A Conspiracy to Selectively Withhold Science Information by Peet (P.S.J.) Schutte - HTML preview

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Newtonians uphold their law of physics without showing mercy. The very first things the Newtonians use to beat us into submission are to blast us with incomprehensible mathematical formulas.

Incomprehensible they are but it is to scare anyone with the mathematical equations to get everyone hiding. They bewilder you with equations that put the fear of God into you; used simply to make you feel inferior so that they can feel superior and frown down on your inferiority from a dizzy height.


What Newton show that should place planets according to mass is not used by nature. I show what nature uses namely the Titius Bode law, The Roche limit, The Lagrangian Points and the Coanda effect and how this forms gravity as well as place the positions of the planets in accordance with singularity. Because I trash Newton’s rubbish that does not fit and that can’t apply no publisher of science books or science magazines will publish my work I show what goes on in nature while Newton’s contribution of mass applying is total rubbish. Because I call it rubbish and I rubbish Newton I am ignored.

They are masters at manipulating anyone into a state of senselessness…but mostly that they do onto themselves. That they do because it forms the backbone of their fraud. They do not wish you to read closer and to find the fraud they hide to protect Newton. Ignore their mathematics because it only shows their incompetence to understand physics or Newton and see the fraud they propagate...

They employ mathematics to bewilder and that is all. I am going to show what we can uncover underneath what they cover. Look at what the mathematics supposedly says and then wake up, they are using maths as a scare tactic for three centuries to scare the daylights out of you and all this while its been working! physics. Do not get scared consequently as a reaction to find survival you turn on your heels and run… Don’t run, just read on and see how simple it is to prove Newton was a backward dark aged sod!

Looking at the formula shows just how little Newton understood as everyone usually does when see and get frightened then

I am going to show you how miserably incompetently incorrect this formula of Newton is when shown what the cosmos has in place. However, since I don’t support Newton’s blunders my work goes unpublished by science magazines and science publishers.

Bring me any mathematical formula Newton devised where he used mass as a factor and I show you how far the cosmos discards all of his claims. Newton is hugely wrong.
What the cosmos does use Newtonians reject because they can’t explain it, they know too little about physics and secondly it rubbishes whatever fraud Newton thought up.


As you read the title of the book


I know and realise that you are disgusted by my attitude when I degrade the name on which physics are founded. In this introduction part I am going to show you just some of the deceptions all students are forced to believe since all physics students are forced to believe in Newton, Sir Isaac Newton that is.

In the following am giving you a choice. You can say I am going to commit fraud by aligning the planets’ positions according to mass but then Newton has committed the fraud because I only follow his lead. If I am judged to be the culprit that is guilty of deception then it is because Newton misled me. You can choose.
You are expected to believe the following: Newton stated under the nametag of Kepler that there is so

called Conversions for "

This entire book with its content forms part of http://www.sirnewtonsfraud.com/ or
www.questionablescience.net and http://www.singularityrelavancy.com/

All information connects directly to the .com registration.

A Conspiracy In Science in Progress

I came upon a mistake concerning physics.
This mistake is about the cosmic phenomena called gravity. Detecting the mistake is simple because it is uncomplicated to understand. Academics in Science say that a feather will fall with the same speed as what a large rock would fall.

That is according to Galileo and that is accepted as a principle in physics. For the first time ever since the time Newton introduced gravity I seem to be the person that questions this interpretation.

How does mass pulling mass and falling by the gravity power exerted by mass then fit into this interpretation because a feather has much less mass than what a large rock has? If this statement is untrue Galileo is incorrect and the Pope does not need to apologise to Galileo as Physics insist the Pope has to do. Then the pendulum doesn’t indicate time and mass does implement falling of objects as Newton protested it to be. But we know Galileo is correct and that makes Newton’s suggestions what they are…merely suggestions that proves to be incorrect.

When you disagree with any academic in any lecture hall about mass not forming a picture as responsible for pulling gravity and you come to a conclusion that you doubt the mass part that they bring into the picture as establishing gravity the academics wipe you from the table with a swipe because then they contemplate that you are so stupid you fail to see all the facts that physics present as proven facts and they hold you as being too stupid and mentally underdeveloped to appreciate or to understand physics. They tell you that Newton is not for such stupid people that are unable to see how true Newton’s arguments are!

I have been at odds with academics for years and only because of the superior positions they hold in office are they able to bully me into silence but not into submission because that is what this book is about…to expose their corruption.

They can push me into abasement but never into abeyance. By the important Academic positions they hold in the huge academic institutions that give them sanctuary they might dictate the terms of our meeting and in terms of those advantages they can hide behind the criminal wall of deceit and suppress me into silence but they will never get me into submission.

Now I am taking my case to the members of the public so that the truth must be brought into the open. I have had the tour they give and then more came my way. I never got around swallowing their gravity that comes as result of mass creating gravity or any part they present facts as to how it happens and where science is of the opinion that mass pulls as gravity is… Academics condemned my work and therefore me and for six years where I could not get a publisher to come around and bother to read my work let alone seriously proposing a publishing contract. I had to finally go private with the publishing as all doors shut in my face as soon as the academics read the content of my work because from the nature of my work I take Mainstream science head on and as I am sure about my arguments I am confrontational on most aspects of astronomy. There does not seem to be any publisher that wants to go head bashing with the establishment of science on official science principles, which I have to do to convey my message in a no uncertain language. If you also have doubts about the academic’s indisputable correctness please read on and confront either them or me on everything you read here.

After reading this book you will have to take sides because you will know the truth and you are free to decide who present the truth…is it the Newtonians or I.

By that decision you then either become my partner in also recognising the crime I uncover or you become part of the crime syndicate as you cover the truth up. You either will be part of the truth by helping me confront them to acknowledge the truth or you will remain part of their cover up by ignoring the evidence as everyone this far did for about four centuries in any case.

By not confronting the establishment, you give the establishment grounds to allure you into being sheepish. Because they see you, as just another stupid senseless student they have the opinion that they can brainwash you into accepting these fallacies that I am about to tell you. They will literally brainwash and condition your mind to accept what they never yet were able to prove. The truth is that this process of brainwashing is going on successfully for four centuries without any backlash to those committing the atrocities.
They are of the opinion you will swallow any rubbish they throw your way just because every generation before you were mind controlled in the way they are about to control you. You may think this is big words but read on and see after you come to know all the facts whether I exaggerate even in the least. They see you as slow-witted and mindless because they think they are the academics being superior making you the lesser and inferior party. If you are not aware of the facts beforehand they know you will follow their teaching without asking questions as it is going on for four centuries this far. Talk about the Catholic Church putting the fear of God into Copernicus and you will find their manner in disagreeing about statements not echoing their perceptions is as bad and more ruthless than the Church was during the Dark ages. The Church just killed those confronting them on science dogma but did not make every student a brainwashed mind controlled Zombie!

They think that your naivety makes you a Zombie and with such a degree of mindlessness that state of mind will incapacitate contradictions existing confrontational manner. This process of brainwashing and mind controlling in physics has been in progress for hundreds of years. If you are surprised then control me by asking and just answering how it is possible to agree that a feather and a large hammer fall equally while also agreeing that Newton is most correct. How can any person thinking logically agree that Galileo is correct when denouncing objects falling under mass differentiation when Newton insist on mass driving gravity as a force. If you can’t…well they can’t either! Their task is not to explain but to mislead since they think you can’t think while they think they know how to control you.

The motive behind this book is to promote my other books and by trying to be as least complicated as possible this book aims to present Newton’s deceit. This book does not aim to represent the full entirety of the original thesis as it represents the entirety of my theory in a single copy for that is not possible but is reduced to aid any possible potential reader in the examining what the purpose is of the information this book wish to present in order to uncover Sir Isaac Newton’s fraud. Anybody and everybody are aware that all objects fall at an equal rate. If an object such as a car weighing one ton falls at the same pace as a person weighing fifty kg how does mass come into the picture by committing a force to do the pulling? Mass has to pull because according to their teaching it is mass that establishes gravity. However, mass is a factor that produces differentiation whereas all objects show equality during their fall. If it is mass that is establishing the force gravity, all objects must fall at different speeds. That they do not do as they all fall equal. That means Sir Isaac Newton’s physics is wrong from the start because mass cannot have any input in objects falling.

This is not the only untruth that the Paternity called Mainstream Science is keeping concealed as a cover up that is wrapped under an airtight blanket of deception. If you sit in class and listen while also experiencing the sinking feeling that the facts you hear are not adding to a total you are comfortable with while you disagree with what is said then you better read on because this web page has it at task to show all that will read this document how much discrepancies academics lay on unsuspecting students that trust Academics with their future and their life. Do you as students realize the inconsistencies that physic Academics teach you as the truth.

Students tell your Professors to stop deceiving and stop trying to control your minds with their fraud. Those Academics tutoring you are telling facts about gravity that has never been proven. That is mind control.

They wish for you to accept facts on gravity that they hold as the truth. They claim those truths are beyond questioning yet with the least examining those truths they stand by then proves to be totally void of substance because it was never corroborated by one single experiment.

Should you question that mass produce gravity they will expel you from University by letting you fail your examinations and it was never proven. They will expel you and have you fail tests should you question their authority on the matter of gravity while at the same time they can’t for one second bring evidence in support of what they wish you to accept as the unquestionable truth.
you into their control. They don’t

and they refuse to answer any want you to ask nosy questions about uncomfortable questions asked in any That’s brainwashing by mind control because if you don’t accept their baseless fact as God given truths

they dismiss your academic career.

It is either put up and shut up or be gone. Academics do put mind control to work on unsuspecting students by forcing students never to question the legality of statements they offer as being sound and correct.

What they present as correct I prove in this very book are openly laughably totally incorrect and by just reading my evidence you will see how feebly easy it is to rubbish it. Take the evidence I am about to share with you and confront them with the fabrication of facts that they present. Go on and challenge those teaching you with the falsified facts as I challenge any one to prove me wrong.

What they maintain is gravity is total incompetent nonsense and can’t be corroborated at all but what they can’t corroborate because they don’t understand I prove to be that which the Universe employ to form gravity. There are four phenomena they dismiss because they have no idea what they are. I studied each one and formed an explaining by implementing Kepler’s formula as the Universe gave it to Kepler.

The by understanding the formula and implementing the content into the four phenomena I am able now to prove what forms the motion we think is gravity and when reading it then the Universe makes sense. All the questions in these books I managed to answer while they can’t … and in the books I answer a lot more questions than what I ask here in the rest of the information while Science fail to answer any...

The book I present has the dynamics to change science forever and that is not cheap exaggeration or promotional talk. I say that because I investigated Kepler and believe it or not but that investigation was the first one done since Newton explored Kepler the first time and that was four centuries ago. Science never went back to Kepler after Newton included the work of Kepler into his work but when one read my work one will find Newton compromised Kepler’s work as he did with the work of Hook and many others. For my saying that about Newton not correctly analysing Kepler the Newtonian Academics at various University Institutions bluntly ignore my work. Academics would not touch my work notwithstanding the twenty-seven years of research that went into my work. I have a very limited three South African Universities dealing with cosmology to turn to and their reviews of my work in the past left me in doubt about their sincerity in the performing of the reviews. The South African Academics do not attack my work because then I can defend my work…no they just ignore the work by sending reviews that totally miss the point about my work. Their reviews are about my linguistic capabilities or about my presentation of the books but they never refer to the work in detail that I represent. Their attitude spurred me on to present my work to Academics outside Africa. I have sent the books to various Universities but because of various factors not in my favour the Universities in question treated the books outside Africa as junk mail. The review of the Academics in South Africa was always mainly (and more or less only) about my accompanying letter by which I introduce my work, such as the letter you are reading. Their review never went further than my introductory letter since the facts they mentioned was only aspect, which I mentioned in my letter. So the facts in my letter was the only response I received. I say this because the review presented no evidence that those Academics even read my work less understands my work. That forced me to write a letter where the letter is an introduction manuscript about my work and that letter of introduction I present as a manuscript on offer for publishing. After all the attempts I decided to chance the commercial press because I have absolute faith in the correctness of my work. I need to find one academic that reads my work with a degree of sincerity to establish the connection of academic acceptance.

The following presentation is as simple as gravity can be represented but in order to have the presentation as simple as it is we do surrender some part of the accuracy to achieve simplicity. Under a microscope one would find that in this explanation the explanations strays a little from the truth in order to make it comprehendible to everyone reading it. The truth is the explanation about gravity can be somewhat more complex than what the following presentation has to offer but then on the other hand it will never be as simple as dumping the entire concept on one thought about mass that produces gravity. That simple gravity in explaining can never be because it is so far from the truth as telling that fairies produce summer and witches bring on winter. The whole concept of mass being responsible for gravity is one big hoax and forms a scam. Putting mass as being responsible for creating gravity is the biggest fraudulent lie that ever hit the Earth on any scale ever.
For instance Mainstream science has the theory that matter and antimatter developed and some matter formed as particles, which were nicely wrapped in containers we call atoms and stayed on as material or matter where the rest formed antimatter that disappeared. The anti material also formed atoms but then chose to just plainly vanish, as did singularity and other cosmic factors to now be nowhere. Singularity is a mathematical position falling outside the detection of the observable Universe in any case so in the case of singularity there is a possible excuse for the disappearing…or is there? We know that singularity produced space-time and space-time produced gravity but then space-time went away leaving us with gravity. Singularity is a single dimensional entity that is not material, holds no space, holds no time and in our 3 D view can only be found outside the human visual spectrum. Mainstream science is of the opinion that singularity disappeared after the Big Bang process came about whereas I am of the opinion that everything must remain part of the cosmos once it was in and was part of the Universe simply because there is nowhere for it to go. The same applies to space-time and antimatter. If it was part of the cosmos in the beginning it has to be in the cosmos until the very end only and simply because there is no other place available to be or to move too. The Universe is the container that is the only container leaving no other container to contain what ever is in need of containing. If it is or if it was it is in the Universe! Our task is to find the place it went to or find what it changed into. While we then are on such a hunt, we might just as well find the cosmic principles not understood but which is there all the same. Take for instance the Bode principle where all nine planets show a relation with the sun in precisely the same manner and using the very same method of spacing, yet science brush the Bode principle off as a coincidence. It might be a coincidence when the space between one or two planets shows these phenomena but when all nine planets plus even the fragmented structures adhere too the very same principle no person can be of the opinion that it came about as a coincidence and still pretend to be serious or professional about cosmology. One then must simply find the proof lacking in our understanding

Mainstream science knows about gravity, the Bode principal, the Roche limit, the Coanda affect, the Lagrangian system, the sound barrier but cannot explain any of the phenomena all though the presence of these phenomena is without dispute. It is the explanations about what causes the phenomena that should be part of the dispute but in science the way they defend Newton scientists go overboard by disputing the phenomena and the phenomena as a principle existing in cosmology or not becomes disputed. Science fail to give acceptable explaining of such occurrences therefore disputes the validity of the phenomena and this failing to explain the presence becomes disputing the presence thereof. In such a light Scientists must somehow realise they are barking up the wrong tree with the information they have to use to do some explaining. They cannot refuse the phenomena and not realise they must have the cat by the tail as far as cosmology goes. Please remember that with this I am referring to cosmology and not general physics. There is an Earth versus a Universe of difference between the two concepts but Newtonians fail to see that because Newtonians cannot appreciate the differences thus blurring the understanding of gravity. If there are that many phenomena (it represents all there is in cosmology) to explain and such little ability to explain (science fail to explain even one) by using the information Mainstream science is using to explain the cosmos, then someone somewhere has to realise there is something drastically wrong in the way they present the knowledge they claim to have.

One cannot be serious about science but defend your view by dismissing the validity of all unknown indicating factors presented as such. There then is some gross incorrectness in the way Mainstream science reason. The Roche limit is there and no denouncing thereof can remove it from the cosmos. They may refer to evidence received from the Hubble telescope as “the star is blowing bubbles” for the lack of explaining what is occurring but occurring it does. One cannot say it is some unknown gesture presented on occasions because not explaining the pictures presents the presence of certain foolishness. For fifty years they lost many pilots but still has no idea what brings the sound barrier about, or find the link gravity holds in the process we call the sound barrier. Instead they try to interpret some effect established almost two centuries ago with steam trains back then travelling at the same speed that horses run. No further investigation with the science in hand brought them closer to new facts! It should be a sign telling them they are going about incorrectly but it does not because Newton said so. It may sound as if I am anti Newton but I am not. But there has to be more than Newton with so many pieces of the cosmic puzzle still missing. Science should not serve only Newton but science should serve the seeking of the truth. When I first came upon the unknown it stirred a sense of disbelief and I decided to respond.

Some twenty-seven years ago I decided to start an investigating quest on my own to see where I could go with my private research. It came as a result of my frustration when I realised the discrepancies there are in theories presented about cosmology and all the unexplained factors no one ever makes any effort to explain. Later I found that no-other person than Newton in person was to blame for the mistake that was made but now I am jumping the gun. If you are a Newtonian and feel a repulsing urge to throw down the letter you will do so at your peril. I say this because I have seen Newtonians get fits in the past when I say what I just said. Whenever I make this very claim the entire science community rejects me immediately without any reservation to any person. When I speak out against incorrectness I see science as a unit and an entire structure reject all further statements that I make without excluding any body active in the field of science. To science Newton is reserved as a god and they placed Newton beyond criticism. When they listen to me criticizing Newton they switch off their mental lights literally. They immediately go blank and I have witnessed it every time. I can visually see their eyes go dim. No Academic Newtonian priest will spend another second to listen to more of my views. Yet they remain unable to use Newton to explain the cosmic phenomenon as the Bode law, the Roche principle, the Coanda affect, the Lagrangian system or the sound barrier. But what they do not realise is the mistake was a resulted not about what Newton presented because it came in what he admitted that he could not present. The mistake came as a later presentation of a concept he admitted he could not underwrite by scientific explanations. When he introduced gravity as a concept he admitted he did not know the origins of the force. What Newton admitted he could not explain and what he did not explain later became an institutionalised claim presented later as if he did explain it.

The error is in the facts not yet ever explained and in that which Newton admitted he did not understand. It is Newton’s incorrect suggestions he made about gravity that were later accepted as explained and proven science that went on to become institutionalised facts. It absolutely came in the way Newton changed Kepler’s formula. Newton admitted he did not know what gravity was and left it at that. He did not offer any more insight than reducing gravity as a force and a force it stayed all the time. Three hundred and fifty years on science still do not know what gravity is and is still leaving it at being a force. Without knowing what gravity is all other concepts in cosmology does not make sense because all the phenomena I mentioned a minute ago is sides of gravity and performs (each to its own but still) as another principle where the totality forms one concept we call gravity. If the World does not know what gravity is then the phenomena coming from gravity will remain unknown to all. With that in mind Mainstream science still take a very dim view on my criticizing Newton! In all this time Kepler explained exactly, precisely and unequivocally what gravity is! The unbelievable part is that we all missed Kepler’s announcing of gravity and in the “we” I use that ‘we” include even Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein in persons and by names.

All principles I use in the theory I introduce with the publishing of this book are part of nature. I base my theory on heat stabilizing through space using motion to produce cooling. That is gravity. But however this may sound basic, Mainstream science is also most guilty of their usual departing from this basic principle through the employing of terminology and such terminology has the tendency to cover many of the basic meaning behind the principles in nature. For example the one principle I do not applaud is a principle Mainstream science underwrites in the sense that matter in the beginning was coming about and anti matter came to destroy the matter by consuming it. This translates into a packman computer game that has no correlation to cosmology. It is moreover the disappearing from the Universe of that which came as the result between the two opposing materials that I strongly reject. Anything part of the cosmos at any stage before during or after Creation, remains in and part of the cosmos and cannot leave the cosmos because there is simply no other place for what ever there was to go. Leaving the cosmos just is no option there is.

In any test performed today by creating friction through motion the discrepancy there are between objects in motion will bring friction that will produce heat and the heat will result in space forming. In such destruction of matter space and heat comes about and the net result eventually is space created where no space was before. The cracks showing is space created in the cooled material that was heated to a glowing red-hot always afterwards leaves cracks. The cracks are space not filled but was filled during the heat coming about as a result from the overheating. After the cooling the cracks present new space where there were no space before the heating took place. The heating process started forming and filling space but afterwards when the cooling set in it reduced the filling of the space. The cooling did not destroy the newly formed space. The cracks represent the space not filled. The material in the cool state cannot fill the void that came as a result of the cold material contracting and reducing the space filled when the material was overheated. But the space remains although not filled any longer. That we can see as evidence with material having a heat building up when motion difference brings on friction and such friction brings on heat. I do not share the view Mainstream science has that when matter and antimatter came into conflict the product that came from this just disappeared without a trace of any sorts. I believe the evidence is present and I think I know where that evidence is. I believe I can show that it is a motion discrepancy that produced matter and anti matter and we do not have to go and look for non-exiting positrons. A positron must produce a negative proton and such a performing sub atomic structure cannot be functional. By changing legions it must then produce a product where it performs as gravity by rejecting material and pushing away other cosmic components. That will lead to an exploding Universe! I say that discarded material became heat that became space that became outer space in the Universe. I go to lengths to make persons see that space cannot be nothing. This is a factor that science has to accept if Mainstream physics have the will to find solutions about the Big Bang. I say the motion between particles in a cramped s

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