Calculus-Based Physics by Jeffrey W. Schnick - HTML preview

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Chapter 1 Mathematical Prelude

Problems Involving the Quadratic Formula

First comes the quadratic equation, then comes the quadratic formula. The quadratic formula is

the solution to the quadratic equation:


a x + bx + c = 0


in which:

x is the variable whose value is sought, and

a, b, and c are constants

The goal is to find the value of x that makes the left side 0. That value is given by the quadratic


− b ± b2 − 4ac

x =




to be read/said:

‘x’ equals minus ‘b’, plus-or-minus the square root of ‘b’ squared

minus four ‘a’ ‘c’, all over two ‘a’.

So, how do you know when you have to use the quadratic formula? There is a good chance that

you need it when the square of the variable for which you are solving, appears in the equation

you are solving. When that is the case, carry out the algebraic steps needed to arrange the terms

as they are arranged in equation 1-8 above. If this is impossible, then the quadratic formula is

not to be used. Note that in the quadratic equation you have a term with the variable to the

second power, a term with the variable to the first power, and a term with the variable to the

zeroth power (the constant term). If additional powers also appear, such as the one-half power

(the square root), or the third power, then the quadratic formula does not apply. If the equation

includes additional terms in which the variable whose value is sought appears as the argument of

a special function such as the sine function or the exponential function, then the quadratic

formula does not apply. Now suppose that there is a square term and you can get the equation

that you are solving in the form of equation 1-8 above but that either b or c is zero. In such a

case, you can use the quadratic formula, but it is overkill. If b in equation 1-8 above is zero then

the equation reduces to


a x + bx = 0

The easy way to solve this problem is to recognize that there is at least one x in each term, and to

factor the x out. This yields:

(a x + b)x = 0

Then you have to realize that a product of two multiplicands is equal to zero if either

multiplicand is equal to zero. Thus, setting either multiplicand equal to zero and solving for x

yields a solution. We have two multiplicands involving x, so, there are two solutions to the