Diet and Exercise Expertise by Bail - HTML preview

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Chapter 5:


Exercise Basics



A healthy diet is not the only thing that is important in having a healthier body and mind. It is also important to make sure that you are also getting the right amount of exercise.

At first it may be difficult to get yourself in the routine of exercising on a regular basis. With practice and determination you will find yourself doing it in no time. You will be amazed by how much better you feel every day when you exercise on a regular basis.

Exercise will not only provide you with a healthy body and mind; it will also increase the span of your life. This will give you many extra years to spend with your loved ones.

The following chapter will touch base on the basics of exercise and why exercise is so important while dieting.


The Basics on Exercise

Many people make the error of thinking that a proper diet alone is enough to achieve full body health. This is not the case! A well balanced diet also needs to include regular exercise as this is vital for a person to be healthy.

Exercising will also give you the added benefit of being able to eat more food on a daily basis. While you exercise you burn off fat and calories. The more calories you burn the more you will be able to eat. As well, it will be more acceptable for you to step outside of your diet plan on occasion when you are exercising. After all, you deserve the occasional treat.

Exercise will not only get your body to a better physical state, it will also make you feel better mentally as well. Did you know that your brain naturally releases endorphins while you exercise? When your brain is full of endorphins you will achieve a state of euphoria or a type of high that will make you feel good.

You will feel great about yourself as you begin to see the results from all the effort you have out into your exercise routine. It will make you a more confident person and it will improve your self-worth and self-respect. This will lead to many new great doors opening in your life and ample opportunities. The first thing you need in order to have a happy successful life is a healthy body, spirit, and mind. Exercise can greatly help to improve the state of each one of these.

There is always time to exercise so do not give yourself any excuses. You do not need to do a hour long routine. Doing what you can with the time you have will help. Any effort is still effort.