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8. The Perfect Carrier Wave:  SETI's Perfect Signal




Richard Lighthouse



Creative Commons 4.0 International License; 2020 by Richard Lighthouse. 

CC BY 4.0

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ISBN: 9781311786333


15 September 2010 - original

Revision 10c – 14 December 2014

Houston, Texas, U.S.A.


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The Perfect Carrier Wave:  SETI's Perfect Signal






This brief technical paper discusses the idea of a unique frequency that has unusual characteristics.  This frequency can be utilized as the perfect carrier wave for instantaneous communication across vast distances – even between galaxies.  Any advanced civilization would certainly use this frequency in their communications.  This frequency can be found at the harmonics of approximately 1.1 THz, or beginning with 2.2 THz (trillion cycles per second).  Each reader must comprehend that our universe literally blinks, off and on, more than one trillion times each second.


For more than two years, this author has been stalked, harassed, and threatened by US Government agents from the CIA, FBI, and NSA;  because of the content of these ebooks.  They have repeatedly broken into my house.  They have hacked my phone, computer, and alarm system – including those of my friends and family.  It is truly sad and pathetic, these agencies have become criminal organizations.






In 1950, Enrico Fermi postulated what is known as the Fermi Paradox; whereby, it seems statistically probable that our galaxy must be full of intelligent life.  In fact, the initial estimates suggest we should be hearing substantial artifacts of galactic communication.  Were we missing what seemed to be a statistical certainty, or were we simply looking in the wrong place?  It seems the answer is the latter.


This paper proposes the existence of a perfect carrier wave.  It occurs at the natural resonant frequency of our universe.  Nearly perfect and instantaneous communication is possible across vast distances.


Any intelligent civilization would certainly use this frequency as because it is lossless, stable, reliable, and undistorted.  A minimal amount of power and antennae size would be required, and could be used anywhere.  A wealth of data is there and waiting for listening.


Readers are encouraged to review the background papers on this subject, as it will make more sense. [1],[2],[3]  In summary, our universe literally blinks off and on, at approximately 1.1 THz.  This blinking creates a fundamental absolute frequency that can be detected anywhere in the universe using appropriate instruments.  We will call this frequency – the Lighthouse Frequency.


Keep in mind this unique frequency is a pure tone, and has a very narrow bandwidth.  It may be overlooked by spectrum analyzers without sufficient resolution.


Figure 1.  SETI's current search spectrum.  Note that the frequency we are discussing exists just to right of this chart – at about 1039 GHz, with a first harmonic of 2079 GHz. [5]



The first harmonic of this frequency is the lowest frequency which can be utilized.  This is due to the unusual nature of the fundamental frequency – in that, it does not exist, in our terms.  Our universe does not experience one complete cycle of the base frequency, which means that it cannot be detected.  However, the first harmonic and other harmonics of the base frequency, can be detected and generated.


Companies such as OML in Morgan, California manufacture harmonic mixtures which can achieve these high frequencies. [6]  In fact, Terahertz Spectroscopy is an important research area for astrophysicists.  In 2008, a Japanese team assembled a terahertz-capable spectrum analyzer. [7]






This paper proposes the existence of a unique frequency with unusual characteristics.  Our use of this frequency may be a minimum requirement of the “Galactic Club”, which may then allow us regular communications with other advanced civilizations.


Also for speculation and consideration, it may be possible to use this frequency to communicate between different time periods and parallel universes.


The value of this carrier frequency cannot be underestimated.  Numerous, clear communications from advanced civilizations will be found.  It is also likely that many of these communications will have highly sophisticated encryption technologies, since each of the transmitters is aware that everyone is listening.



This is a living document.  The author reserves the right to make corrections and changes.







1.  Richard Lighthouse, Preliminary Investigation into the Nature of Time; August 2010.


2.  Richard Lighthouse, Preliminary Model for Grand Unified Theory (GUT),; 2013.


3.  Richard Lighthouse, The Discovery of Parallel Universes,; 2013.


4.  Seth (Jane Roberts) Session 703, Notes, 12 June 1974. “Your bodies blink off and on like lights... For that matter, so does the physical universe.”


5.  Al Aburto and David Woolley, SETI@home FAQ V3.0.10, 09 November 2003.


6.  Oleson Microwave Labs (OML), Frequency Extension Source Modules, Microwave Journal, March 2004.


7.  Takeshi Yasui, et. al., Terahertz Spectrum Analyzer Based on a Terahertz Frequency Comb; Optics Express, Optical Society of America, Vol 16, No 17, August 2008.


8.  Richard Lighthouse, Experimental Method for Determination of the Lighthouse Frequency,; 2013.