Self-Improvement Books
The One Who is...NOT
Diversity of religious thought is the finest proof that religious thought is not based on truth and knowledge. Only ignorance can sustain several (hundreds of) confronted “truths” at the same time. The good news is that is possible to know, or, more accurately, to reach the point from which...
DO IT FOR YOU OR GET F*CKED UP: A Rule Book for Success
There is a simple rule of a great life. Eat or get eaten. Everyone wants to get successful, get rich, have a girlfriend. But only a few people achieve what they want. And all others get settled with the circumstances they are in and spend their entire life regretting what they could have achieved...
The Ultimate SWAG of Mind
Finest Self Help Book on taking Charge of Life by Ali Ahmad Awan (Pakistan's Youngest Motivational Speaker & Psychologist)
10 Ideas That Changed My Life
In 10 Ideas That Changed My Life, I have attempted to understand the principles and concepts that helped me go from a student who was repeatedly kicked out of school to some of the best Ivy League graduate schools such as Harvard and Wharton. However, I didn't make this journey alone. I possibly...
Give Me My Crown Back
Unashamedly, the author begs you, to read this eBook. You must spare ‘two hours’ to save humanity from definite ‘annihilation’. Beg others too, to join the conclusive crusade against ‘Enemy Number One’ of 7.5 billion people. There is no choice; you destroy it or it eliminates us all...
The Greatest Teacher In The World!
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. If we’ve been fortunate, there was a teacher in our life who chose to believe in us even when the entire world wouldn’t. They focused on what we could become, instead of who we were at that point in time. Most importantly, they had an...
Appreciate the Little Things - The #1 Rule of Happiness
People spend their days worrying and thinking about the big things: acing that big test, getting that big salaried job, going on that big date. They fail to notice the sweet little things that make life so special. The bird that is warbling in the tree branch outside of your office window is a...
Let's Get Started: Money Management 101
Many of us were never taught how to manage money. As a result, we struggle with money. We spend more than we earn. We feel like we are buried in debt. And savings seems like an unattainable dream. I know because I have been there. If you want to learn how to manage your money or you would like...
Take Back Your Power NOW! - with Vanessa Simpkins
I ’ve been helping NEW and seasoned coaches, consultants, healers, authors, speakers and services providers skyrocket their confidence and cash flow for the last 10 years WITHOUT a fancy pants website, big email list or being a big guru.
A Shortcut to Success
Success is defined as the achievement of a worthwhile goal. Find what stops you from achieving your goals and learn how to fix that. Learn how to set goals in the areas of Relationships, Career, Recreation, Health, and Money. Learn how to think correctly from the future to create ideal outcomes.