The Physics of Gravity by Martin Cross - HTML preview

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Earlier we said that if we drilled a hole through the centre of the Earth there were three possibilities for what could happen: you could come to rest smoothly; you could oscillate; or you could be ‘pushed’ into the ‘hole’. Let’s now see what would happen – and let’s also realise what this would feel like!

As we have said, gravity is not a function of mass per se but a function of movement per se.

This means that falling towards the centre of the Earth, to reach a speed of some 1500 miles per hour (Mach 2) is conceptually like accelerating to catch a jet plane moving at some Mach 2.

Passing through the centre would feel most like diving in a jet toward the Earth’s surface, and then, as you reach the centre, pulling out of the dive at the last minute. Imagine the G-force that you would pull as you level out and pull up. Now imagine that instead of levelling out, the pull is instantly, completely reversed.

There is a famous joke about the last thing that goes through a fly’s mind when it hits the windshield of your car, the answer of course being that it is his feet.

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The Shape of the Universe

Similarly, the understanding of gravity discussed here means that when you pass through the centre of the gravitational field of the Earth at 1500 miles per hour, the sensation would be akin to having your feet pushed up through your knees, pelvis, chest and head. You would not come to a dead stop at this instant, but the sensation would be unpleasantly similar!

It turns out that drilling a hole through the centre of the Earth and then falling in would certainly not cause you to come to rest smoothly at the centre. It might have an element of oscillation but primarily it would be a most unpleasant version of being putted like a golf ball.

Of course the example is fanciful. Even allowing for some kind of vacuum tube eliminating the effects of pressure, our Google source notes that the Earth is rotating. I'd end up smeared messily, not to mention fatally, along one side of the tube long before I reached the centre.

The discussion assumes that we stop the Earth from spinning and also keep it from collapsing in on itself somehow. But I’ve emphasised this illustration of a hole through the Earth partly because it was at this point in my own thinking where I began to feel I had really proven my own theory to myself, so to speak.

I am aware there are physicists that are arguing against Einstein and that is not at all what I believe myself to be doing. There are also physicists who hope to build on the existing understanding, doing highly imaginative work but again, I don’t think there is any hope for that route. The truth is that a complete understanding of gravity should explain how we went wrong, not just put us right. Such an understanding comes from replacing a wrong assumption with one that better fits the facts. Traditionally, we view three (spatial) dimensions as an (externalized) fact but what this has done for me is to present a deeper understanding of the term ‘dimension’. We are not external to the three dimensions of space and one way that could be so is if there is a third subjective dimension. It would have no bearing on the current discussion of gravity but it might be part of the ‘everyone’ in a future Theory of Everything (and Everyone).

I am not suggesting you should immediately follow me all the way here. Let us give the cosmologists and other experts their chance to make what they will of the Shape of the Universe.

To put it another way, we have only very recently overtaken, particularly, Plato. In The Republic, Plato draws his famous analogy of the cave. Writing 2000 years ago, what was to prove so prescient – his description of truth-seekers as watching merely the flickering reflection of truth, like light from a fire thrown onto a cave wall seen by a person with his Page 65

The Shape of the Universe

back to the flame – strikes such a chord with the TV & film watching age of the Twentieth Century that it is still quoted for ultimate wisdom by gurus today.

It speaks directly to all those who have no sense of infinity. I may say that Pi is infinite, that the Universe is infinite on the smallest scale and on the largest, but there may still be no apparent shedding of light (of truth) from me by this for you. You still may not have a sense of what infinity means to you.

In The Republic, immediately before he introduces the cave, Plato has written of the line.

This was another representation of complete truth for Plato, what I would call a Dimension.

Plato invites us to draw a line which we should divide unevenly up into four. These four sections were labeled as scientific knowledge, mathematical knowledge, opinion and intuition (in the form of poetry, drama, etc).

Plato specifically said that the line should not be divided evenly, as if he was avoiding taking these as units of a continuing line. Indeed, his line is not continuing. It does not have a measured length but it is clearly not infinite. Is it most likely this which made him move on to a fuller analogy to absolute truth with his cave?

For us, Plato’s cave must be one of a limitless number of like caves, all of which are one cave away from each other, for it must have the wonder of infinity. For us, Plato’s line must become infinitely long because this is more desirable than discovering warp drive.

In going so extremely against existing orthodoxy, and not even as an academic myself, I had at some point to put myself on record. I recorded 3 related videos to commit to this philosophy of metaphysics. It was important to do it at the time, before whatever failure or success was to come. Again, I definitely wouldn’t put it in the same way now, but nevertheless I stand by what I said at the time in the white heat of discovery.

~ • ~

Well done for staying with this essay if you have managed to stay with it, or indeed if you've

‘fast forwarded’ through the earlier bits to get here, thank you; that's fine. I do hope you'll come and attend the show before 2025. I'm sure you'll find it enjoyable and I dare say not quite so demanding. It's very simple, it is no more than 'O' Level/GCSE physics.

Which final note brings me to the homework question. It is this: Page 66

The Shape of the Universe

The shape of the Milky Way is a distinctive ‘fried egg’ with a flattened ‘white’ of ‘spiral arms. It is a typical example of a Spiral Galaxy. What simple physical process causes Spiral Galaxies to form in this way? Email me your answer before 2025 and I will respond. The easiest way is probably via my website (see front page). If your answer agrees with mine, I’ll add yours to the list of names to be revealed, along with the answer, on the website in 2025

I’ve redacted the explanation above for the spiral arms of a spiral galaxy, so the homework is to come up with that explanation. It is very simple and has already been a part of the shows I have been giving since 2014. But bear in mind you cannot Google for it at this time.

Hence my great efforts ever since to do something both educational and entertaining with the information.


Hyperlinks referenced:

First ever talk & vote

Billion: The Long History of Time

QED : The strange theory of light and matter

Gravity of Earth


Rings of Saturn

Philosophy (Metaphysics)

PDF copies available free of charge by the same author:



like Numbers?

Common Sense


Art – An Essay Where on Earth is Heaven?

Page 67

About the book: A revolutionary and unique visualization explaining how gravity creates the shapes of the Cosmos. Accompanied by live talks, recorded videos, and further writings as part of a ‘theory of everything and everyone’, this long-form essay intends to educate and entertain for all readers of GCSE level understanding and above interested in the subject.

Redacted until 2025, the full explanation of the shape of the Universe requires attending the live talk (“This is the Shape of the Universe – or your money back!”). Readers of this essay not attending the talk have the chance to independently co-discover it for themselves.

After all, who has not wondered what is outside of the Universe?

About the Author:

Martin Cross was born in 1960 and lives in Suffolk. He makes his living as a Computer Programmer.



Grateful thanks to providers of Corel & OpenShot, Eric Wenger & Bryce, Linus Torvalds & Ubuntu, Virtual Box, Microsoft and Tim Berners-Lee. Typeset in Philosopher. Published 2022

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