Environmental Science Part 1 [Water, Air, Noise, Soil, Thermal Pollution]


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Book Description HTML

This is a free Book for Students who have Environmental Science as a compulsory subject in undergraduate colleges.Deals with various types of pollution .At the end of each chapter the References are listed related to the scientific journals. This is a textbook - a collection of scientific facts for study and not a research journal. ISBN: 9781370544653

Reader Reviews
  • User image   Laith Ibrahim
    09 Dec 2016
    thank you it is easy to understand envrionmental issues
  • User image   Jyotsna Lal
    11 Sep 2016
    This is a free Book for Students who have Environmental Science as a compulsory subject in undergraduate colleges.Deals with various types of pollution .At the end of each chapter the References are listed related to the scientific journals. This is a textbook - a collection of scientific facts for study and not a research journal. This book has been written for Uttarpradesh students who have been given a free computer by C. M. Mr. Akhilesh Yadav these students cannot buy printed textbooks but can study by ebooks . Wikipedia has a list of references at the end of each article, any one can access those journals for authencity of data. Again I repeat Environmental Science for students is not research but mere information and case study . Its Environmental Engg which involves research and laboratory work. Students of Environmental Science learn about air , water soil testing and various cleanup process which are referred to with references attached. I hope Mr Shiv Lakra has written several research scientific papers and He will know how to checkout the various journals given in the references at the end of chapters .
  • User image   Jyotsna Lal
    11 Sep 2016
    This is a free Book for Students who have Environmental Science as a compulsory subject in undergraduate colleges.Deals with various types of pollution .At the end of each chapter the References are listed related to the scientific journals. This is a textbook - a collection of scientific facts for study and not a research journal. This book has been written for Uttarpradesh students who have been given a free computer by C. M. Mr. Akhilesh Yadav these students cannot buy printed textbooks but can study by ebooks . Wikipedia has a list of references at the end of each article, any one can access those journals for authencity of data. Again I repeat Environmental Science for students is not research but mere information and case study . Its Environmental Engg which involves research and laboratory work. Students of Environmental Science learn about air , water soil testing and various cleanup process which are referred to with references attached. I hope Mr Shiv Lakra has written several research scientific papers and He will know how to checkout the various journals given in the references at the end of chapters .
  • User image   Shiv Lakhara
    29 May 2016
    Material is copes and pasted from wiki etc. It needs proper editing and authenticity of data.
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Jyotsna Lal Ph.D