From Earth We Came-The Atreyu Saga-Whetu Tawhiti (Distant Star) by - HTML preview

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Chapter One-In the beginning

Looking out over the empire I have created, I am now dubbed king of a planet far from Earth, it is rich with life free from pollution, war, starvation and suffering! I am a god in the eyes of my people, but I am not immortal for I am human the same as everyone else I am sick I am dying I am alone in my fight to survive, for there is no cure for the virus that has invaded my body, the same as human kind invaded this planet and embedded ourselves into its atmosphere and terrain, it is the year 2025.

I close my eyes and I think back on where I came from and who I was and how it all came to be.

I remember standing in my backyard smoking some marijuana, taking a puff I look up into the darkness of the night sky I noticed an unusually bright star, after a few more puff’s I look up again & noticed the light getting brighter? Not only brighter but bigger?

The light from the star changes from white to an orangey red then as I butt out what I am puffing on the object looks like it’s on fire, the light emanating from its tail is getting longer by the second.

I pull my phone out and start recording video, a few seconds later ‘Boom!’ everything goes dark I feel a shock wave hit me and launches me into the air then I black out, a ringing sound in my ears wakes me from my black out, sitting up I look around to find myself in the neighbors back yard “What the hell?” did I trip over backwards? While smoking? Standing up I look into my back yard to see a small crater no bigger than a small car.

Still under the influence of the drug I am still trying to determine if what just happened was real or not, after jumping the fence I walk over to the crater and as I near it I see an orange glow that slowly resides as I get closer to it. The object inside the crater looks like a rock I can see part of it protruding through the dirt, the heat from it, and the light has now totally gone so with curiosity I start to poke it with a stick, it’s hard like a stone and has a strange smell that I have never experienced before, “Where’s my phone?”

Looking around I noticed the street lights are all off including the lights inside my house, but to my astonishment none of the windows are broken and neither are the neighbors? I run inside to check on all my family, everyone is still asleep, as I walk past the kitchen I grab my sons watch that he had been given for his birthday and it is a watch with arms not digital, flipping it over the time reads 4.15am! Something’s wrong here because I checked the time before I went outside? And it was around 9pm? I run outside to grab a tarpaulin from the shed to cover the crater because I know I am not the only one that has seen this, feeling tired I head to bed and wonder about the strange event that has just taken place.

 “Morning your late for work” says my wife, “I’m calling in sick today” I reply “o.k. bye” she says waving, Jumping out bed I open the curtains and see the tarpaulin in my back yard “So it did happen! I better make me a coffee” looking out the kitchen window I see the tarpaulin pitched in the air like a tent with one pole underneath it?

Lifting up the tarp I see a small stone the size of a peanut holding it up? It looks like it broke off the big one that is embedded in the ground, not only that, there is nothing else I could see? I decide to pull the tarp towards me and see the peanut size stone move with it? Grabbing one corner I lift the tarp off it and stare at the peanut stone just hovering in mid-air! I used the same stick I poked the stone with last night and used it to wave it on top and underneath the peanut stone like a magician showing the audience there are no strings.

Totally stunned by what I am seeing my first thought is “This is epic!” Still curious with what is before me I push the peanut stone a little bit with the stick not hard not soft but just enough to punt it, it starts to move in the direction I punted it in but doesn’t fall to the ground or slow down? Instead its speed is constant, hitting the wooden fence it rebounds and heads towards me at the same rate of speed? Second thoughts are “This is awesome! What is it? Where did it come from? Is it lethal?” I grab a pair of thick garden gloves and grab the peanut stone with one hand.

I can move it in any direction except down? No matter how much I try to pull it to the ground it just won’t move, trying to pull it up in the air doesn’t work seem to work either, it seems to be levitating on its own? I am no scientist but the only thing I can think of that can do this on Earth is a magnet or two magnets that repel each other or an electromagnet, third thought is “I need to give it a name, peanut levitation? No, Lev rock? No, Hover tritium? No, anti-gravity material yes! AGM for short.

What do I do now? Looking around I see nobody but can hear the faint noise of a helicopter it’s getting louder and louder, I push the peanut AGM into the garage and lock the door then throw the tarp over the crater grabbing tree branches and leaves to cover the tarp to make sure it is concealed, the helicopter is now hovering over our street it is an army Iroquois, I think I am the only one who knows where the rock is and the only one who kind of knows what it is.

The helicopter lands in a nearby park four people in bio suits emerge followed by two people in army uniform complete with assault rifles, one of the army guys approaches me and aims his gun “don’t move! What is your name and address?” “Atreyu Coleman-65 Fraser St” I replied with caution, “Have you had any contact with and Alien entity or foreign materials in the last eight hours!” feeling a little anxious I reply with a shaky voice “No” just as I finish talking to the armed soldier the people in the bio suits approach me and start to scan me with some kind of laser gun? It looks like a barcode scanner?

These people ordered me to fill out a questionnaire which took me five minutes to complete, they went door to door to every house on the street and did the same thing, a few hours later the police turn up arresting people and taking them away.

I was one of the lucky ones as they didn’t bother checking my back yard, so I’m thinking that they don’t have a clue where it landed, walking back to my house I noticed a small hole the size of my thumb, it’s just above my back door, I follow it inside to see another small stone lodge in one of my work boots.

This one seems to be like a normal stone it doesn’t seem to hover like the peanut stone so I store it in the pantry for now until the government people leave the neighborhood.

Later that night around 8pm the fuss has died down outside, as I am making me a drink there is a knock at my front door, it’s the neighbor Dave “Hey did you get interviewed by these idiots?” “Yup but I don’t know what they’re on about?” I reply trying not to look out the window in the direction of the tarp “Think they’ll be back?” he asks “Hope not!” I reply with concern “Got to go bro I have a few things to sort out I’ll see you later” “Yip later mate.”

As soon as he leaves I grab the small stone from the pantry and head out to the back yard, as I get closer the ground starts to shake a little? I see the big rock in the ground moving upward but it’s a slow movement it stops a meter above the ground, the tarp is still covering the rock at this stage I am still confused on why this is happening?

After pulling the tarp off the rock I inspect the tarp and noticed sand on it, we had a family day out and went to the beach yesterday and my granddaughter filled my shoes with sand, I’m thinking the sand must have something to do with the rock levitating, I scoop up a hand full of sand from under my feet and sprinkle a little bit on to the rock “It’s moving upward! Where’s the ladder?” run to the garage and pull out the two meter ladder.

After opening up the ladder I climb it next to the hovering rock and just manage to reach the top of it, I have a hunch that if I remove the sand from the top it will decrease the height, blowing the sand off it starts to decrease in height “Yes it worked!”

Staying up most of the night I managed to get the rock to hover just above the ground so I could push into the garage “I have to hide this!” breaking up the concrete on the floor was easy digging the hole was the hard part but by 6am I has finished it, the dirt I used to make the hole I filled the creator up outside with it to conceal it.

This discovery happened in the year 2014 I record everything in video on my phone, exhausted from all the digging I slept for nearly 13 hour!