From Round Cities to Space Rings by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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In this chapter I will try to explain my point of view as has been the process of evolution of the cosmos to the present and also the future holds.




At the beginning of the cosmos there was no time, so talking about it would not be too accurate. In order for the necessary time no material particles in motion, because it is the change of location of these particles that creates the existence of a past.

At first, he would be out of time, only exist emptiness, but emptiness alone can not exist, because no one can have no sense of self, you need a mirror in which contrasted to be considered as something like reflection and extreme opposite of nothingness or emptiness came the first material particle, this is more a fact of physics that something that happened at a given moment, explains the primordial essence of matter, but can not find its beginning in time , since space and matter have always existed and can not exist without each other, because they are the same thing but in reverse, therefore is more to explain what is the essential nature of the cosmos to explain what was its origin in time, for the same cosmos that matter is neither created nor destroyed only transformed.

From these two elements are space and matter bipolarity of the cosmos and the origin of the sexes or rather the source polarities and binary models then they derive them arises.

From here, the first particle is divided into multiple particles would have given a different beings and different personalities in the cosmos and act separated without direct connection with each other, it must be emphasized that life is eternal to the particles and for space and that all processes are cyclical and once completed, the time starts from the beginning again.

These first particles are divided into two groups, one majority that is what formed the spirits that later would become the people and animals, and another formed by planetary beings, which is to be responsible for forming the planets and stars, these planetary beings are the backbone of the cosmos and those responsible for it to work on your physical plane, these beings are not superior to others and only corresponded them that function as a matter of circumstances, because in principle could be reversed, which will happen probably in the next cosmic cycle.

These planetary beings simply do not run the planets is that they are planets and govern from the atomic level to the movement of the stars.

In this context, God would be the truth above all exists in this process, and the set of laws that govern the universe, these laws emanate from all beings that form, but are planetary beings who shape them mainly these beings yet do not act only on the mineral plane in which they are, and do not interfere with human.

Arguably the planetary beings are like super concentrated spirits because all the material forming the planets is part of them. Of course the planets are also alive but no organic type but mineral type beings. It is a fallacy to say that matter begets life but not life, can only beget life living things. Each atomic particle, each chemical molecule moves and have activity because they are an expression of the life led inside.

Planets whose mission is to be the support on which subsequent biological and organic beings are developed in order to live as evolved life possible, which would be achieved through the incarnation of existing spirits in the form of plants and animals. It is by this fusion between spirit and matter as spirits reach their maximum embodiment and therefore is performed. The process of life and death is nothing more than a repetitive cycle that in no case involves the death of the spirit, because life is eternal for all matter and life in its essence.

Arguably the reason for life is the pursuit of happiness and the process of reincarnation in matter helps to get.

Death only mission is to regenerate the spirits with a new birth, thus it starts at the beginning again, not only learning helps progress, also oblivion does, the question is that you should forget and no, a person dying forgets his knowledge, but the whole society retains necessary for new generations. Instead the spirit has a memory that is disabled by incarnating, but it helps you in the process after each death.

Why are ephemeral work of those who seek eternal life of the body, by doing that are trying to deny the cyclical nature of the cosmos and its right to renew itself, besides being a clear rejection of the eternal life of the spirit.




All particles that form part of one being or spirit, may be linked by filaments that communicate with each other and that would move at the speed of light, in order to avoid collision with other filaments other beings, is i.e. rotatable filaments would move and surround the others that coincide to not interrupt their march. These strands would be composed of the primary material has no particles in it and are the true atoms.




Arguably the spirit essentially consists of a cluster of atoms similar characteristics to those already known, which are taken from ordinary matter, the difference is that inside lies what we might call soul, i.e. particles not formed by any other particle but not necessarily indivisible and joined together, whose sole function is to feel and make decisions that are the true nature of being, the conglomeration of atoms surrounding it simply acts as a complement like the body, but that comes after death and facilitate the soul qualities action, memory and displacement.

The function of the spirit is therefore act as an intermediary between the soul and the body and contains qualities of both.




After the expanded explosion great matter through space they began forming nebulae powder which then arise stars, and the grouping of these galaxies. The first stars used to be giants and easily broke flooding the space more complex atoms, the grouping of the supernova dust resulted in the formation of our solar system. At first, around the sun thousands of small planets with highly unstable elliptical orbits that are continually crossed with those of the other planetoids were formed, this orbital instability led to the collision and continued destruction of these small planets and the formation of the rich asteroids iron. According to planetoids they were getting bigger, absorbing other smaller planetoids and acquired a more stable circular path, starting here today planets emerged. The more mass has a larger planet is its orbital stability, thus the planetoids were continually falling into the other major planets attracted by its gravity and so the space was left in the current situation, with a small number of planets but orbits very stable.




In principle Darwinian theories of evolution they are not necessarily wrong because the competition among the different animal and plant species are an essential component in this process. However that does not mean you can explain everything based on these unique concepts.

It is the union between spirit and matter which began the process of biological evolution and the wishes of the spirit that shaped these forms. The competition between the animals creates a natural selection, but from within the spirit which defines and guides.

Arguably the spirit and the influence of natural selection are divided into biological progress by 50% each and the natural environment we know is therefore the sum of the influence of the two.

Eventually man will colonize all the planets of the solar system and the surrounding stars, until all spirits embodied in animal and plant forms pass into human form. Then begin a process of desertification and plants disappear from the earth's surface.

Unlike humans or higher animals, plants or bacteria have an individual but group spirit, i.e. one spirit control entire groupings of these beings.

About twenty thousand worlds will be colonized by this process and against what is thought now climates or different severities of different planets will not be an obstacle to achieve this. It is a misconception that the worlds with a climate like Earth are the ones who used to live, since the use of compact cities and the advanced technology of the future man can adapt and find protected from these different climates. It will not be to adapt the climate of these planets to man, but to build cities and facilities that preserve this of them.

Think for example in changing the Martian climate with bacteria is a naive, always idea and when you can build domes and protected cities with their own atmospheric pressure, it is logical to seek first the most practical and simple solutions and then the other, does not make sense pretend to be other planets like the earth, we must accept them as they are, but creating cities and appropriate facilities for men.

Of course only uninhabited planets must be colonized, since only a minority of them generates biological life. These initiators worlds of organic life we could call them original planets and logically we must respect them to complete their own evolution.

In colonial worlds both food and oxygen would be artificially synthesized in the inner cities and the man thus no longer need the plants as intermediaries between themselves and the mineral medium.




Some think that among the animals there is only instinct and act impulsively, but do not forget that within each animal there is a brain and ability to think like humans, animals can also distinguish between good and evil and act in a selfish way, but unlike the man did not pose things too, are decided quickly but aware of what they do not have ability to think but to reason, use what might be called pre thought.

In these circumstances predation among animals it is not a mandatory option, since it is rather a choice made by them for convenience, however because of natural selection is just becoming need to adapt to this unique form of subsistence. In these circumstances, the fact of having many offspring is a response of dams to prevent their extinction and not a whim, if no predation animals would have to regulate their birth to fewer. This is the reason why man today is becoming a threat to other species and for himself, for his lack of self-criticism and its limited ability to curb their population explosion, there is look for more food to feed more people, it is about having the right number of people that the planet is able to withstand, without denying animal and plant species rightful space.

To break down dead animals nature invented bacteria and other means which ensure reduction to the essential chemical principles, although predation is also involved in it.




The same animals that man has a spirit and a certain intelligence capability, however, their inventiveness is limited and therefore are different, each animal is as representing a stage in the process of biological evolution, man alone represents the top where there is nothing but what he is capable of achieving, is therefore the man in charge of opening new frontiers in the way of biological progress.




From my point of view, the man will remain indefinitely with the planets in the solar system, regardless of the evolution of the sun.

Eventually, this star evolve into a red giant and then a white dwarf, but this does not mean an end because from my point of view, it is then passed to their longer life span. It will emit less power but more stable and durable.

Scientists think that our star will grow as a result of the fusion of atoms of carbon and iron inside and as a result the earth will be destroyed in about 5,000 million years, but in my opinion, when the sun reaches such a degree all that expansion be able to achieve this planet is a bubble of gas and solid particles driven by the solar wind. Therefore it is highly questionable that in such a degree of dispersion of its mass can be considered threatened a planet like Earth, is more, I doubt that this process of heating the star reaches destroy mercury.

The bad thing about science is that all too often a hypothesis of a scientist is usually discarded by other major hypothesis of another, and finally it teaches us not myth and try to use his teachings to improve ourselves, but without necessarily consider them as absolute truths which can not be improved.

Scientific progress is a succession of ideas in which some are abandoned by erroneous or outdated, but in which there are always other true that justify the sense of progress and science.

The sun in the process of red giant will expand and bubble incandescent material could reach the ground, but may be very sparse so also harmless, but the inhabitants of the nearest planets, the sun will have to abandon them until this process is complete, and solar temperature drops.

Once the sun acquires its final appearance of white dwarf, these planets will again occupy and its inhabitants will live in them until the end of the cosmic cycle in about 80,000 million years.

Solar panels collect large energy that still remains the sun in close orbit to its own surface and then sent to the planets by lasers.




It makes about 15,000 million years evolution of the cosmos began with a huge explosion that threw the whole mass with which galaxies form after a seemingly indefinite spherical expansion.

But from that moment the matter began to be attracted by this gravitational force on each atom, this force was originally dedicated to forming nebulae of dust then planets and stars formed and with them the galaxies, but this force of attraction not end there since its inexorable fate will be the gradual merging of galaxies, which does not mean shock, because after the union of black holes that form their cores larger galaxies bigger and stars of both will be formed will find an orbital point in which stand and follow their evolution.

Similarly, the expansion of the cosmos will eventually stop and begin to reverse, galaxies already merged are again merged with other super galaxies and this process will not end until the end only stay a super galaxy that contains them all and turn this super galaxy will decline to the nucleus to form a new cosmic egg with all matter contained therein after a regeneration process will explode and start a new cosmic cycle, this could occur within about 80,000 million years.




This is an issue we would consider today unpublished or little studied and that has to do with the intimate relationship between the different parts of the physical universe.

Although it may be surprising each color it can be associated with a number thus zero would be white, the black one, the two red, three yellow, four red, five gold, six blue, seven brown eight nine red and light blue.

We must not confuse the metaphysical relationship between colors and numbers with synesthesia, because this is just a biological anomaly.

In the background all matter is related and this is a science that is developing, if the intimate nature of things is studied can reach better understand their rationale.

For example the number zero symbolizes space and female values cosmos, also it represents the extent in the horizontal plane. Along with this one are a binary relation in multiple universal aspects.

The number one closely related concepts as the point is in the center of a circle also represents matter, male values and extension in the vertical plane. As central circle can also be associated with the control elements or the head and crest represent music, and zero depression.

Number two is directly related with polarities in the universe and the origin of the sexes, because of its proximity to one may be associated with power and masculine, it could also be said to be the sum of zero and one.

The number three represents the beginning of a complex association between various individuals and allows you to create a larger base structure and a lower top by the triangle. Being green in the middle of the electromagnetic spectrum between red and blue, also it represents the balance between the forces of nature.

The number four symbolizes the beginning of the same rigid and symmetrical structures.

The number five symbolizes wisdom and most complex spherical shape, and in turn be related to the number one.

The number six represents the beginning of spiritual values.

The number seven is an ambiguous number that combines the others in its features, like add five and two.

The number eight is like four but twice.

The number nine is six evolution towards a more spiritual form on the eve of completing the cycle.

Thus the low numbers also represent the lower colors in the electromagnetic spectrum and high numbers the highest spectrum.

The white light symbolizes justice and truth and is the sum of all colors.

The black color symbolizes the void, rest, night, but can also be associated with the number one and evil, but not necessarily, it depends on the circumstances.

The color red symbolizes energy, green symbolizes life and the blue color symbolizes spiritual values. Just as a person's feet would be related to the red, green waist and head with blue.




These values I show for numbers and colors are not absolute but relative, because depending on what level of the cosmos are displayed, they may appear apparently reversed, so number one is black like space that can be associated with 0 being white it is something that depends on the circumstances. Feminine values would be space, water, silence, cold, the earth to the sun, the gap with respect to the subject. masculine values would be the heat, the sun, the Crest on a musical note, but the concept of male or female depends on regarding it arises, for example, the sun is masculine with respect to land this turn around but the stars are suns revolve around the galactic core and about him are feminine, are not contradictions but different planes.

Another example would bipolarity such as represented by the salt and sugar in food, salt represent male values and would be represented by the color red, sugar and represent female values would be represented by the color blue.

So I say that philosophy is the most difficult and less evolved science there today, so is the one most improved in the future.






From my point of view, is outrageous to think that to make long journeys through space, you will have to resort to freezing of people as if they were canned. Not forget that preserves people are dead and no. This belief arises from the mistake of believing that space travel must last as long as a bus ride.

The solution for these long journeys through space is the shipbuilding city, which allow the stay in space for long periods of time.

Not forget that in every person there is a spirit that does not have to be locked in a body, in such conditions, bear in mind that the spirit needs constant activity, this is the cause of sleep we dream throughout night although we do not agree, the reason is that memory records memories in a different frequency when we sleep when we are awake, so when we will wake up we realize what we were dreaming at the time.




Another mistaken belief in my opinion is the tele transportation, breaking each molecule consisting of the body and then rebuild them in another point in space.

This belief stems from the existence of machines such as fax that allows sending an image through a telephone system, but do not forget that in this case what is sent is the electronic image of the object and not the object itself, is totally absurd to think that a body which has taken many years to form and evolve, can break down and rebuild again without difficulty, devices such as fax send what is energy and not matter, that's the difference. Nature invented precisely the movement to save the problem of distances.






Another belief in my view wrong to think that the man of the future will possess powers like telepathy or telekinesis is the ability to speak for mental waves or moving objects without touching them, I believe these qualities are rather typical of the spirit and not the body what happens is that sometimes procedures fail and go beyond where they should be.




As for clairvoyance and precognition, these qualities can rely heavily on intelligence and sensitivity of people is what determines the extent to which they can develop not forget that this is a predictable world and does not have to surprise, the world follows a trajectory determined by an inertia that to some extent can be predicted just as meteorologists predict the weather, another clear example is the ability of scientists to predict what the stars will happen within several million years, all this is explained by the tendency of nature to follow a logical path.




I think it makes no sense to think that in the future reading of thought as such is possible, however it is well known that it is possible to know to some extent the mood of a person or even figure out what you're thinking just knowing the meaning of facial features to some extent a close relationship with his personality, although facial features you orient knowledge of people that does not mean you can say what everyone is thinking, this is a quality that can be higher or lower depending on the intelligence and sensitivity of each person.




Another belief in my view wrong are the time travel, it is absurd to think you can change the location of it for the simple reason that the time is not more than the ability to remember the position of matter in their positions above.

Whenever the matter moves generates a past and the future is not only the different positions that matter will take in its motion. As then it will be possible for a person journey into the past, whether that past no longer exists, for matter that formed is the same as we have today.

What is possible however is time travel indirectly, that is a man of today hypothetically could rise to a skilled spaceship to go to other planets inhabited, but at an earlier stage than ours and then it's like I was making a journey through time, so if you travel to a planet that were within the age of the dinosaurs would be like a trip to that time in this planet.




Some think that space can be folded like rubber and so spacecraft could take a trip between two points without traversing the space between them, but in my view that argument does not make sense for the fact that no it is logical search space properties that are rather of matter, because the void is precisely the opposite of this, so things like kinking, folding or perforations are features that are not applicable to it and who thinks that's because it is not able to assume that in regard to the duration of space travel is not correct to approaches of days or hours but years.




Today there controversy both among science fiction writers as by some scientists about whether robots eventually came to be identical to people with the same characteristics, I believe this is due to a materialistic vision of human being, for those who think and consider people as mere conglomeration of matter and forget that within each person there is a spirit that makes him different from any machine, so the robots will never become as people and also that the future will be a world without humanoid robots.




This is a hypothesis that I is not so far-fetched, because in those Earth-like but with excessive temperature planets, it seems unlikely the evolution of species to a form of intelligent life but reptile, that is cold-blooded, but I think probably because the land could have gone that way with reptiles left after the last extinction of species and yet did not. This extinction was probably caused by a meteorite that crashed into the Gulf of Mexico about 65 million years ago. I believe that progress towards the forms evolved as human beings requires a lower temperature and biological development of a mammalian type, maybe that's the reason that did not occur previously.

I would also like to emphasize that in my view, only the human form and carbon biology will succeed in the various inhabited planets, because I think it is the most successful of all and the development of man is not a coincidence but something intended by the nature, although other inhabited worlds had any difference with the earth the result of evolution would develop much like us humans.

My conclusion is that only Earth-like worlds are accepted by nature to biological evolution and human form only prevail for being the best.




I think Mars would have been an inhabited planet as the earth if not for its low gravity, about five hundred million years ago the planet had rivers and seas, but gradually lost them because the cessation of volcanic activity stopped producing steam and almost all he had left evaporating into space.




Some think that scientific progress give man unlimited possibilities and nothing to be proposed will be impossible to realize, this is a mistaken belief that the progress of science aims at the full realization of man in the cosmos that is not the same as get everything you want, the same way that an organ is part of a body man is part of the universe but can not do everything, the frantic pace of progress today will not last forever and in the future will be slower. When this happens there will be amazing things that have been done and instead others never be achieved, it could be said that man get science half of what will be hypothesized at the outset, but instead get everything that you help them reach their full realization as being the cosmos evolved.

It should be borne in mind that scientific progress is based on the use of physical and chemical properties of matter and this in turn has rules that govern it and limiting the consequences can be drawn from it.

Scientific progress is aimed at full self-realization of man, and when this process ends the pace of evolution is slow,