Inter-Galactic Ancient Hindu by Krishna Kripa - HTML preview

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Vedic description of the Universe tells us about 7 lokas or 7 Star Systems. These Lokas or Star systems are 1. Satya Loka-Abode of Brahma 2. Tapa Loka-Abode of the Ascetics 3. Jana Loka 4. Mahar Loka 5. Swar Loka 6. Bhuvar Loka 7. Bhu Loka.

What we actually mean by the journey of the soul is the laws of the Universe which allow a certain type of souls to reside in a certain type of a Galaxy based on its previous Karma. Now this is the reason why all the religions around the world pay so much emphasis on regulating our behaviour on this planet, because once our life on this planet ends our souls go over to the other planets in other galaxies according to their Karma.

This is the valuable knowledge being imparted to us for the benefit of mankind in the form of the knowledge of the journey of the soul in all religions today.

For those critics who would say that there is no soul, I have this to say. All the ancient civilizations around the world tell us stories like the story of Noah from the Bible and the story of Manu from Hinduism which tell us about various flood myths, about how there were cataclysmic floods in the past which swept away entire human civilizations and the survivors of the floods had to start civilization from a scratch. Till date historians refuse to believe these stories dismissing them as myths, however after the discovery of Dwarka city 100 feet under water as stated previously, these myths have been proven to be true. The reason for dismissing these stories as myths was that we did not have the equipment to search the floors of the ocean 100 ft under water at that time when these stories were declared to be myths in early 20th century when present day modern history was being written and therefore due to lack of technology, since these theories could not be proven, they were dismissed and a wide gap was created between mythology and history which has not been filled even today. But today when we have the technology to search the depths of the ocean, the truth has come out by itself.

Similarly, all the religions around the world talk about the existence of the soul and ask us to live our lives in a manner that would be beneficial for the soul, but the modern sciences yet again dismiss the idea of a soul, saying that there is no proof of it. The fact of the matter is that we don’t have the requisite technology to prove it yet, but that does not mean that the soul does not exist. However, we cannot wait for the modern sciences to catch up on this information because humans are living their lives every day and need to follow the rules for the soul in order to attain a better afterlife.

Now, the question arises, that if ETs are here to benefit humanity then why don’t they come forth and reveal themselves the way they did in Ancient times. The answer to this question that I can understand is that if we jog our memory back, up to the time of Lord Christ, the occurrence of miracles was quite common. After the time of Jesus these open interactions stopped. The fact that Lord Jesus himself was born through Virgin Mary without any male contribution was easily believed by the general public of the time shows that these miracles were common place, in addition to this there are various reference to voice coming from the sky and telling people that Jesus was a favoured Son of God. However, after the time of Lord Jesus, these open miracles stopped and we do not have much record thereafter of any miracles occurring openly where God descended on earth or there were any voices talking from the heaven. Therefore, in my understanding, these open interactions with ETs stopped due to the way we treated Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore, from this we can see that though we still have access and guidance from up above which comes in our dreams/through telepathy etc., we still cannot interact freely with them in the physical world because of the inhumane treatment given by us to Lord Jesus despite the knowledge of the fact that he was here to help us and to help humanity reach its ultimate goal and yet the way we treated him lead them to be vary of us. This is not to say that Lord Jesus was an ET but only to say that when we treat someone who comes with a message of love so badly, what would anyone looking at us think. Even today if we see an ET aircraft, the first thing that we will do is probably to shoot it down. Therefore, as man has grown powerful over a period of time he has also grown violent and this is the reason why they only interact directly with people like Dr Steven Greer mentioned above who convey a clear message of peace for humanity.

Now think about the message that Lord Jesus Christ brought with him, he said we should share; “if you have two shirts, give one to the man who has none”. Humans decided not to follow his advice, now think about it, what was the attitude that was the root cause of colonialism and ultimately the two world wars, to sum it up in one line, the attitude was that ‘if i have 2 shirts and the other person has one I want his shirt as well, i don’t care if he has none left to wear thereafter’. If we had followed Lord Jesus Christ’s advice when he gave it, there would have been no colonialism and hence World War-I and World War-II could also have been avoided. It would have saved humanity a lot of grief, but alas we chose to ignore his advice.

These messengers of God know the direction in which humanity is headed and therefore, always come down on this planet to guide us in the right direction.


So, this is the INTERGALACTIC ANCIENT HINDU, whom we have been trying to understand since thousands of years.

**Highly recommended video “Vedic Tour of the Univer” on


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This book is also available in video form on by the  Video name :- “Hinduism: Everything Explained”

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