Three stories with Greece as the common denominator. "Lea, Portrait of an Artist" begins on the island of Limnos and our characters meander in England and Switzerland. Lea is a fascinating, troubled painter who interacts with the true and imagined personae of her life. In "Tribulations" an obese...
In an alternate universe where the people are still stuck in the age of kings and queens. The reign of one of their rulers is at its end. Knowing that her successor is going to change the face of their world, the present reigning queen can trust none other than the daughter who doesn’t even...
A young man who, of all things, is sent to rural Normandy near Bayeux to recover his health fits into the aristocratic scene easily. He is the Baron Gaston de Nueil, and he has good teeth and some prospects in life. While in Normandy, he hears that the notorious Madame de Beauseant, who has...
Step by Step - A Personal Approach to Managing Fibromyalgia This ebook is packed with detailed information about the most effective means of treating Fibromyalgia. Experts and Researchers agree that a "Patient Directed" Fibromyalgia management program is the best treatment approach. While...
This book presents a parenting education framework which focuses on parenting intentions and actions revolving around leadership. Parents learn the importance of setting rules and boundaries while promoting expectations for success. Written by Peter J. Favaro, Ph.D., author of SmartParenting...
Abraham "Bram" Stoker (8 November 1847 – 20 April 1912) was an Irish novelist and short story writer, best known today for his 1897 Gothic novel Dracula. During his lifetime, he was better known as personal assistant of actor Henry Irving and business manager of the Lyceum Theatre in London...
It's all about taking control of your attitude and building your self-esteem. Sounds pretty daunting, doesn't it? Many people thought so too, until they discovered the principles in Your Attitude - Your Self-Esteem. Learn how little steps can bring you giant leaps forward in how you live, how...
Samuel Foote (January 1720 – 21 October 1777) was a British dramatist, actor and theatre manager from Cornwall.
Otto Rank (April 22, 1884 – October 31, 1939) was an Austrian psychoanalyst, writer, and teacher within the then developing non-dual theoretical paradigm (Bohr [physics], Gödel [mathematics], Wittgenstein [philosophy]). Born in Vienna as Otto Rosenfeld, he was one of Sigmund Freud's closest...
When security expert Mike Williams decided to write a book that would teach the public what it needs to know to stay safe, he brought with him two decades as a law enforcement expert in surveillance and investigative training, security management, crime prevention and anti-terrorism training. The...