Unit 1. Periodic Table of elements (14 hours)
- Introduction and history to Periodicity in chemical elements
- Terminologies used in the periodic table of elements
- Classification of periodic table elements
- Electronic configuration of s-Block elements
- Electronic configuration of p-Block elements
- Electronic quantum numbers and electronic orbitals
- s-, p-, d-, and f-block elements
- Matals, non-metals and metalloids
African Virtual University
Unit 2. Atomic Structures and trends in s and p Block elements ( 30 hours)
- Atomic size across and down the table
- Melting and boiling points of s and p block elements
- Electronegativities
- Ionization Energy trends
- Electron affinities
- Nuclear binding energies
- Effective nuclear charge
Unit 3. General Properties of s and p Block Elements (40 hours)
- Valency and formula of s-, and p-block elements and their compounds
- Naming of simple s-, and p-block compounds
- General characteristics of metals, non-metals and metalloids
- Physical Properties of S block elements
- Physical and chemical Properties of s-Block elements
- Physical and chemical Properties of p-Block elements
Unit 4. Occurrence, abundance and Extraction of s and p block elements
(16 hours)
- Occurrence, abundance and extraction of group 1 elements
- Occurrence, abundance and extraction of group 2 elements
- Occurrence, abundance and extraction of group 13 - 16 elements
- Occurrence, abundance and extraction of group 17 elements
- Occurrence, abundance and extraction of group 18 elements
Unit 5. Economic uses of s and p Block Elements (20 hours)
- Economic use of selected group 1 elements
- Economic use of selected group 2 elements
- Economic uses of selected group 13 – 16 elements
- Economic uses of selected group 17 elements
- Economic uses of selected group 18 elements
African Virtual University
The Flow of the Module: A Learner’s Progression through the units.
African Virtual University
VII. General objective(s)
By the end of this module you are expected to be able to:
• Undestand the placements of elements in the periodic table
• Classify elements into s, p, d and f blocks of the periodic table
• Describe and explain the periodicity in the physical properties of the s- and
p-block elements
• Describe and explain the general features in the chemical properties of the
s- and p-block elements
• Describe, explain and predict the physical and chemical properties of the
compounds of s- and p-block elements
• Describe and even predict the methods used for extraction of the s- and p-
block elements
• State and predict the economic uses of the s- and p-block elements
VIII. specific learning objectives
(Instructional objectives)
Learning objective(s)
At the end of this unit the learner should be able to: