From Round Cities to Space Rings by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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Since time immemorial mankind has sought the best way to protect yourself from problems such as weather, animal attacks and attacks from other human communities. Also to develop the first mode of trade and have those close by, as a result arose the first cities, which in this case could best be called villages.

At first the houses were being built in an impromptu manner going in a number of low to high generally in the course of rivers, but there was no urban planning that delimit in the most appropriate location of the buildings, an old housing destroyed and instead other more modern type was constructed but not coordinated with each other in the future this will change, cities will be planned from the beginning just as a car is designed, not as an individual thing but as a whole also joined in these cities conventional materials such as cement and bricks will be replaced by more easily recycled as glass plastic or metal.




The classical city could be defined as the result of a housing association that eventually went on to become a cluster of buildings, while retaining the characteristic of individual buildings made on a horizontal plane, which grew into the vertical, thus each building became a smaller micro city.

The main drawback of such cities is that although each building provides its tenants a protection from the weather, that advantage is broken when they have to leave to go to another, this would be solved if a marriage brokers are believe among all city buildings and thus allow citizens to safeguard the various climate changes such as rain, snow or wind.

The best design for a city in my view would be to round type, so the city is projected towards all directions equally, on its periphery airports would be installed and everything connected with them. In the center of the city government buildings and administrative. The roads consist of roads that divide the city circle in grids so vertical and horizontal if seen from above, each division would form a neighborhood in the cities of the future private car it could be replaced by an extensive transport network public, which could well be formed by conventional buses, or one meter network type circulating on rails, or both, this mission would alleviate the presence of traffic, while achieving significant energy savings. All vehicles circulate in a plane other than pedestrian in order to avoid abuses, but they would not beneath the earth, since that, while useful, is the result of a sort of improvised and unplanned city, rather the base plane would leave for pedestrians and public transport routes would be placed in a higher background. In order to avoid accidents, vehicle access areas as platforms, would be completely separate from citizens and could only be accessed through automatic gates once arrested. The risk of objects falling from buildings, be solved by these having an outer shell and separate fixed pedestrian areas. In a developed society would not exist strikes in vital services because the nature of a strike is to respond to an individual problem of a company, but a particular interest can not hinder the progress of the rest, strikes wild type more have to do with terrorist behavior with legitimate claims, the problem is that some governments are not able to distinguish one from the other, give prevalence to the right to strike for the right to move or otherwise.

So things like health, army, police, political and transport, have not recognized this right, being considered vital services, but in return the government would establish a program to pay, or regular meetings with their representatives they do not feel disadvantaged. These rights would be recognized by law unlike other trades.

The cities would form a perfect circle would have a diameter of about five kilometers and all the cities on the planet would be virtually identical, each building would be like a micro world with its own particularities. Some poses the perfect city as an association of chalets, but my understanding is formed by buildings better, since it gives greater protection to its inhabitants, as well as to place all the elements of it closer, a city of small houses devour all the space available, in addition to larger distances that would separate each element of urbanization, so would not be appropriate.

Airports or bases aircraft would be in the periphery but not far from the cities, this is because in the future all aerial vehicles take off vertically, as the use of the wings gradually disappear to be replaced aircraft by vehicles vertical takeoff, these vehicles will not be helicopters, as its engine system will be hidden in the fuselage. Thrusters turbine rotating or fixed type but with flaps to deflect the jet propulsion will be responsible for supporting the aircraft in the air without need to use wings, four or more motors will be controlled by a gyroscope and thus will avoid the accidents caused by wind gusts or fog during takeoffs and landings.




One of the biggest problems of cities is caused by inclement weather, one of the most effective methods of protection may be building domes that would cover around its exterior, so it would not matter what place were situated cities, since they would be protected from the various temperatures and atmospheric conditions. With the use of these domes, cities that used we might call dome cities, would be prepared to live even on the moon and planets, they no longer have the disadvantage of temperature or lack of oxygen, which is common in these places. The only problem would be the risk of fracture of the dome that would expose people to the original climate in these worlds, and the consequent change in atmospheric pressure. Make airtight buildings could prevent such situations for buildings, but not outside.




In my view this whole process of evolution would lead to the emergence of a kind of city we would call compact city, i.e. a city that would result from the merger of all buildings in the same creating a single structure, so no it would be necessary to use a dome as a means of insulation against the weather as the city would be an integral whole in which a building would end where started the other, so this type of cities would be extremely robust and can not be affected even by the earthquakes and retain an internal microclimate would keep all the cities on the planet at the same temperature, live again the experience of a snowfall or a blizzard would form part of the holiday more than the rhythm of everyday life.

Arguably the characteristics of these cities roughly be: Its diameter would be about five kilometers, the height of a hundred meters in most of its length and the central area would have a dome with windows that could reach two hundred fifty meters high, from these windows, citizens could see the horizon in his spare time, serious side view as a rectangle with a dome on its top side. On the outskirts hangars for aircraft occupy virtually the entire circumference of the city, these ships would be the most frequent means of communication with the rest of the planet and travel in this way would be shorter would fall. The ships would not need large airports to land, would approach the hangars describing a circular path and once by the assigned would be addressed to him in front and to land smoothly, these hangars would not be on the floor but on the sides of the city occupying each of its plants. From a distance these cities have a multicolored image due to the large number of lights that emerge from the hangars that surround the windows and the central dome.

Across the planet Earth could have a thousand of these cities with ten million inhabitants city. On the lower floors would move urban transport vehicles, above them would have pedestrian areas, pedestrian zones and factories and offices on these private homes, the central dome would be reserved for government buildings and city administration. In these cities nothing be wasted and all citizens waste would be recycled and re-used, thus the cities need no longer be in the vicinity of rivers as before, but the recycling process would go beyond the collection and treatment of and therefore waste from production would be regulated for recycling. For example you could ban the use of glass for packaging food or drink, unless there is a commitment collection. As for green areas, these would place mainly outside the city, which would be mostly urban, but a nice way to live. Whereas populated areas have been together almost exclusively in cities, except for places for tourism and recreation, it is logical that parks are installed on the outer fields to them.




Since ancient times humans have been in the habit of burying their deceased loved ones in cemeteries or other means and gather in extensive grounds called cemeteries, the reason is the widespread belief since ancient times of possible resuscitation of the body in the near future, in my view an evolved society can not afford to allocate space their cities for these purposes, it is much more practical and reasonable to opt for incineration and leave so that the soul of the deceased continue its path toward the there unhindered, is a fallacy build cities for the dead, for they are no longer among us physically. Our bodies were formed from matter and matter must return and thus the ashes also must return to the natural environment which they left. In my opinion, the spirit of the deceased will continue its path towards a new reincarnation in a new body and life process will start again.