down.

The person is holding one end of the first segment. She first moves her hand upward.

This tilts the first segment so that the force of tension that it is exerting on the second segment

has an upward component.

This, in turn, tilts the second segment so that its force of tension on the third segment now has an

upward component. The process continues with the 3rd segment, the 4th segment, etc.



Chapter 29 Waves: Characteristics, Types, Energy

After reaching the top of the oscillation, the person starts moving her hand downward. She

moves the left end of the first segment downward, but by this time, the first four segments have

an upward velocity. Due to their inertia, they continue to move upward. The downward pull of

the first segment on the left end of the second segment causes it to slow down, come to rest,

and eventually start moving downward. Inertia plays a huge role in wave propagation. “To

propagate” means “to go” or “to travel.” Waves propagate through a medium.



Chapter 29 Waves: Characteristics, Types, Energy



Chapter 29 Waves: Characteristics, Types, Energy



Each very short segment of the string undergoes oscillatory motion like that of the hand, but for

any given section, the motion is delayed relative to the motion of the neighboring segment that is

closer to the hand. The net effect of all these string segments oscillating up and down, each with

the same frequency but slightly out of synchronization with its nearest neighbor, is to create a

disturbance in the string. Without the disturbance, the string would just remain on the original

horizontal line. The disturbance moves along the length of the string, away from the hand. The

disturbance is called a wave. An observer, looking at the string from the side sees crests and

troughs of the disturbance, moving along the length of the string, away from the hand. Despite

appearances, no material is moving along the length of the string, just a disturbance. The illusion

that actual material is moving along the string can be explained by the timing with which the

individual segments move up and down, each about its own equilibrium position, the position it

was in before the person started making waves.

Wave Characteristics

In our pictorial model above, we depicted a hand that was oscillating but not undergoing simple

harmonic motion. If the oscillations that are causing the wave do conform to simple harmonic

motion, then each string segment making up the string will experience simple harmonic motion

(up and down). When individual segments making up the string are each undergoing simple

harmonic motion, the wave pattern is said to vary sinusoidally in both time and space. We can

tell that it varies sinusoidally in space because a graph of the displacement y, the distance that a

given point on the string is above its equilibrium position, versus x, how far from the end of the

string the point on the string is; for all points on the string; is sinusoidal.



Chapter 29 Waves: Characteristics, Types, Energy

y [meters]





x [meters]

We say that the wave varies sinusoidally with time because, for any point along the length of the

string, a graph of the displacement of that point from its equilibrium position vs. time is


y [meters]




t [seconds]

There are a number of ways of characterizing the wave-on-a-string system. You could probably

come up with a rather complete list yourself: the rate at which the oscillations are occurring, how

long it takes for a given tiny segment of the string to complete one oscillation, how big the

oscillations are, the smallest length of the unique pattern which repeats itself in space, and the

speed at which the wave pattern travels along the length of the string. Physicists have, of course,

given names to the various quantities, in accordance with that important lowest level of scientific

activity—naming and categorizing the various characteristics of that aspect of the natural world

which is under study. Here are the names:



Chapter 29 Waves: Characteristics, Types, Energy


Any particle of a string with waves traveling through it undergoes oscillations. Such a particle

goes away from its equilibrium position until it reaches its maximum displacement from its

equilibrium position. Then it heads back toward its equilibrium position and then passes right

through the equilibrium position on its way to its maximum displacement from equilibrium on

the other side of its equilibrium position. Then it heads back toward the equilibrium position and

passes through it again. This motion repeats itself continually as long as the waves are traveling

through the location of the particle of the string in question. The maximum displacement of any

particle along the length of the string, from that point’s equilibrium position, is called the

amplitude y

of the wave.


The amplitude can be annotated on both of the two kinds of graphs given above (Displacement

vs. Position, and Displacement vs. Time). Here we annotate it on the Displacement vs. Position


y [meters]


Amplitude ymax


Peak-to-Peak Amplitude

x [meters]

The peak-to-peak amplitude, a quantity that is often easier to measure than the amplitude itself,

has also been annotated on the graph. It should be obvious that the peak-to-peak amplitude is

twice the amplitude.



Chapter 29 Waves: Characteristics, Types, Energy


The amount of time that it takes any one particle along the length of the string to complete one

oscillation is called the period T. Note that the period is completely determined by the source of

the waves. The time it takes for the source of the waves to complete one oscillation is equal to

the time it takes for any particle of the string to complete one oscillation. That time is the period

of the wave. The period, being an amount of time, can only be annotated on the Displacement

vs. Time graph (not on the Displacement vs. Position Along the String graph).


y [meters]

Period T


t [seconds]


The frequency f is the number-of-oscillations-per-second that any particle along the length of

the string undergoes. It is the oscillation rate. Since it is the number-of-oscillations-per-second

and the period is the number-of-seconds-per-oscillation, the frequency f is simply the reciprocal


of the period T: f =



Amplitude, period, and frequency are quantities that you learned about in your study of

oscillations. Here, they characterize the oscillations of a point on a string. Despite the fact that

the string as a whole is undergoing wave motion, the fact that the point itself, any point along the

length of the string, is simply oscillating, means that the definitions of amplitude, period, and

frequency are the same as the definitions given in the chapter on oscillations. Thus, our

discussion of amplitude, period, and frequency represents a review. Now, however, it is time to

move on to something new, a quantity that does not apply to simple harmonic motion but does

apply to waves.



Chapter 29 Waves: Characteristics, Types, Energy


The distance over which the wave pattern repeats itself once, is called the wavelength λ of the

wave. Because the wavelength is a distance measured along the length of the string, it can be

annotated on the Displacement vs. Position Along the String graph (but not on the Displacement

vs. Time graph):


y [meters]

Wavelength λ


x [meters]

Wave Velocity

The wave velocity is the speed and direction with which the wave pattern is traveling. (It is

NOT the speed with which the particles making up the string are traveling in their up and down

motion.) The direction part is straightforward, the wave propagates along the length of the

string, away from the cause (something oscillating) of the wave. The wave speed (the constant

speed with which the wave propagates) can be expressed in terms of other quantities that we

have just discussed.



Chapter 29 Waves: Characteristics, Types, Energy

To get at the wave speed, what we need to do is to correlate the up-and-down motion of a point

on the string, with the motion of the wave pattern moving along the string. Consider the

following Displacement vs. Position graph for a wave traveling to the right. In the diagram, I

have shaded in one cycle of the wave, marked off a distance of one wavelength, and drawn a dot

at a point on the string whose motion we shall keep track of.

y [meters]

Wavelength λ


x [meters]

Now, let’s allow some time to elapse, just enough time for the wave to move over one quarter of

a wavelength.

y [meters]

Wavelength λ


x [meters]

In that time we note that the point on the string marked by the dot has moved from its

equilibrium position to its maximum displacement from equilibrium position. As the wave has

moved over one quarter of a wavelength, the point on the string has completed one quarter of an




Chapter 29 Waves: Characteristics, Types, Energy

Let’s allow the same amount of time to elapse again, the time it takes for the wave to move over

one quarter of a wavelength.

y [meters]

Wavelength λ


x [meters]

At this point, the wave has moved a total of a half a wavelength over to the right, and the point

on the string marked by the dot has moved from its equilibrium position up to its position of

maximum positive displacement and back to its equilibrium position; that is to say, it has

completed half of an oscillation.

Let’s let the same amount of time elapse again, enough time for the wave pattern to move over

another quarter of a wavelength.

y [meters]

Wavelength λ


The wave has moved over a total distance of three quarters of a wavelength and the point on the

string that is marked with a dot has moved on to its maximum negative (downward)

displacement from equilibrium meaning that it has completed three quarters of an oscillation.



Chapter 29 Waves: Characteristics, Types, Energy

Now we let the same amount of time elapse once more, the time it takes for the wave to move

over one quarter of a wavelength.

y [meters]

Wavelength λ


At this point, the wave has moved over a distance equal to one wavelength and the point on the

string marked by a dot has completed one oscillation. It is that point of the string whose motion

we have been keeping track of that gives us a handle on the time. The amount of time that it

takes for the point on the string to complete one oscillation is, by definition, the period of the

wave. Now we know that the wave moves a distance of one wavelength λ in a time interval

equal to one period T. For something moving with a constant speed (zero acceleration), the

speed is simply the distance traveled during a specified time interval divided by the duration of

that time interval. So, we have, for the wave speed v :


v =



One typically sees the formula for the wave speed expressed as

v = λf



where the relation f =

between frequency and period has been used to eliminate the period.


Equation 29-2 (v = λf ) suggests that the wave speed depends on the frequency and the

wavelength. This is not at all the case. Indeed, as far as the wavelength is concerned, it is the

other way round—the oscillator that is causing the waves determines the frequency, and the

corresponding wavelength depends on the wave speed. The wave speed is predetermined by the

characteristics of the string—how taut it is, and how much mass i