Inter-Galactic Ancient Hindu by Krishna Kripa - HTML preview

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To understand who the Second type of Gods that are worshipped in Hinduism are, we need to analyse a few things about the Gods that we worship. Lets see what we really indisputably know about the Gods that we worship.

Q1. Are they humans?

A. No

Q2. Where do the Gods live?

A. In the skies/ not on Earth

Q3 What do they come to Earth for?

A To help mankind

Q4 How do they help mankind?

A. By giving us advanced technology and various magical bounties which defy the laws of nature as we understand them.

Who are these various entities referred to in our Ancient Texts as:-






Lord Indra

Now, lets think about it, when our thousands of years old religious texts tell us that Gods are non-humans who live somewhere in skies, descend from the skies for a specific purpose, i.e to help mankind with advanced technologies and go back to their abode in the skies when their purpose is fulfilled, whom are they talking about?

As rational human beings and putting together the knowledge that we have gained today through our sciences, the answer to the first question itself should tell us who the Second type of Gods are.

Yes, they are Extra-terrestrial beings who help mankind in every way they can in order to make sure that mankind fulfils its ultimate destiny of becoming a peace loving society like them and humanity can bring out the divine element that is hidden within them.

The most interesting part of this information is the fact that our Ancient texts very openly and clearly tell us about these beings as not non-humans who used to go back to their lokas or star systems. It is only our present day mental conditioning that stops us from seeing this clear fact.

The various entities referred to in our Ancient Texts as






Lord Indra

are all beings from other planets and galaxies who used to visit earth regularly and engage with the inhabitants of the planet.

Another example of the writing on the wall clearly spelled out in our religious texts, is the story of Kaal Yavan’s father Rishi Sheshirayan.

To put it very concisely the story goes like this, Rishi Sheshirayan married an ‘APSARA’ from ‘another world’ and together they had a child named Kaal Yavan, when Kaal Yavan was very young his mother had to leave him in the custody of his father and GO BACK to her “Loka” because she “could not stay on the prithvi Loka for too long” (the atmosphere was not conducive to her existence beyond a certain period).

(For more information goto the website and type the following words WITH THE INVERTED COMAS “Ramanand Sagar’s Krishna Episode 33” or click on the following link The system of Maha Manavtantra in Hinduism, when it says that 6 months of humans (Uttarayana and Dakshinayana) is equal to one day of Gods, they are actually referring to the way the time passes on these other galaxies.

Again we can refer to the story of Maharaj Muchukand who went to the Swarga Loka/Galaxy to help the Gods in a fight, he fought there for a period equivalent to 1 year of Swarga Loka and by the time the war was over 100 years had passed on earth and his entire empire and loved ones had moved on. Thus showing that there are galaxies where time passes more slowly than here on earth.

(For more information to see the story of Maharaj Muchukand Goto the website and in the search window type “Ramanand Sagar’s Krishna Episode 34” WATCH THIS EPISODE OF SRI KRISHNA FROM 40 MINUTES ONWARDS or click on the following link There are several references in our religious texts about various Extra-Terrestrial species like Gandharva-Who are CLEARLY referred to as “celestial beings” in all our religious texts, how much more proof do we want of this.

The various species of ETs who were present on Earth at that time are repeatedly mentioned in our religious texts as Yaksh, Gandharva, Naag, Kinnar.

We also have further evidence of these ET’s having children on Earth. Greek hero Hercules was the son of ‘God’ Zeus and human woman Alcmene, meaning thereby that he was born to a human mother and ET father.

There is an entire series on history Channel called the ‘Ancient Aliens’ where they shows proofs from around the world that humanity has been visited by ETs since time immemorial.

These Extra-terrestrials are so clearly and openly mentioned in our scriptures that we even have Ancient stone carvings and reliefs clearly depicting Nagas changing shape from Snake to Human.

At Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu, we have the world’s second largest relief “Arjuna’s Penance” (picture on the next page) a stone carving which clearly depicts a snake coming out from the ground and changing shape into a human.

If you look at the relief closely the central of the relief clearly depicts a snake coming out from the ground which is in its original form in the beginning and changes form to human as it comes up.

(For more information please visit this link or go to and in the search box type “Indian sculpture shows shape shifting reptilians and Ancient Astronauts” WITHOUT INVERTED COMAS. This a video by ‘Phenomenal Travel Videos’)