100 Diamond Quotes by RVM - HTML preview

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Live before the Journey is over.

Live before it is too late.

LIVE because you deserve to.


The Journey of Life will soon be over. We deserve to live; we deserve to enjoy this journey. But what if we forget to enjoy this journey and it comes to an end? Many people don't realize that the journey of life is temporary; it's short and we must live before the journey is over. I see people trying to live their lives after they cross 70 or 80. They have no health; they may have wealth but they can't even walk, they can't live, they can't enjoy because it is too late. We don't deserve to die without enjoying life. We must live before we die. We deserve to live and we deserve to enjoy. But why do we forget this? Why are we so busy just making money that we forget to enjoy this beautiful journey called Life?