10 Life Lessons to Find Your Why Now and Achieve Ultimate Success by John Di Lemme - HTML preview

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Lesson 6

Unleashing Your Why in Life


By now, I'm sure you're well on the way to finding or perhaps you have already found that spark inside your heart. That spark is what ignites that roaring fire of desire deep inside of you. I salute you! You're doing something that most people never achieve. You're discovering your ultimate Why in life. Writing your Why is a process, and you can rewrite it as many times as you need in the beginning phase. Every great accomplishment starts with one step towards its achievement.


The Incredible Power of a 3x5 Card


There is one more secret that I have to tell you before we continue our discussion on the Why. You are likely wondering "how" you will achieve your Why. I believe that 95% of your success will be a direct result of the power behind your Why and only 5% will come from how you will actually accomplish it. In other words, don't worry so much about the how, just keep focusing on the Why at this point. My own experience is that if your Why is strong enough, then you will never have to worry about the how. Strangely enough, the how will present itself. I've seen it happen many times.


Now, let's talk about the power of your Why. The way for you to unleash the explosive power locked inside of your Why is simple. Grab a 3x5 index card. I'll say that once again Grab a 3x5 index card. This is a million dollar tool, but it is so simple that most people won't do it! You could have expensive software that will allow you to create a fancy, multi-colored, seven-dimension, micro- chip implanted Why card . You could have every fancy tech gadget under the sun, but this little 3x5 index card will change your life It will massively change you