Self-Improvement Books

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Showing results: 161-170 of 596
Millionaire Scope: Secrets of Wealth & Prosperity

Millionaire Scope: Secrets of Wealth & Prosperity

Martize Smith | Self-Improvement
Rating:     Rated: 3 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

This book outlines practical ways along with advice from proven methods that have helped ordinary people reach millionaire status as well as live a life of prosperity. Furthermore, things such as habits, routines, and actions needed to execute ways that help increase a person's net worth and...

Self Improvement and Motivation For Success

Self Improvement and Motivation For Success

John Life | Self-Improvement
Rating:     Rated: 6 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Are you under-confident and shy? Do you feel tongue-tied while interacting with your boss? Does setting professional and personal goals feel like a herculean task? You too can have a challenging career and lead a balanced life! Humans all have formed our own definitions of happiness right from...

Timely From The Timeless

Timely From The Timeless

T Balakrishna Bhat | Self-Improvement
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

This book presents topics from the ancient scripture, Veda, selected to match the present-day settings and to address emerging problems. The vast Vedas containing several thousand verses have been transmitted orally retaining its purity not just with respect to the words but also for their precise...

Collapsed Ideas:  An inquiry into dogmatic entities

Collapsed Ideas: An inquiry into dogmatic entities

Marc Burock | Self-Improvement
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Most of us think that dogma only applies to religions, and that if you don''t subscribe to a formal religion, then somehow your mind is free and open to the world of rational thought. In Collapsed Ideas, Marc Burock helps you to recognize the variety of dogmatic organisms within yourself and...

My Friends And The People That I Talk To

My Friends And The People That I Talk To

Echelle Emmanuel | Self-Improvement
Rating:     Rated: 6 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

My Friends And The People That I Talk To is a guide to open your mind on how you should handle and balance friendships/relationships. It also provides some advice on how to handle situations that tend to shaken up your friendships/relationships.Further more it goes ahead to highlight some of the...

Unlocking the Secret to Happiness

Unlocking the Secret to Happiness

Chaun Conscious | Self-Improvement
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

If we are not loving ourselves we are hating ourselves and the easiest way to learn what self love looks like is to learn what self hatred looks like. One of the reasons why self hatred is so destructive is because it is silent. I call self hatred the Silent Devil. Why silent? Because the more...

Mumpa - Lessons in Management I Learned From Mom

Mumpa - Lessons in Management I Learned From Mom

Amyth Banerjee | Self-Improvement
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, Kindle, TXT

Mumpa is the first ebook in the GLAD Series (Gratitude, Learning And Delight). As the series title suggests it is a summary of learnings & significant lessons in life as observed from the people close to the author. The author dedicates this book to his mother (who he calls Mumpa) and leads us...

100 Cents

100 Cents

Dickson Olabiyi Adelusi | Self-Improvement
Rating:     Rated: 5 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Words have power to inspire us or do otherwise in this life. Yes, words can make or break us. 100 Cents is a book for meditation. It has RSM [Read, Study and Meditate] value. There may just be two words in this book that will raise your spirit or influence your thought.

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits

Brian Stone | Self-Improvement
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, Kindle, TXT

Do you find yourself wishing the time would pass quickly so you can enjoy your upcoming vacation? Have you ever had a hard time remembering something you did the previous day? Once you’ve established what’s holding you back, you’re prepared to move forward into pushing yourself beyond your...

Break The Habit

Break The Habit

Charles Brown | Self-Improvement
Rating:     Rated: 8 times
Format: PDF, Kindle, TXT

Our habits determine our character, the type of person we project to the rest of the world and, ultimately, our destiny. So if we embrace bad habits –those habits which have a negative impact on who we are – then those same habits will prevent us from achieving excellence in our lives, holding...