100 Diamond Quotes by RVM - HTML preview

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Life is made of Pleasures,

Life is made of Pain.

Don't just enjoy the Rainbow,

also Learn to dance in the Rain.


I have observed that as soon as the monsoon season starts, instead of talking about the rain and the joy it brings, people start discussing potholes, puddles and traffic jams. And when the sun shines through the drizzle and the rainbow appears, everybody is happy again. But remember, life is about both - day and night, pleasure and pain, rainbow and rain.


If you want to truly enjoy, you will have to accept life with all its ups and downs. If you want to see a beautiful rainbow, you will have to enjoy the rain jumping through puddles as well. If you don't, you will be enjoying only one part of your life and thus an incomplete one. So next time it rains, forget the umbrella, step out and dance your heart out.