Life by Laurentiu Mihaescu - HTML preview

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4. Evolution and adaptation


 It took a very long time, billions of years, for life to turn from its unicellular form into a complex and intelligent "construct". This lengthy period of time, the favorable environment, even the global extinction events - all have made their specific contribution to the process of shaping a truly evolved life form in the Earth's big laboratory. There is no doubt that life has emerged and evolved naturally, continuously adapting and overcoming barriers, molding primordial organisms through the ages up to their most elaborate configuration, the actual human. This being, by its own forces - both mental and physical - continues the evolutionary process and even tries to make some new jumps. The previously mentioned threshold may be called scientific threshold, as it is entirely due to the progress made by accumulation of scientific knowledge. It is in fact that limit humans surmounted once they fully understood their materiality and the related laws and mechanisms, such as the causality, the flow of time and the principles of motion. And this was a triumph of the scientific knowledge on the surrounding reality and on our inner side, but there will be profound and immediate implications in the mental field. Humans hold now the key to decipher their own existence and consciousness, the secrets of life in general. The mystery has almost gone, the existential crisis is over, and now we may completely focus on the future. However, the mental threshold might be much more difficult to cross; new evolutionary mutations could be required to change the capacity and support of our consciousness, a major adaptation of the human species to the information society. It will take a lot of time and it will be painful, but this threshold must be surpassed as soon as possible. Those many years wasted by the humankind in a religious darkness, the significant delay in reaching the Normal stage must be compensated somehow, because time is a very expensive thing. And we may now face two great risks, the self-destruction and the postponed space colonization. Simply said, human bases could have already existed all over the Solar and Proxima Centauri systems, and the galaxy exploration could have been just in progress.

 Our societies, more or less globalized, will have to undergo difficult changes. And it is not about small changes, here and there; everything has to be rearranged by using a new value criterion, a criterion that is centered on the survival of the species. People, things, states, social hierarchy, all of them. And no, this is not a utopia! Once this global, joint project is accepted, the mankind may give up on the old social, economic and political relations. We are a resilient species; we have even managed to evolve in very harsh conditions, but slowly and at great costs. All of today's types of social, economic, political systems - capitalism, communism, dictatorships, democracy, free market economy, parties and governments - are practically pseudo-structures and concepts, and they must be changed. Most of them were springing from some "leaders" who never decided for the benefit of each individual. Moreover, they did not respect the basic human rights and freedoms - which are normal in a civilized society; they even deepened the segregation on different reasons. Many countries have promoted the social egalitarianism, as harmful to the human being as the unfairness of the extreme inequity. The actual social systems have all failed, and they are now just inefficient time and energy consuming organizations. Some good principles have all been wrongly implemented. Smart, decent people were removed from decision-making positions and thus many individuals were affected. It has been proved, across the entire history of humanity, that humans cannot live together in a limited habitat; practically, nothing was normal in our past. The wars and crimes were caused by false goals like money, power, land, domination, and all of these have changed the normal hierarchy of values in our world. Furthermore, the irrational exploitation of some natural resources produced serious shortages, polluted the biosphere and destroyed many biosystems - and all of these were done by many political-economic systems of government to ensure a so-called quality of life, on the basis of the so-called free market and supply and demand mechanisms. It is unbelievable how much economical and political nonsense can be borne by people, at the dawn of the third millennium, when the human rights seem to be completely forgotten! So much injustice is still present in this world, so much dictatorship disguised in democracy, so much lack of freedom... 

 And there are many more details to show and analyzed; anyhow, these are indisputable things, which produce more negative effects than all the wars in the human history, completely justifying the project of change proposed above. We have come to a turning point; humanity must make a big step forward, overcoming the past. The current evolution and adaptation must eliminate the animal from humans, the predator lying inside each of us (who partly turned into a warrior), in order to rediscover the normality of being and living together. We all are humans, different in many respects, but we all are social beings and we must reinvent the rules and the normality of living. The good news is this: the destiny of humans is only in our hands. The bad news is: now, at the end of 2017, we are still far away from the critical mass of global will that is required to take this natural leap into the future.