13 Secrets You Should Know About Life Before You Die by Livingstone Imonitie - HTML preview

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Giving is one principle that is being taught in almost all religion if not all but only a few persons practice it. Maybe they think if they give, they will lack….but I don't think that true, no one has ever become poor by giving.

Giving is sowing seeds into someone's life and with time it will germinate and produce fruits. Giving should be done with a joyful heart and should be part of you. You should see giving as an avenue to bless someone.

I have studied some great men and I discovered that one of the reasons they remain at the top is because they understood the principle of giving. Bill Gates, the Co-founder of Microsoft is one of the richest men in the World and he gives to the poor regularly. Bill and his wife Melinda Gates founded a private foundation called "Bill and Melinda Foundation' (or the Gates Foundation, abbreviated as BMGF). It was launched in 2000 and is said to be the largest transparently operated private foundation in the world. The primary aims of the foundation are, globally to enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty. As of May 16, 2013, Bill Gates has donated US$28 billion to the foundation and he is still a Billionaire.

As of 2015 Priscilla Chan and her husband Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook donated $1.6 billion to charities. Isn't that the net worth of some Billionaires today?

Aliko Dangote, the CEO of Dangote Groups and the richest man in Africa also founded Dangote Foundation. The foundation has contributed over $25 million in charitable funds to several causes in Nigeria and Africa over the past four years. The activities of the foundation revolve around the four pillars of health, economic empowerment, education and disaster relief.

All these great men are using their wealth to help other people; they give and get back in 100 folds.

Now, what if you are not yet a Billionaire like me, how then can we help others?

You can involve yourself in community service, send gifts to the orphanages, volunteer or go for exchange and help out in other countries, help that old woman cross the busy road, help those school children cross the road, etc. There are many ways to help out, just look for what you can do and help out.

Giving is not restricted to just money, you can give your services, material things like clothes, shoes, your time, your smile, your hug, your advice or anything that can be of help to someone in need. Do not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be gotten, but people need your hearts to love them. So spread your love to everyone and everywhere you go.

Paul Bloom said, “We are constituted so that simple acts of kindness, such as giving to charity or expressing gratitude, have a positive effect on our long term moods. The key to the happy life, it seems, is the good life: a life with sustained relationships, challenging work, and connections to community.”

Cynthia was a young girl who recently got admission to study medicine in the university but with the economic recession, there was no money to pay her school fees. She called all her relations but they all gave her one excuse or the other. She cried day and night wondering where her parents would get the money from, for they were just farmers.

One day, on her way back from selling pineapples, she was almost knocked down by a car. The driver stopped and with anger asked her if she was blind and why she tried crossing the road without looking. She apologized and began to cry. Her tears touched the heart of the man, and then he asked what the problem was. Cynthia explained everything to him, how she got admission and has been looking for money to pay her school fees which her parents couldn't afford the money because of the recession and she really wanted to go to school.

The man felt sorry for her. He went to his car and brought out some money and handed it over to her but she refused out of fear.

Why will a total stranger give her money? What if he wants something in return? She pondered within herself.

The man noticed this and introduced himself and told her that he only wanted to help her. She took the money, appreciated the man and ran to her parents. The school fee was paid and she went to the university.

Many years later, an accident victim was rushed to a hospital. The victim was in a critical condition and a female doctor was called to perform an operation on the victim. It turns out that the doctor was young Cynthia and she recognized the victim as the man who helped her with her school fees many years ago.

She successfully performed the operation and when the man gained consciousness, he asked the nurse who was responsible for the payment of his hospital bills, then Dr Cynthia walked in. she introduced herself as the young girl he helped many years ago and told him that his act of kindness made her who she was. She took care of the bills and was really happy she had seen her helper.

We shouldn't give because we want something in return rather we should give because we want to be a blessing to someone. Love consists in giving without getting in return; in giving what is not owed, what is not due the other. Kindness in words creates confidence, kindness in thinking creates profoundness but kindness in giving creates LOVE. Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.

I am a huge believer in giving back and helping out in the community and the world. Think globally, act locally I suppose. I believe that the measure of a person's life is the affect they have on others” – Steve Nash.

In my life I have learnt that true happiness comes from giving. Anytime I have the opportunity to help out, there is this great joy in my soul that I cannot explain. Helping others along the way makes you evaluate who you are. I think that love is what we are all searching for and because of the love I have for you; you got this book for free. I haven't come across anyone who didn't become a better person through love.

Please when you are done reading this book, kindly share with your friends to be a blessing to them. Starts practicing the act of giving with the little you have. Sow seeds into someone's life and they will never forget your act of kindness.