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15. The Single Cure: Human Life Extension to 300+ Years





Richard Lighthouse




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ISBN: 9781311621665




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Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

15 July 2014


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The Single Cure: Human Life Extension to 300+ Years


Dedicated to my friend, Jim Dowd







This short technical paper describes the use of a proposed technology that may be able to time-regress the human body.  The cure for nearly all adult diseases, illness, and injuries may be close to our achievement.  This paper describes a process for "regressing" the human body to an earlier time of health.  For example, an individual that is injured in a car accident, could have instant repairs made to the human body.  The device could be available inside of a typical ambulance.  For a person with cancer, a process could be available to instantly “remove” the cancer and return the body to a time when no illness existed.  The process is called Newtonian Superposition.  This process could be repeated many times for a healthy adult, effectively providing individuals with the alternative of living 300 or more years. The regression under the electric charge requires less than one second to occur.  The math used to perform the calculation is provided.






Health care costs are increasing at a rate that exceeds inflation.  The problem is acute for residents of the United States, where health care costs typically increase at 2 - 3% per year above the rate of inflation. 


The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that, the United States spends more on health care per person (about $8,600), and more on the health care percentage of GDP (about 18%), than all other countries.  A 2013 Bloomberg ranking of countries with the most efficient health care, the United States ranked 46th out of 48 countries in the study.[1]


Imagine a technology that solved almost all of the cost issues associated with health care.  This may seem improbable, but the technology may be close at hand.



Using the natural resonant frequency of our universe and a source of electricity may be all that is required.  It is called the Lighthouse Frequency and has many applications.  The technology allows for a time-regression of the body's cells, such that a person’s body will suddenly look and act as it did at an earlier time.  For many emergency injuries, an hour of cellular regression is all that is required.  The healing is instantaneous.


If my calculations are correct (they are close enough to be corrected with precise values for m, c and dc), the electricity to perform a single person time-regression would currently cost about $40 per day (2013 $USD) of time regression.[4]   However, for most emergencies, the cost would be less.  For a person injured in a car accident, about $5 in electrical cost, and the body can be instantly healed.*  For a gunshot wound, the projectile would need to be removed, but the cost to instantly heal the body would also require about $5 of electricity.  Even people that are "clinically dead" could be restored to 100% health, assuming they have quick access to a machine.  No doctors would be needed to perform this technology, as trained technicians could easily operate the machines.  The common cold could be cured.  Broken bones, cancer, even unknown diagnoses could be solved, simply by regressing a patient's cells.  In short, the technology could be a possible solution to the global health care problem.


*Note that capital costs of the equipment have been excluded because over a useful period of time, these costs are small compared to the operational costs.


So how does this technology work? 


There is a principle in the scientific community called, "Newtonian Superposition,"  so-named for Isaac Newton.  This means the summation of force vectors, however in practical terms it means subtracting time from the body's cells.  It is basically time travel confined to a specific area.


To better understand this concept, it is first necessary to understand that our universe literally blinks off and on, at a very fast rate.  While this idea may disturb some readers, keep in mind it is something beyond our perceptions - it simply happens much too fast  -  faster than our perceptions and faster than most instruments can measure. 


As an example of life extension; a person at 50 years of age, could visit a facility and be placed in one of the aluminum shells.  After a brief calculation is performed, an electric charge is sent through the shell which regresses the body tissues to a time of about 30 years of age.  The electric charge lasts a small fraction of a second.  The patient can immediately sit up.  There is no recovery period associated with traditional surgeries. 



The technology is the same for injuries – the only difference is the amount of electricity used for the procedure.  More electricity equals a greater time difference.


There are many practical applications for utilizing the Lighthouse Frequency  -  the natural resonant frequency of our universe. [5]


In our terms, there is a force vector that newly constructs each cell in your body, during each brief time interval.  By using this technology, we are applying a force that subtracts from the original force vector.    For example, a bodily organ that is 50 years old, can have a (-20) year force added to it, which results in an organ that looks and acts like 30 years old again.  Another way of describing this -  the cellular memory is "overlayed," such that the cells have no memory of aging for the prior 20 years, so the cells "think" like a 30 year old.  Or still another way of viewing this concept, for those with a background in statistics and probabilities;  all probabilities exist simultaneously for each person, in our terms.  So the NS process is simply replacing an earlier probability over the currently perceived probability. 


Here is a summary of the math involved, which is reduced from reference [4]:


If we evaluate the change in energy required to reconstruct a unit mass, over a time interval equal to a single cycle of the Lighthouse Frequency:


 dE = m * 2c (dc)


Where c is the speed of light, dc is the change in the speed of light, and dE is the change in total energy.


For small changes in time and the speed of light, we will assume it is

approximated by the equation:


y = 3.149 x


where y is the change in the speed of light (dc), and x is the number of years.


The mass in this case would be approximately equal to the mass of the patient. 

The time regression period would be calculated based on the change in the speed of light during the period.




This equals a change of approximately 3 meters per second per year – for the variation in the speed of light (out of 300 million m/s – a very small change).  Experimental tests can determine the precise values to use for any individual or time period.  A more complete derivation of the math can be found in the references.


The NS process could be repeated a number of times, allowing a typical healthy person to return to their optimal bodily health at approximately 30 years of age. 

Note that in Figure 1, the head area surrounding the brain is exposed.  This is due to the fact that the brain structure might be adversely affected by an NS process, ie., the structure of the brain may be adversely altered and/or access to certain memories and recall.  To compensate for this area, there can be magnetic masks or other small shells that could be constructed to minimize the effect on the underlying brain.  The goal would be provide NS to the facial skin and tissue without affecting the brain.





Figure 1.

How a typical unit might appear. The use of magnetic material around the edge of the open end may provide a gentle NS transition/effect on the head area.  Experimental tests could be performed to determine if this is required.  Note that it may be possible to combine multiple patients into a single electric charge, using multiple units, which could reduce the cost for each.  Also note that the inside lining of the aluminum shell must be electrically-insulated to contain the large electric charge which is used.



Other Applications



It may also be possible to perform the time-regression on individual organs, such as a pancreas or heart. 


A failed pancreas could be removed during surgery, and time regressed as an individual organ, then replaced back into the body as a healthy organ.


Another possible option is to take some cells from a failing heart, and mix them with stem cells to create the beginnings of a new heart organ.  The cells are then incubated for a period of time, and then when mature enough, the mixture of cells are time forwarded by about 20 years to create a new heart.  The beauty of this method, is that there is little risk of rejection by the body.



Let's estimate some numbers:



Weight of stem cell mixture = .001 grams (for calculation purposes, this value can be assumed to be zero)


Average weight of adult heart = 300 grams = .3 kg


Time-averaged weight of heart over first 20 years, will be assumed to be .3 kg, but it is actually slightly less.



[See Appendix for full equations]



V*A*sec  = 2 * 2c * m * dc 


  = 4 * c * .3 * 62.0


  = 2.23E*10  volt*amps*sec


  = 22,304,559 kVA sec 


  = 6,196



The cost of this electricity @ 10 cents per is:


 = $619 USD



Not a bad price for a brand new heart.



An adult pancreas weighs about 100 grams, so a similar procedure for it would be about one third of the cost or:


= $207 USD


Not a bad price for a brand new pancreas.







This paper has described the use of a new technology that may be able to time-regress the human body to an earlier age.  Nearly all adult illnesses and injuries could be corrected.  This process could be repeated many times for a healthy adult, which would effectively give individuals the option of living 300 or more years.




This document is a living document.  The author reserves the right to make corrections and changes.






1.  Kavitha A. Davidson (29 August 2013). "The Most Efficient Health Care Systems In The World." The Huffington Post.


2.  The Factors Fueling Rising Healthcare Costs 2006, PriceWaterhouseCoopers for America's Health Insurance Plans, 2006.


3.  U.S. Congressional Budget Office, Key Issues in Analyzing Major Health Insurance Proposals, December 2008.


4.  R. Lighthouse, Time Travel: An Approximate Mathematical Solution,, 2013.


5.  R. Lighthouse, Preliminary Investigation into the Nature of Time,, 2010.


6.  Bob Brier; Ronald S. Wade, "Surgical Procedures During Ancient Egyptian Mummification". Chungara: Revista de Antropología Chilena 33: 117–123, 2001.


7.  Arthur C.  Aufderheide, The Scientific Study of Mummies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.


8.  R. Lighthouse, Massless Travel,, 2014.






Sample Calculation:


For a sample calculation, we will use a 70 kg person (154 lb) and regress them 10 years in time.


Starting with the change in energy required to reconstruct a unit mass, over a time interval equal to a single cycle of the Lighthouse Frequency:


dE = m * 2c (dc)



For small changes in time and the speed of light, we will assume it is

approximated by the equation:


dc = y = 3.1 x = 3.1* 10 years


where y is the change in the speed of light (dc), and x is the number of years.




the Energy = Volt*Amp*sec required are:


V*A*sec/2  = 2c * m * dc


V*A*sec  = 2 * 2c * m * dc  [units are m/s * kg * m/s]


  = 4 * c * 70 * 31.0


  = 2.602E*12  volt*amps*sec


  = 2,602,198,535 kVA sec  [units are kvolts * amps * sec]


  = 722,833



The cost of this electricity @ 10 cents per is:


 = $72,283 USD



However, note that it may be possible to simultaneously treat a number of patients.


Figure 2.  Simultaneous treatment for 10 patients may reduce the cost for each.



The cost for each patient then falls to $7,228 USD.




2)  Using Reference [8], it may be possible to reduce the actual cost to 1% of the stated amounts here.  Although, NS may not seem to be a form of “travel,” it is more precisely a form of probabilities.




3)  Ancient Egyptians may have witnessed this technology in use by extraterrestrial/advanced civilizations.  This also might explain the use of the sarcophagus shape as part of their religious practices.