13 Secrets You Should Know About Life Before You Die by Livingstone Imonitie - HTML preview

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When I hear people say they are introverts and have no friends, I usually wonder how they live their life. A life of that sort strikes me as boring. Friends are important set of individuals in my life and my friends have impacted in me greatly and I believe I have also impacted in them too. If you want to go fast in life, go alone but if you want to go far, go with a friend who has the same vision as you.

Friends shouldn't be just folks you hang out with, laugh with or play with. Friends should be folks who are interested in you and your betterment, interested in your success, guys who love what you do and are willing to assist you in achieving your dreams. Friends should come with benefit and if you have individuals in your life you call friends and they do not really add anything to you or you do not impact in them, why then are you guys friends?

Friendship is like a spaceship and you need to choose carefully who comes on board or else there will be confusion. The issue is not having friends; the issue  is having the right kind of friends. I keep telling young folks anytime I'm invited to give a talk on “Making Friends”- Not everyone is expected to be your friend, if there is no positive impact between the both of you, please end the relationship. There are some people you call friends who always gossip about other people with you and still you call them your friends. I will shock you with this, “if your friend always gossip about other people with you, that friend will surely gossip about you with other people”.

You need to be careful while choosing friends and please don't just make friends, make network. Connect with people, be interested in their lives, and be interested in their success. If you want to share your idea with someone, first make that person you friend. Stop thinking about only your success and start thinking about the success of others. Share your smile with the world; it's a symbol of friendship and peace.

Be Social. I so much love the social media but I do not live my life on social media. I connect with individuals on social media, get to know them and meet with them and with time I become friends with them and I learn a lot from  them. There are millions of people who have the solutions to your problems, go and become friends with those people and connect with them.

Your friend is a reflection of who you are and your friends have effect on you that is why the elders will say, “Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are”.

If you move with negative friends, your life will be negative but if you move with positive friends, your life will be positive. I am really glad of the friends I keep. Anytime I'm having issues or difficulty, I go to them and I get advice from them. They have impacted my life in so many ways. It was a friend who inspired me to begin writing. It was also a friend who inspired me to start blogging. It was another friend of mine that motivated me to write my first e- book “70 PUSH UPS FOR SUCCESS” and if you haven't read that book, please order for it now. It is free.

Friends have inspired and impacted me awfully much. There is an indescribable feeling of joy whenever we exchange ideas or think out a new concept. It is overwhelming. I cannot even imagine where I would be today if not for the handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let's face it; friends make life a lot more fun. These are friends with benefit and these guys have become family to me. I am forever grateful to God for bringing Joshua Navi and Jerry Weajs to me, they are great friends. A very great gift of life is friendship and I have received it.

Friendship isn't a “do or die affair”. If you try getting closer to someone and the person doesn't want your friendship, do not force yourself on that person. Kindly walk away and look for another friend. You shouldn't change who you are just because you want others to accept you. I see ladies living fake lives just because they want acceptance from a particular clique of friends. That's not living, that's prison. Why should you imprison yourself just for acceptance? Be who you are and you will get connected to the right folks. Make friends with people who bring out the best in you and not friends who bring out the worst in you.

Simon Sinek said, “The strong bond of friendship is not always a balanced equation; friendship is not always about giving and taking in equal shares. Instead, friendship is grounded in a feeling that you know exactly who will be there for you when you need something, no matter what and when”.

Friends are the siblings God never gave us.

Friendship is priceless. It is not something to take and throw away. Friendship comes with trust, understanding and love. Friendship is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learnt anything.

Be true to yourself, help others, make each day your masterpiece, make friendship a fine art, drink deeply from good books – especially the bible, build a shelter against rainy day, give thanks for your blessings and pray for guidance every day” – John Wooden

Go out today and share your smile with someone, make friends with people from different background and culture. Live a happy life, have fun with friends and impact one another. I love you.

If you ever need a friend, my door is open to you; contact me and let's connect. Let's impact each other and have good memories together.