General Principles of Reality - A Unification of Physics by Robert L. Demelo - HTML preview

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8.0 Realitivistic Relativity

At the quantum scale, particles vibrate and move at unimaginable speeds that it is virtually impossible to track the position of an electron or any quantum particle (quantum probability). At a celestial scale, planets appear to be travelling slowly through the night sky. In fact the outer most planets take many Earth years to orbit around the Sun, while the inner most revolve around the Sun faster than Earth. Is there a link through time? Postulating that the Bohr model for the atomic structure is similar to that of our solar system, then visual perspective is literally the link and this perception barrier involves scale and the passage of time.



The observer is the key in all frames of reference because it is the observer that perceives the passage of time, experiences distance, size and the effect of force. It is important to understand that the observer, which in our case is in human form, is somewhere in the reality scale and thus composed of dimensional constructs to perceive time relative to this reality. In other words, it is important to understand that the composition, the make up of the observer has direct consequences on how the observer experiences his reality in regards to space and time.

We experience this effect of time everyday, especially for those of us who’ve traveled at high speeds. Some of us will find the following statement very true because on some level we have experienced it.

High energy observer sees low energy systems as slow, thus perceive time as passing slowly in low energy systems.

Low energy observer sees high energy systems as fast, thus perceive time as passing faster in low energy systems.

The energy of the observer can be attributed to many things, but first and foremost his natural environment. In our case and common to all, the environment is Earth which permeates and emits a specific density of ζ.

Dense ζ is perceived by us as high energy and penetrates the observer’s dimensional construct (cluster) to its core dimensional cluster at the quantum level and so on. Increasing the density of ζ increases the density of the user thus making the observer see systems that haven’t been affected by an increase of density of ζ moving slowly. The same applies to the low density except vice-versa.

By increasing the density of ζ and then applying it to the observer gradually, the observer’s dimensional bonds will vibrate more (higher frequency and lower amplitude) and “tighten”, bringing everything together and “shrinking” the observer. Thus the density of ζ with very low amplitude and very high frequency will shrink the observer and increase the passage of time relative to the observer’s previous space-time density. If the amplitude increased along with the frequency, this ζ environment would “burn” the observer with the ultimate effect of “breaking” the observer’s dimensional bonds, essentially killing the observer’s physical state in that reality. But remember that breaking bonds is also a notion we use to describe the increased distance between particles and the assumption that they are no longer linked even at great distances. The concept that the size of the observer can change when introduced to different densities of ζ has huge implications on our preconceived perception of size especially in regards to the Universe. Things may appear larger or smaller than what they are depending on the stage of density change between the “observer” (us) and what’s being observed.

The perceived size of all celestial bodies by an observer is dependent on the density of ζ by the celestial body and its effect on the observers own size after prolonged, gradual introduction to this density.

All bodies are relatively the same size.


The need for shielding is even more essential in the deepness of space than previously thought.

Time Variant

The effect of time is directly proportional to the area in a ζ wave crest (ripple vibration) which is dependent on the frequency and amplitude of the ζ wave which in turn are dependent on the source of vibration which is what we consider “matter” which is condensed ζ resulting from an unknown factor where areas of space become more dense and form this “matter” as perceived by the containing reality.


A rough estimate for tau would be

Assuming the ζ fabric is homogenous and not possible to separate but only stretch, then pockets of stretched ζ fabric, for example ripples of light vibration are again roughly formulated to be:

Where rystemis the radius of the quantum, celestial or any rotational system that distorts ζ due to its composition and rotation which results in the generation of vibration as perceived by a containing observer (systems reality plus one).

Reality Scale Constant S

The scale constant is to represent the difference in size from the celestial reality to the relative quantum reality.

S is equal to a 1.10459x1023 scale difference between quantum and celestial realities which was derived from the Beryllium atom relation to our Solar System. I believe this by far the biggest discovery in this paper which is the relation between S and c ( ).

Reality Time Scale Equations

The scale constant is used here in order to assist the difference in time from the celestial reality to the relative quantum reality. The mathematics derived here is rudimentary, but represent the nature of the two realities as they relate to each other quite accurately with regards to passage of time. There are two sets of equations derived here for the same variable. The first is using the concept of quantum second ( sq) which is 3x108times faster than our own celestial second ( s). Quantum second is explored later in this paper. The second method is derived using the value constant Hwhich was derived from calculations involving neon-helium laser measurements.

Defining the first equation and the most conceptually accurate to this collective theory since it considers a specific calculated quantum second, we must describe the relative constant R

where co = 3 x 108 (no unit). This equates nicely to quantum second at the size of a quantum Earth which is the size of a relative electron or smaller ( ).


Thus the final equations are:


Second possibleversion though I prefer the first

H = 2.183x1016m2 *
r =natural/non-distorted radiusof therelative object
t= istherelative difference intime based on scale.Thisformula can be used to calculate a rough estimate of a quantumsecond.

* H was derived from neon-helium laser equations. It is a roughly calculated value.

Where t would be the time passed in the sub-reality compared to our own reality. To be specific, it is how much time passes in the quantum realm if only 1 second passes in our own reality. The other boxed equations above describe the relative representative time to our time.

Something we must note here is that there is a significant jump between celestial and quantum scale, thus when referring to the radius of celestial objects to quantum, their portion in the natural order of the Universe where a gradual transition between two different scales does not exist and what it does is a jump between scales. The numeric values of S and R are meant to represent a jump in scale but applied in gradually progressing equations. This is not wrong or contradictory to the natural order of the Universe because when applying the radius values to this equation, the natural size of these objects will be the natural balance of how the Universe or Existence manufactured them with a jump on scale between reality realms or not.

Density of ζ

The density of ζ is inversely proportional to its time variant. In a “natural” environment, the density of ζ is dependent on the density of matter, which is dependent on the mass and its volume. Specifically, the density of ζ is directly dependent on its frequency, inversely dependent on its amplitude of which both are a product of superposition of vibrations from the quantum scale to the celestial scale from the center of the matter to the “distinguishable” surface of the matter (its radius in spheres). All superposition of vibrations on ζ contribute to its density, but even following this train of thought, ζ density is still very hard to quantify unless we use an initial frame of reference such as the Earth’s surface ζ density being considered equal 1 ζ/m3 and any other ζ density will be related to this reference point, since existence revolves around us J. Now, we must also understand that these density values with the unit of ζ/m3 are actually relative values to our frame of reference hence why the unit of metres (m) is used, even though size too is relative depending the frame of reference.


To restate, the density of space-time ( ζ) is relative thus to define it, all equations must be developed from our frame of reference. Thus considering several proportionate relations:

The best equation to fit the density of space-time is in relation to a new relativity equation derived later in this chapter:


Considering the density of space-time at Earth’s surface:



The following diagram presents the concept of space-time amplification of vibration through a sphere resulting in a specific density of space-time at its surface and also representing the cause of spin of spherical objects.

00027.jpgThe density coefficient of ζ is the linear velocity of the vibration of ζ, where in its natural state it should always be a constant.

The actual appearance of ζ is misleading and can lead to confusion on the path to understanding this type of density. What may appear to be long “lines” vibrating at a multitude of frequency, amplitude and wavelength ranges are the superposition summation of all similar frequencies and amplitudes that collectively contribute to the condensation of ζ which directly contributes to the effect of gravity at all scales. The condensation of ζ and its density is infinitely homogenous, which means it is like a sponge and always has substance as it is perceived by us even though we exist in it and it is classified by us as “nothing”, and “nothing” is all spaces no matter how infinitely small the space is. In deep space, or nominal space, where ζ is postulated to be less dense (or possibly more dense which has to be seen), the density of ζ is less and our velocity, even basic movements enacting moments of acceleration, would be subject to jumps between ζ densities, having us, the observer, still perceive normalcy in our relation to the rest of the Universe even though the possibility of covering vast distances with little force could be attained. Also, our own bodies would be a great source of condensation and vibration for the low density ζ which again contributes to our perception of the Universe around us. Simply put, we will never see the distance in between the conceptual “tensors, strings or lines” of ζ (different densities of ζ), this is referred to as time variant since our own eyes will condense lines of ζ into them and what we don’t see is postulated to be impossibly understandable (perception barrier). This all leads to a postulated conclusion and notion of homogenous ζ fabric containing relative properties to water, or any fluid, where it too is a fluidic substance that is extremely low density in direct relation to the density of water.

Relative ζ Density

The density of ζ at the quantum scale is relative to the density of ζ at the celestial scale.

Density of ζ is always perceived by any observer moving at any velocity as constant, except in instances of acceleration which is the inertial effect of transition from one density of ζ to another.

If there is any constant in the Universe it is the relative density of ζ as perceived by an observer in any other particular level of ζ density. The difference of densities is only perceived by another observer in another level of ζ density relative to the first observer and his level of ζ density.

What are the implications of this notion of relative ζ density? To answer that a few more things must be presented. First off is the supporting postulation that all objects distort ζ as they move through it. The higher the velocity of an object, the more it distorts the ζ fabric around it. Physical proof lines in the existence of magnetic fields, or distortion wakes. Distortion is amplified by having the object accelerate, which is due to a Universal ζ Rate of Permeation (stickiness) of objects of matter in which the objects rate of acceleration directly affects space density. Space permeates through all things celestial, quantum and sub-quantum and so on, and is consistently homogenous in its permeation, but when an object accelerates it distorts space even though space is permeating through that object and all its subconstructs of all scales. This is because all matter in the state of acceleration pass through “static” ζ at a rate higher than the rate ζ can adjust the matter to its increased density due to the matter’s motion. Matter will shrink at higher velocities relative to other objects of matter at slower velocities because all objects in motion, and especially in the state of transition between velocities which is called acceleration, will distort ζ and experience higher ζ density in front and lower density in back. Virtually the density change is the same in front and back as ζ eventually permeates through the matter and all its sub-constructs bring the matter to a size in which the density to matter and to velocities are the same as when it was travelling at slower velocities relative to itself. This process is not instant hence there is a Universal ζ Rate of Permeation through matter. The higher the acceleration the greater the ζ distortion until space-time distortion permeates through the object’s entire dimensional sub constructs and eventually normalizes at its new relative level of ζ density. Now for objects travelling at very low acceleration rates and constantly increasing in velocity, ζ distortion is still happening especially as the object approaches velocities “close” to the speed of light (speed of ζ ripple propagation) and even beyond the relative velocity of light. Since distortion is immense at these enormous speeds, the object will experience an enormous increase ζ density which would contradict the postulation of relative densities as perceived by the observer. For this postulation to work, the size and mass of the object must relatively reduce as perceived by another stationary observer. The one thing that must be noted is that acceleration is the transition between relative densities, and velocities, in order to achieve perpetual Momentum through space, which ζ distortion will resist the acceleration of an object especially the greater the acceleration is.


New Relativity Equations

The higher density of ζ effects the object’s atomic, quantum, subquantum (etc…) structures by literally increasing the passage of time in those realms which translates into increased “stronger” forces in all those realms resulting in the object’s reduction in mass and size relative to its previous “stationary” velocity. This notion does not necessarily contradict Einstein’s General Relativity, but expands on it stating that relative c isn’t constant and quantum c is much faster than celestial c since we must also consider difference in t between the two realities.

As symmetrically elegant as the Lorentz equations are, they have one significant problem, velocity of the object can be greater than c as seen by an observer from a stationary location and it has been postulated in this collective theory that an object travelling near c would appear to the stationary observer to be reduced in scale by a factor of S = ce.

As perceived by us, the density of quantum matter is S times denser than celestial matter because the distance between “quantum” atoms in quantum matter is S times smaller in any direction, thus quantum density is S times greater. I debated using the volume of the entire matter as the reducing factor, but the problem was then that mass would have to be perceived as equal both in quantum and celestial states as perceived from celestial reality. Matter isn’t the perceived the same as seen from one reality because then the notion of matter and mass come into play. Again, what is matter and mass? It is self-defining at different scale intervals but in a way, matter doesn’t really exist if it is self-defining (d1=d0=1= dn=0). It’s a bit complex, so consider this diagram:


As you notice, the dots represent atoms which too will reduce in size by S. The distance between every atom reduces by S. Now the key here is each atom’s size also reduces by S, meaning they are no longer atoms as we perceive them to be, which directly affects our perception of matter-density, thus perceived mass-density increases by a simple factor of S. So instead of mass reducing by an expected factor of S3, which would represent volume, it reduces by a factor of S2. The following will show this:

By factoring a velocity limiter where at the speed of light celestial matter becomes quantum matter due to ζ increase in density via distortion due to acceleration (and velocity) within the natural state of ζ positioning; in other words, the motion of matter in the concept of ζEther” distorts the ζEther”. The following equation is derived:

This equation has direct relativity to the charge, which also supports this collective theory’s premise that charge and weight (mass-gravity), due to the cause and effect of gravity, are one in the same due to the same effect which is derived from interactions found in wave theory.

where v=c


This also means that mass in kilograms can be represented in units of Coulombs:


A significant example is:

This example basically states that numerically, a quantum Jupiter’s mass closely matches an electron’s quantum charge, again, numerically but still very significant.

Thus the following equations were deduced to be a more “realistic” representation of this paper’s proposed laws of the Universe as it is observed from our perspective reality:

Charge/Weight/Mass Relation
where v=c, q=charge in coulombs
Mass Density
Kinetic Energy

The power of 3e was derived by analyzing the constant S in relation to the speed of light with direct relation to spherical volume. It had a natural exponential relation conceptualized as the inner volume related to the object’s velocity (v) approached the containing volume related to the speed of light (c):

Once the basic derivation of the velocity limiter equation was formulated it was substituted into the relativistic equations and then compared to current knowledge of the fastest known non-quantum, nonatomic objects of which time-dilation is minimum or initially observable as it relates to the equation of Q (described later in this paper) and the redefined Newtonian Gravitational equation. The power of 3e matched many known observations, though it is my belief that currently held observational data should be re-analyzed and/or experimentally redone to take into consideration aspects of this theory because it is my postulated belief that time-dilation, distortion of space-time, occurs during acceleration. For example, space-time distortion will occur every time a car moves from 0km/hr to any other velocity, including 1km/hr.

Referring to the newly submitted relativistic equations, E=mc2is only true because when particles collide the velocity of the particles slow down increasing the mass and releasing its kinetic energy along with the fact that all macro objects are comprised of an “infinite” quantity of atomic, subatomic, quantum and sub-quantum particles and so on. In total, all particles relate to E=mc2 roughly accurate to only one reality scale down (one level down).

The following diagram represents how a substance interacts and composes space beyond its quantum scale. The ζ curvature (density) that all matter exerts on surrounding ζ, what we consider magnetic fields and the notion gravity waves (of varying intensities) visually assists in representing the density of ζ and also illustrates the fact the magnetic field, curvatures in ζ, play a much more important role from the quantum/molecular scale to the celestial scale than what we might have conceptualized previously.


Please note that the magnetic field lines here are straight, but in actuality they would be vibrating, or fluctuating, in relation to the linear velocity of the quantum systems. According to our scientific research has shown that the linear velocity of quantum atomic systems is very close to c (3.0x108 m/s) or equal to c, which interestingly enough is the speed we perceive as associated with what we consider light. Does the linear velocity of quantum systems dictate the speed of light in the next reality, such as the celestial realm? We postulate that it dictates the natural speed of light as it can be easily perceived by an observer in our reality scale, an observer of our time and scale make-up, but that the speed of light, or ripples in ζ, have vastly different velocities depending on following equation as perceived by us in our current realitivistic perspective. This means that this equation of c is how we see ζ ripple velocity permeating from “smaller”, time accelerated realties or realms, such as quantum light and sub-quantum light. In each reality, light is always c, but as seen from a containing reality, thus quantum and especially sub-quantum c>> celestial c

Here A is dictated by the radius of the system generating the ripple in ζ, and H is the natural frequency and amplitude transform (since I don’t believe it is an absolute constant yet). If the atomic system dictates the speed of light in our reality realm where an average atom’s radius is 34.5pm (average of helium-neon radius used to generate red laser light) and roughly equals the amplitude of the light generated, this allows us to calculate H.

Matter & Mass

Matter is the total sum of its sub-system constructs which are composed of all particles one to all realities lower than that in relation to scale and time matter object’s current reality. It is considered palpable physical matter. This was mathematically defined previously utilizing the conceptual tool of dimension.

Mass is the relative measurable unit to define matter’s inertia in a vacuum of space (or ζ fabric). It is beautifully described as:

For this equation to be useful, we need to know the standard mass (ms) and acceleration (a s). What is beautiful of this equation is it states that mass can only be derived relatively. It is my personal belief that this equation was the one that sparked Albert Einstein’s imagination to formulate the Theory of Relativity.

Using an example to define mass, let us say that there are two rocks in space of unknown mass, but we’d like to measure their mass. We have no other reference point but the two rocks. Now we also have two equivalent rockets able to produce an equal unknown force. Along with that, we also have the means to measure distance travelled and the passage of time. So we mount the rockets to their respective space rocks, point them in the same direction and ignite the rockets. It becomes obvious that one rock is travelling faster than the other. We take a measurement of the distance travelled after several minutes. Again, we notice that one rock travelled further than the other. This means that this rock has less “mass” than the other. This type of mass is considered inertial mass. Even with the distance measured and the time taken, we will never know the mass of any of the two rocks absolutely, but only as their mass relates to one another.

Now factoring in ζ density into the same example, in which each rock with equivalent rockets attached are ignited and travel through two different densities of ζ. Due to this particular density difference, both rocks travel the same distance and time. How is this possible? It is possible because inertia of all matter is related to the density of ζ it resides in, thus mass is also