A Science Conspiracy Network by Peet (P.S.J.) Schutte - HTML preview

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r or Π •r / 2 • r / 2 r / 2 dividing r reduces r to infinity but not Π as Π remains

stable, protected by the rotation of matter forming a circle around singularity

When the circle reduces, the value located to r will become implicated because r determines specific size. Not so in the case of Π, because Π in the true sense only indicate that the circle is a square without corners and therefore Π dictates form and not size. By reducing size only r comes into contest and will point to such reduction. By reducing the circle radius r by half continuously will lead to an infinite small circle but Π will remain because the circle as a form remains even being infinitely small

In any circle or sphere the size only depend on the fluctuation of r in the square as a component to the circle or sphere but that does not affect the form by indication of Π in any way there may be. The conclusion from this is that no line can start at zero because that will be a mathematical impossibility. A line or spot starting at zero would therefore be shorter than the shortest line possible. For obvious reasons can no line, or any line grow or extend from zero because such a line must then quit zero and become something, thus abandon its original value.

That would mean the start of the line has a different value to the end and a line holds conformity through out. When any line is starting from point zero it can never leave zero because of the influence of being zero disqualifies any possibility of growth. If the line then had to grow in all directions at the same pace the line must therefore be a circle or being three-dimensional, a sphere. Flowing from this fact is that in the universe there can be no zero point or unfilled space. In the case of the growing sphere the value of the circle is Π, and that is where creation started. That gave me the clue where to start looking for singularity. One would find singularity in the value Π and the value Π will be in all things rotating in a circle. You might wonder how does that apply to the cosmos and moreover to gravity? By reducing r indefinitely to the tune of half each time, r
would become infinitely small, beyond human calculating
means, however as mentioned in the case of the smallest
dot holding one spot, r would become insignificant beyond
human comprehension even, but never reaching zero and
still Π would remain intact and dictating form.

An observation coming instinctively to mind one may recognise is that the form reminds rather explicitly of natural phenomenon as hurricanes, water whirls and even the shape most commonly favoured to express the cosmic object referred too as a Black Hole. The similarity may be more than coincidental. Let us consider the statement in the reverse.

Anything occupying space in the cube will apply r, notwithstanding the name used confirming the shape or r named as length width or height, it is all just a straight line bringing about the cube with all its other names that may find attachment to specific form but nevertheless still remains only a six-sided cube with connecting lines applying different angles changing in some cases.

The normal perception is that any circle growing spontaneous would grow by the radius, which is r. That cannot be the case because r is an indication of a straight line. By growing with the aid of a straight line from the centre to circle the influence that that would have on the circle would result in many circles following one another and not a continuous growth.

Gravity is the dimensional changing of space holding r as reference in the cube as to the sphere holding Π as the reference. In order to generate spin producing time in matter occupying space, therefore creating dimensional change, Π has to be a factor indicating the possibility of spin because implementing Π the circle sides will follow one another without establishing separation. The answer must be in finding Π, and thereby locating singularity.

Arriving at the question about locating the space and time forming the centre the centre of the universe one has to realise the centre of the universe are in every singularity forming matter weather it is big or small, size carries no significance. It is the impartiality of singularity that is claiming the value and not the differentiation of matter. One must realise there are no big / small or hot /cold or near / far; It is all relevancies between matter claiming space and space is heat in a turnabout manner.

Every aspect in the cosmos are locked-in universes, sealed off from other universes and inclusive or exclusive depending on singularity holding relevancies relating to one another. The relevancies rely on inter dependence and inter linking, but there are no differences according to human sizes or standards. Accepting that principle unlocks the “so called mysteries” of the universe and brings about clear understanding. It is all about accepting, acknowledging and interpreting the role singularity maintains on matter.

Due to the spinning nature of such a point with all surrounding the point will be alternating direction favouring change every second and in that the value to such a point can only be Π because of its constant changing. Using r would specifically oppose another r from
every angle because the use of r will bring about a static relation to the previous and following instant and therefore it will cancel the constant spin flow.

In the circle using r2Π the r has to have distinctive qualities placing it as a factor apart from Π. Where the growth shows no separate distinction but a continuous flow from the precise centre to the precise edge the flow would become in relation with Π depicting the circle and Π replacing r as reference to any point on the circle. By using r as a distinction in the circle division is possible but by using Π there is no distinction possible making it a solid flow.



That point albeit hypothetical, is also as much a reality none the less and is placed where that point must be standing still because every line running from that point in opposing directions are also in opposing directional spin the other or opposing side. In the precise middle of all objects in rotation is a precise centre dividing the object in sectors that will start the spinning initiation from that centre point. Thus, the spinning object will have a middle point, a very specific centre point that does not spin and only holds Π as a specific value. One value such a line cannot have is zero because zero does not start any line and therefore the value of the line must be infinite, just as described in accordance and by the definition of singularity

In considering the spinning motion in the fraction of time in the detailed instant every aspect of rotation will turn in every instant of change in time. Although the points had the same characteristics only seconds before, they oppose the characteristics it had just before and just after the very second in which they are and to which they relate by similar points also in rotation. The fact of the graph proves my point in quarterly opposing dimensions and values,

From this centre line that is only theoretical definable, but is still there all the same, a opposing value always form that becomes real and distinct when rotating, but even more distinct when not rotating because then the line grows so much it covers all the matter, to a securing spin value of zero, the most original value it had. When not rotating, it is as thick as the material will go. When rotation begins, the line shrinks back to a hypothetical position claiming zero spin that is not less distinct but more distinct because from that point every rotating piece of what ever is then spinning will clearly carry the singularity value of Π implicating rotation Π2 Π. Π2

When looking at the cosmos from whichever angle
indicates the fact that the cosmos is moving. It is forever spinning and it is all going towards as much where it is coming from.

When spinning too fast the top fights something because the alignment
keeping it upright starts to tarnish. The same apply when spinning too slowly but that makes
Everything is on the move and always encircling something of greater importance. A top can spin but the parameters of its spin are limiting the motion it can apply. By not spinning the top is still spinning as the earth are doing the spinning on its behalf.

It is the fact that the same affect comes about when spinning too slow that triggers the questions.

If the spinning top is all the evidence any one needs to come to such a conclusion what will bring any proof that the singularity governing the top connects too anything anyway. Placing singularity is fair and fine, but what will the evidence be in proving its activeness as part of the creation at large? The reason why we can be sure it is active is that when spinning it shows borders implicating restraining of further movements outside the set limits.

By going faster (past the upward border) the spin goes oblong where it actively tries to change the position the top holds to the earth in relation to the surface of the earth. By going too slow it once again shows identical character. When going too fast it indicates an attempt to rise into the air, therefore relieve its singularity in an effort to part with the earth’s singularity.
It shows unmistakable characteristics of trying to become airborne securing an independent position from the earth, which holds it down. At the bottom we surmise correctly that it wishes to topple over and fall down. Of course the bottoming out shows the same characteristics whereby we gauge that to be the normal process of falling down. If the bottoming is relative to the earth’s singularity and we recognise the process as normal, then the top of the limits should be just as recognisable normal.

In determining this behaviour as part of a cosmic process where matter interact with matter in an laid down set of rules, we should once more be asking questions and this time it is whether the top will show the same behaviour in outer space as it does on earth. With the reply of no it would not comes an admitting that the process involves the interacting of singularity of the earth with the singularity of the top where the spinning created independent singularity, as valid as that of the earth because the earth has a role in sustaining it or destroying it at the border ends.


in constant
change as
time flows
throughΠ Π0 rotationΠ Pinpoint positioning of singularity Π0 with Π positioning space to either side forming the border set by singularity

The new direction pointing to a new location in relation to the previous point will oppose the previous point it had in relation to direction considering the centre point.

In the sketch below the circle to the right would come about from a straight line r growing influencing the appreciation of Π, but to influence Π would lead to a