Energy Consumption of the U.K.
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Author: Miltiadis A. Boboulos
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Pages: 89
Published: 14 years agoRating: Rated: 6 times Rate It
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The increasing importance of energy in modern life and the global growth of energy consumption are cited as contributory toward noted Scientist/Author, Miltiadis A. Boboulos' decision to present an in-depth examination of energy consumption in the United Kingdom. He principally investigates the UK's energy system, along with energy production, resources, energy use indicators, the market, and prices. International energy production use is also examined by Dr. Boboulos, as is the United Kingdom's government energy policy, and the role that it plays in the UK economy and environment.The acceleration of energy use around the world has led the International Energy Agency to forecast a two-thirds increase in world energy demand by the year 2020. The task that lies ahead for governments is to meet that demand while protecting the environment from the demand for economic growth, which closely relates to the rise in energy consumption. Dr. Boboulos notes that in order for that to happen, countries need to integrate activities that focus on creating and applying new solutions; as well as achieving balanced improvements to energy, environmental and economic performance, thereby contributing toward a sustainable future for their respective citizens.