13 Secrets You Should Know About Life Before You Die by Livingstone Imonitie - HTML preview

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Whatsoever difficult situation you find yourself, prayers should be your number one weapon because the physical world is controlled by the supernatural and you need to be connected to the supernatural to be able to live in the physical world.

No matter how busy you are, always find time to pray. God is always ready to listen to your prayers. Take all your troubles to him and he will guide you. Every successful man knows the importance of prayers. Prayer is not an old woman's amusement. Properly understood and applied, it's the most potent instrument of action. I believe that prayer is our powerful contact with the greatest force in the universe.

I do not joke with my prayers. Before I write any examination or carry out any project, I always create time to say a short prayer because I know I can never succeed without it. I need God's help and in my deepest and darkest moments, what really got me through was a prayer. I have discovered that prayer is that intimate connection and communication with the creator and it is needed in every man's life. Please when you pray, believe that your prayers have been answered. Sometimes unbelief stops a man's prayer.

Prayer is a man's greatest power. You shouldn't pray only when you are in need, you should pray when everything is ok. It's not that hard, if the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is Thank You, it will be enough. "Thank You' is the best prayer that anyone could say. It expresses extreme gratitude, humility and understanding.

Joyce Meyer said, “Spending time with God through prayer and his word is a prerequisite for having a great life and fulfilling your purpose.” Prayer is more than meditation. In meditation the source of strength is one's self. When one prays he goes to a source of strength greater than his own.

As a family man, you are the head and should be responsible for everyone in that family. When you pray, do that as a family. Call everyone together, hold hands and pray to your creator because a family that prays together stays together.

Of all things, guard against neglecting God in the secret place of prayers. For me, it is essential to have the inner peace and serenity of prayer in order to listen to the silence of God, which speaks to us, in our personal life and the history of our times, of the power of love.

Faith and prayer are the vitamins of the soul; man cannot live in health without them.” – Mahalia Jackson. The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.

Pray for your country, pray for your family, pray for your neighbours and pray for your enemies. The best time to pray is when you don't feel like praying. At that moment, just do it.

I want you to take a few minutes and say a short prayer to your creator. Leave whatever you are doing and talk to Him. What are those things that have been bothering you? What are your challenges? This is an opportunity, say a short prayer now and believe in Him. He is always there to listen to you.




How do you feel after praying?

Relieve right? Do this regularly and live a happy life.