Blinking Universe: 30 Technical Papers on Theory & Applications by Richard Lighthouse - HTML preview

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5. The Actual Size of the Universe




Richard Lighthouse



The Actual Size of the Universe



Creative Commons 4.0 International License; 2020 by Richard Lighthouse. 

CC BY 4.0

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ISBN: 9781370277506


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Original 1A – 28 March 2018

Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

Revision 1C – 12 April 2018



"...the outside is within you, and anything you think you see outside, originates within."

  -  Seth, ESP Class Session; July 13, 1971





This short ebook presents the calculation for determining the true size of our universe.

The actual size of the universe is very small, compared to what most scientists believe.


The maximum physical distance between any two points in the universe is about:

0.272 millimeters.


This is the true size, or diameter, of our entire universe.

Let that sink in for a minute.  Our universe literally blinks, off and on, more than one trillion times each second.  All distance is an illusion.  Sequential time is an illusion.  Our universe is not expanding – that too, is an illusion.


This short ebook presents the math that calculates the maximum distance between any two points in our universe.



Figure U-1. 




This short ebook presents the calculation for determining the true size of our universe.

The actual size of the universe is very small, compared to what most scientists believe.


Speed of Light = 299,792,458 m/s


Blinking rate of the universe = 1.101 THz


Within that one trillionth of one second, light can travel within a physical universe, a total distance of:


       = 299,792,458 m/sec    

          1.101 E+12 cycles/sec


= .000272 meters = 0.272 mm


This distance is about equal to the thickness of your fingernail.


From a single point, if we assume that the universe can expand in all directions, within half of the interval, and then collapse back during the second half of the interval, then the maximum physical distance between any two points in the universe is about:


= 0.272 millimeters.


This is the true size, or diameter, of our entire universe.

Let that sink in for a minute.


As Seth has famously quoted, "Everything is inside, there is no outside."






This short ebook presented the calculation for determining the true size of our universe.


This document is a living document.  The author reserves the right to make corrections and changes.







1.  Richard Lighthouse, “The Universe is not Expanding”


2.  Richard Lighthouse, “Seth Discusses Quasars, Entropy, and Black Holes.”

3.  Seth (Jane Roberts), “Reach out to the idea intuitively. Do not be afraid of or reject unfamiliar bodily sensations. With practice, and to a very limited degree, you will find that you can become the idea. You will be inside the idea, looking out, not looking in. This is thought.”