The singularities as ontological limits of the general relativity by Nicolae Sfetcu - HTML preview

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The singularities from the general relativity resulting by solving Einstein's equations were and still are the subject of many scientific debates: Are there singularities in spacetime, or not?

Big Bang was an initial singularity? If singularities exist, what is their ontology? Is the general theory of relativity a theory that has shown its limits in this case?

In this essay I argue that there are singularities, and the general theory of relativity, as any other scientific theory at present, is not valid for singularities. But that does not mean, as some scientists think, that it must be regarded as being obsolete. For this, I have used the studies of several physicists and philosophers: Thomas A. Ryckman, Early Philosophical Interpretations of General Relativity (Ryckman 2018), Don A. Howard, Einstein's Philosophy of Science (D. A. Howard 2017), John D. Norton, What Can We Learn about the ontology of Space and Time from the Theory of Relativity? (Norton 2012), Robert Weingard, On the ontological Status of the Metric in General Relativity (Weingard 1976), Vincent Lam and Michael Esfeld, The Structural Metaphysics of Quantum Theory and General Relativity (Lam and Esfeld 2012), Erik Curiel and Peter Bokulich, Singularities and Black Holes (Curiel and Bokulich 2018), Gustavo E. Romero, The ontology of General Relativity (Romero 2013c), Philosophical Issues of Black Holes (Romero 2014) and Adversus singularities: The ontology of space-time singularities (Romero 2013a), Nick Huggett and Carl Hoefer, Absolute and Relational Theories of Space and Motion (Huggett and Hoefer 2018), Christopher Smeenk and George Ellis, Philosophy of Cosmology (Smeenk and Ellis 2017), Alan D. Rendall, The nature of spacetime singularities (Rendall 2005), Erik Curiel, The Analysis of Singular Spacetimes (Curiel 1999) and C. J. S. Clarke, Space-Time singularities (Clarke 1976).

After a brief presentation of the specific aspects of Newtonian classical theory and the special theory of relativity, and a brief presentation of the general theory of relativity, the chapter Ontology of General Relativity presents the ontological aspects of general relativity. The next chapter, Singularities, is dedicated to the presentation of the singularities resulting in general relativity, the specific aspects of the black holes and the event horizon, including the Big Bang debate as original singularity, and arguments for the existence of the singularities. In Singularity Ontology, I am talking about the possibilities of ontological framing of singularities in general and black holes in particular, about the hole argument highlighted by Einstein, and the arguments presented by scientists that there are no singularities and therefore that the general theory of relativity is in deadlock. In Conclusions I outline and summarize briefly the arguments that support my above views.

Classical Theory and Special Relativity

Newtonian classic gravity admits a geometric description. Together with special relativity, it allows a heuristic description of the general relativity (GR). The inertial movement in classical mechanics is related to the geometry of space and time, practically along geodesics in which the world lines are straight lines in relativist spacetime. (Ehlers 1973) Due to the principle of equivalence between inertial and gravitational masses, when considering gravity, no distinction is made between inertial motion and gravity. This allows the definition of a new class of bodies in a free fall, defining a geometry of space and time by a geodetic motion that depends on the gradient of the gravitational potential. Hence the Newton-Cartan theory, a geometric formula of Newtonian gravity in curved spacetime using only covariant concepts. (Ehlers 1973) (Havas 1964)

Newtonian geometric gravity is a limiting case of special relativistic mechanics. Where gravity can be neglected, physics is Lorentzian invariant as in relativity, rather than Galilean invariant as in classical mechanics. (Giulini 2006)

Lorentz's symmetry involves additional structures through light cones defining a causal structure 1. Together with the world lines for freefalling bodies, light cones can be used to reconstruct the semi-Riemannian spacetime metric, at least up to a positive scalar factor, resulting in a conforming structure (or geometry).

If gravity is taken into account, the temporal straight lines defining an inertial frame without gravity are curved, resulting in a change in spacetime geometry. (Schutz and Schutz 1985)

Proper time measured with clocks in a gravitational field does not follow the rules of special relativity (it is not measured by the Minkowski metric), requiring a more general, curved geometry of space, with a pseudo-Riemannian metric naturally associated with a certain type of connection, the Levi-Civita connection, which satisfies the principle of equivalence and makes the local space Minkowskian. (Ehlers 1973)

In November 1915, at the Academy of Sciences of Prussia, Einstein presented the field equations 2 that include gravity, which specifies how space and time geometry is influenced by matter and radiation.

General Relativity (GR)

According to GR, the gravitational force is a manifestation of the local spacetime geometry. GR is a metric theory of gravity. It is based on Einstein's equations, which describe the relationship between the geometry of a four-dimensional, pseudo-Riemannian manifold, representing spacetime and energy-impulse contained in that spacetime. Gravity corresponds to changes in space and time properties, which in turn modify the paths of objects. Curvature is caused by the energy-impulse of matter. According to John Archibald Wheeler, spacetime tells matter how to move, and matter tells spacetime how to curve. (Wheeler 1990) For weak gravitational fields and low speeds relative to light speed, the predictions of the theory converge to those of Newton's law of universal gravity.

GR shows general covariance (the laws have the same form in all coordinate systems) and does not contain invariant geometric background structures (it is independent of the actual shape of the spacetime and the value of various fields). Basically, the principle of equivalence is valid at the local level, the space-time is Minkowskian, and the laws of physics manifest Lorentz's local invariance. (Weinberg 1972)

In GR, matter and geometry must satisfy Einstein's equations. A solution to these equations is a model of universe with possible additional laws governing matter. The most known exact solutions are those that correspond to a certain type of black hole in an empty universe (Chandrasekhar 1998) (the Schwarzschild solution, the Reissner-Nordström solution and the Kerr metric), which describe an expanding universe (the Friedmann-Lemaitre- Robertson-Walker and Sitter universes), the Gödel universe (with the possibility to travel in time), the Taub-NUT solution (a homogeneous but anisotropic universe model) and the anti- Sitter space (recently highlighted in the context of the Maldacena conjecture). (S. W. Hawking and Ellis 2008)

In Newtonian gravity, the source of gravity is the mass, and in special relativity the mass is part of a more general quantity called energy-impulse tensor that includes both energy density and impulse density, and stress (pressure and shear). In GR, the gravity field equation refers to this tensor and the Ricci tensor that describes a certain class of tidal effects.

There are alternative theories to GR built on the same concepts, with different rules and/or constraints resulting different field equations (Whitehead theory, Brans-Dicke theory, teleparalalelism, f(R) gravity, Einstein-Cartan theory, etc.). (Brans and Dicke 1961)