Science Books
Maximizing Chloroplastic Function In Intensively Manicured Athletic Fields
Maximizing Chloroplast function is essential to achieving the greenest aesthetically pleasing athletic field, and can be achieved by utilizing several key nutrients and preventing various stresses than can hinder and damage chloroplast function.
Unidentified Flying Objects UFOs Documents of the U.S. Government
In 1947, a rash of sightings of unexplained flying objects (UFOs) swept America. Although the newly formed U.S. Air Force was the primary investigator of these sightings, the FBI received many reports and worked for a time with the Air Force to investigate these matters between 1947 and 1954. The...
The Rise of the Robots In the U.S.
One exciting element of the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership is the National Robotics Initiative. Robots are working for us every day, in countless ways. At home, at work, and on the battlefield, robots are increasingly lifting the burdens of tasks that are dull, dirty, or dangerous. Robotics...
3D Printing Changes U.S. Government Operations and Procurement
Additive manufacturing—also known as three-dimensional (3D) printing—has the potential to fundamentally change the production and distribution of goods. Unlike conventional or subtractive manufacturing processes, such as drilling, which create a part by cutting away material, additive...
Drones and the U.S. Government
The increased use of drones for civilian applications has presented many countries with regulatory challenges. Such challenges include the need to ensure that drones are operated safely, without harming public and national security, and in a way that would protect areas of national, historical...
Keshe Foundation Plasma and Spaceship Scams
Keshe Foundation scams for years about plasma technology and spaceship, even travel to the Moon and Mars.
Breve historia de las terapias alternativas en Cuba
Recopilación de artículos publicados en diversas revistas científicas y de divulgación; 300 referencias.Prólogo 4Capítulo 1. La ética en los experimentos con personas 9Capítulo 2. Las terapias piramidales 19Capítulo 3. Terapias magnéticas y electromagnéticas 31Capítulo 4. Terapias...
Inter-Galactic Ancient Hindu
The book points out one of the biggest errors committed in human history. While tracing human evolution we have skipped an entire human civilization that existed on earth before the last ice and drowned in floods at the end of the last ice age, consequently we have skipped an entire branch of...