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2. Blinking Universe:  Alternate Mathematical Solution




Richard Lighthouse



Creative Commons 4.0 International License; 2020 by Richard Lighthouse. 

CC BY 4.0

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ISBN: 9781311746320


Revision 1b – 27 November 2015

Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

Revision 2A – 16 July 2017


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Blinking Universe:  Alternate Mathematical Solution







Rev2A -This short technical paper presents an alternate mathematical approach for determining the blinking frequency of our universe.  The source for this alternate idea comes from an email sent to this author in May 2015.  The source author prefers to remain anonymous.  Basically, Let's think about the fundamental unit of the universe as a classical entity. The energy of such a classical entity, using the equipartition theorem, translates the number of degrees of freedom into "units" of k_B*T (where T is the temperature and k_B is the well-known Boltzmann constant). In this way, we find that the fundamental energy is 3*k_B*T (6 d.o.f.).


We use a foundational temperature, consistent with the anthropic principle, of the freezing point (and melting point) of the essential object for existence--water. Using this temperature, we obtain a fundamental energy of ~70.6 meV.  Calculation is as follows: 70.6 meV / (\hbar \pi^4) = 1.1 THz. Note that the \pi^4 in general is \pi^D, where D is the number of spacetime dimensions in existence.  Each reader must comprehend that our universe is literally blinking off and on, at 1.1 trillion times every second (THz).


For those unconvinced that our universe is blinking, please read “The First Periodic Table for Elementary Particles,” or “1024 Elementary Particles” which provides compelling mathematical evidence.


Also see youtube:

Colonel Philip Corso, THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL; author comments on the Army's investigation of the 1947 Roswell vehicle; "We were never able to figure out how the propulsion system works... We only know it has something to do with blinking." [1]






As explained in previous papers, in our terms, the universe blinks off and on at a very high frequency.[2]  Due to this blinking, there is no passage of time.  We will call this the Lighthouse Frequency, or the natural resonant frequency of our universe.






Everything in a physical universe has a natural, resonant frequency – including the universe itself.  That frequency is approximately 1 THz and can be utilized as a carrier wave.


This can be called a vibration, a blinking, or a frequency, but perhaps a better explanation, in our terms  - the entire physical universe is newly constructed and then collapses to a single point at approximately 1 trillion times each second, IN OUR TERMS (this must be emphasized).  At the moment of collapse, there is no distance between galaxies -  instant communication and instant travel are possible.  (In larger terms, all of time is simultaneous, and there is no blinking.)


This resonant frequency is named the "Lighthouse Frequency."





The author of this alternate mathematical approach is at a major university in California and prefers to remain anonymous.  I initially provided my technical paper to him, and this was his answer/comments in return.  He provided this alternate solution via email in May 2015.  A summary of his email follows:
Let's think about the fundamental unit of the universe as a classical entity. The energy of such a classical entity, using the equipartition theorem, translates the number of degrees of freedom into "units" of k_B*T (where T is the temperature and k_B is the well-known Boltzmann constant). In this way, we find that the fundamental energy is 3*k_B*T (6 d.o.f.).


We use a foundational temperature, consistent with the anthropic principle [2], of the freezing point (and melting point) of the essential object for existence--water. Using this temperature, we obtain a fundamental energy of ~70.6 meV,


[1] Calculation is as follows:


3 * 8.62E-05 eV/K * 273.15 K = 70.614 meV
and then convert this into a frequency
70.614 meV/ (hbar * pi^4)  = 1.1 THz

Note that the \pi^4 in general is \pi^D, where D is the number of spacetime
dimensions in existence.


[2] The anthropic principle states that observations of our physical universe
should be compatible with the life (us) that observes it.





This technical note has described an alternate mathematical approach for determining the blinking frequency of our universe.  Comments and suggestions are welcome to the email address below.



This document is a living document.  The author reserves the right to make corrections and changes.






1.  Philip Corso, The Day After Roswell;  author comments on regarding the 1947 Roswell UFO vehicle; “We were never able to figure out the propulsion system... we only know it has something to do with blinking.” recorded 1997. 


2.  Richard Lighthouse, Preliminary Investigation into the Nature of Time,, 2010.


3.  Richard Lighthouse, Mathematical Solution Unifying Four Fundamental Forces in Nature,, 2013.


4.  Richard Lighthouse, The Lighthouse Law of Variance,, 2013.


5.  Seth (Jane Roberts), Early Sessions, Session 125, 1965:  “Within the electrical system, intensity is also responsible for the potentiality, duration and electrical mass, which is a mass of a different sort; a mass that takes up no space, and is not made of matter as you know it, but mass whose thickness is one of varying electrical intensities which form a definite shape, a separate field more or less, an electrical coded counterpart for physical matter.”


6.  Seth (Jane Roberts), Early Sessions, Session 135, 1965:  “All depth, all dimension and all distance is therein contained within the electrical universe. There is here, as I have said, no such thing as size in your terms, or shape in your terms; but there is, again, distance, which is not absolute but varying, and which can be said to exist both backward and forward indefinitely within the infinite intensities.  And all reality within any given field basically occurs within such intensities.”


7.  Seth (Jane Roberts), Early Sessions, Session 137, 1965:  “As yet your scientists and physicists have a very limited concept of action. Their laws concerning action and force will only apply within the physical field.  Action is basically electrical, but within your field only the most obvious forms of electrical action have been perceived… All realities with which you will be concerned, and with which mankind is intimately concerned, are built up electrically.”


8.  Richard Lighthouse, Preliminary Model for Grand Unified Theory (GUT),, 2014.


9.  Seth (Jane Roberts), Early Sessions, Session 582, 1971:  “What you perceive of time is a portion of other events intruding into your own system, often interpreted as movement in space, or as something that separates events—if not in space, then in a way impossible to define without using the concept of time.  What separates events is not time, but your perception.”


10.  Seth (Jane Roberts), Early Sessions, Session 671, 1973: “Space itself accelerates in ways that you do not understand. You are not tuned into those frequencies. Any point in space is also a point in what you think of as time, a doorway that you have not learned to open.”