177 Motivational Success Quotes to Live the Championship Life by John Di Lemme - HTML preview

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Quote #1

Lifestyle freedom is the ability to do what you want to do, when you want to do it and with whom you want to do it with for as long you want to do it.

Quote #2

Faith doesn't make sense; that's why it makes miracles.

Quote #3

Your words predict your harvest, because they are the seeds that you sow for your future.

Quote #4

Words are faith vehicles to take you to your promised land.

Quote #5

Your dream loves you, but do you love your dream?

Quote #6

The most important day of your life is your birthday, because your birth certificate gives you the right to be a champion.

Quote #7

An open mind and an open heart will allow the dream inside of you to become a reality.

Quote #8

Decision plus action equals results.

Quote #9

You must treat everyday like a present and open it with great expectation.

Quote #10

Live each day as if it's a precious gift, because it is.

Quote #11

You must decide to develop personal success habits on a daily basis that will empower you to break those defaults that were cemented inside your heart during your childhood.

Quote #12

You and only you can make the decision to rip the chains of your past off your ankles and start walking free from what has been holding you back all of these years.

Quote #13

If the bridge to your past is burned behind you, then you have no choice but to travel the path ahead into a successful future.

Quote #14

Choosing success over failure is YOUR decision!

Quote #15

When you have a cement commitment behind your dreams, nothing will stop you.

Quote #16

When everyone else says it's impossible and you'll fail, your personal commitment provides another voice that says you will persevere and win.

Quote #17

Few things in life have as much power as commitment.

Quote #18

You are the only one that owns the title deed to your life.

Quote #19

Don't let negative people determine your level of success.

Quote #20

Take control and authority over your lack of commitment in the past and recommit yourself to the achievement of your goals and dreams.

Quote #21

Daily commitment to the achievement of your dreams will push you through the trials of life.

Quote #22

Your commitment is the foundation for your dreams, and your decisions will determine whether or not your foundation will crack in the midst of life's storms.

Quote #23

We cannot sow a selfish attitude and expect to reap abundance and generosity.

Quote #24

If you make the habit of giving a main priority in your life, then you will be blessed beyond all of your goals and dreams that you have ever imagined achieving.

Quote #25

Giving is an attitude. It is not dependent on the amount of money in your bank account.

It’s a heart issue.

Quote #26

At the beginning of every day ask yourself, “What seed can I plant today in order to predict my future?”

Quote #27

Give someone the opportunity to have their life changed by setting a championship example for them.

Quote #28

If you have been negatively labeled by society, then I want you to tear that label off right now.  A label is a lie! The miracle inside of you is larger than any label on the outside.

Quote #29

Expect supernatural miracles every single day of your life.

Quote #30

Let your heart out of its cage! Release your heart to dream about an unimaginable future.

Quote #31

You should think so big that it actually scares you into success and out of the land of fear that is like quicksand slowly smothering your dreams.

Quote #32

Your dream will change your daily actions and take you to places that you have never seen or considered before.

Quote #33

Your ultimate success is always hidden by problems. In solving them, you acquire the skills that you need to be a great leader.

Quote #34

Ask yourself, “What can I do today to improve my daily championship action steps that will ultimately lead to the achievement of my true purpose?”

Quote #35

Just as the butterfly must struggle to shed its cocoon so that it can fly, we all must struggle out of adversity to achieve the level of success that we desire.

Quote #36

When we don't have struggles or obstacles to overcome, we become complacent, lazy and passive.

Quote #37

My darkest times are the seasons that will manifest the depth of my greatness.

Quote #38

I am a champion palm tree! I know that I can sustain the hurricanes in life, because I paid the price and my roots of faith have grown down deep.

Quote #39

The most important season for a seed is the rain.  Without it, the seed will wither and die. Your tears are the rain that will breathe life into the seed of greatness in your heart.

Quote #40

God will give you a season that will challenge you through emotional times to develop the wings of a faith-filled champion.

Quote #41

Your fruits in your life are solely based upon the roots that have been developed by the seeds that you have planted.

Quote #42

Extinguish the negative perception of pain out of your life. Pain is your rain. Without the “pain rain”, you’re not going to have the nutrients needed to feed the seed that will produce your harvest and manifest your championship life.

Quote #43

Are you allowing the darkness in your life to drive you or infuriate you?

Quote #44

Ancient success wisdom says whatsoever one sows, one reaps. Start to sow new seeds today, and you will own the title deed to your dream tomorrow.

Quote #45

Champions have a cement commitment.

Is your commitment built on sand or cement?

Quote #46

Persistence is the root habit of a true champion.

Quote #47

Just like a vacuum sucks up all the dirt on your floor, your negative associations suck the life out of your dream.

Quote #48

Your commitment will be proven when the enemy attacks.

Quote #49

Say it - “I am a champion. I am a champion chooser. I choose to commit to change, because I’m willing to pay the price to fulfill my goals and dreams.”

Quote #50

You can only sustain the storms in life if you have the correct daily, focused, preparation habits of a champion.

Quote #51

You cannot squeak by in life. You have to get totally immersed, make a decision, and get fired up about your life.

Quote #52

I know I can sustain any storm in my life, because of my commitment to daily preparation and my laser-focused habits.

Quote #53

Self decisions are the #1 key for success or failure.

Quote #54

Focused, determined champions are winners! Distracted people become losers in the game of life.

Quote #55

You have the right to achieve your dreams, and no one can take that away from you.  However, YOU are the only one that can exercise that right.

Quote #56

Allow your rainy season to feed the seed in your heart so that you can mature to the next level in life.

Quote #57

A committed person is focused on his ultimate destination.

Quote #58

Are you truly committed to your goals and dreams?  Saying it doesn’t mean that you are living it.

Quote #59

Are you willing to pay the price for success?  The investment is costly.

Quote #60

A committed champion is one who will do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to fulfill, manifest and live their God-given destiny.

Quote #61

When you choose to change and commit to your future, you are going to create controversy with the people around you.

Quote #62

Your future harvest is a result of the seeds that you have sown through your actions and your words.

Quote #63

97% of people are not committed to anything. The slightest wind in life makes them sway back and forth.

Quote #64

There is a reason for every season. If you don’t have the season of emotional darkness, then you can’t enjoy the season of sunshine.

Quote #65

The belief that you have in your dream will get you through life’s ups and downs.

Quote #66

Faith is knowing in your heart that something is going to happen when there is absolutely no proof that it even exists.

Quote #67

Daily, consistent, focused, faithful expectation raises the miracle power of achieving your dreams.

Quote #68

If your dream is not so big that it changes who you are, then it's not big enough!

Quote #69

The most profitable decisions in your life will be the most challenging.

Quote #70

If you focus on making money, then you will fail!  You must decide to focus on making a difference in people's lives in to order earn the right to be financially free.

Quote #71

You are a champion so act like one!

Quote #72

Your daily decisions determine your ultimate destination.

Quote #73

Focus eliminates confusion.

Quote #74

Your results are the product of either personal focus or personal distractions.

The choice is yours.

Quote #75

Accountability separates the wishers in life from the action-takers that care enough about their future to account for their daily actions.

Quote #76

If you don’t stick to your word, then you are jeopardizing your integrity.

Quote #77

Systems will either empower you to succeed or set you up to fail.  Make the decision to build your daily success systems.

Quote #78

The key of persistence will open up any door that has been closed by resistance.

Quote #79

Without common sense, your life will be a circle of nonsense.

Quote #80

You will reap what you sow.  Your harvest is ultimately your choice.

Quote #81

Passionate persistence predicts prosperity.

Quote #82

Pressure and resistance from the enemy destroys 97% of people, but it fires up the other 3% to take more focused daily champion action.

Quote #83

People make appointments for a haircut, to get their nails done, go to the doctor, get suits tailored, etc. Let me ask you a question, “When are you going to make an appointment to let the champion out that is stuck inside of you?”

Quote #84

Instead of waiting around for your dream, be relentless and go after it!

Quote #85

When people start to feed negative thoughts, they also feed the seed of doubt. The seed of doubt taked root, and hat root develops into a tree of despair.

Quote #86

I will not allow someone else's poor opinion, poor decisions, or poor words to keep my champion imprisoned.

Quote #87

When driving a car, it takes less than ten seconds to get off track and physically die. Yet, people are off track in their lives for five, ten, or fifteen years and wonder why they aren’t achieving their dreams.

Quote #88

We are kicking the BUT out of every negative habit.

Quote #89

When you stop learning, you’re still alive but your spirit is dead.

Quote #90

Success and true lifestyle freedom are in the foundations that you build on a daily basis.

Quote #91

Technology is pulling us away from the basic fundamentals of being a structured, focused, caring, giving, loving champion.

Quote #92

I must focus on changing people's lives through my words, my actions, and how I live my life behind the scenes.

Quote #93

Faster communication does not predict success. It actually predicts quicker failure, because you are distracted by the constant multi-tasking.

Quote #94

All of your decisions in life are based upon your foundation.

Quote #95

You must honor your word and stand up for something, or else you are going to get run over by everything.

Quote #96

Your giving predicts your living.

Quote #97

When you focus on making a difference in a person’s life, you will change yours.

Quote #98

What do your habits say about you?  They ultimately predict your level of success in life.

Quote #99

If you take the shortcut to success, you will end up getting lost.

Quote #100

What you do behind the scenes, predicts your scenery.

Quote #101

Lifestyle freedom is a commitment to do daily what others think about doing every once in a while.

Quote #102

It’s time that you step up to the plate and do what it takes to live a champion life.

Quote #103

Who decides how you will live your life?

Remember, you only have one.  Will you regret it or remember it fondly?

Quote #104

What you take for granted will change someone else's life.

Quote #105

Lifestyle freedom is a mindset.

Quote #106

In life, anytime you want to achieve something, you are going to have to pay a price.

Quote #107

Success is not instant. The word “instant” can’t be found in the success dictionary.

Quote #108

Pay the price for success or else you'll fail like 97% of people that simply quit.

Quote #109

Feelings do not make a difference. It is the emotional attachment to success that will lead to the achievement of your God-given destiny.

Quote #110

When you know the pressure is on and you have to push yourself to make it through, it all comes down to the training that you did behind the scenes.

Quote #111

There is no such thing as a success shortcut. Be willing to take the long road or you will hit a dead end.

Quote #112

You must immerse yourself in as much self-development information as possible in order to build a rock solid belief structure.

Quote #113

Are you going to choose to commit to your dream or are you going to allow society to determine who and what you will be for the rest of your life?

Quote #114

Why live a mediocre existence when you have the entire world at your fingertips?

Quote #115

Enrich the soil that will produce your harvest by speaking words of prosperity over your life.

Quote #116

Don’t be frightened by controversy.  Instead, face it head-on so your strength is undeniable.

Quote #117

The enemy gets its strength from your fear.  Rebuke it out of your life by saying your daily affirmations.

Quote #118

You must be willing to invest time in your quest to go from where you are now to living a champion life full of abundance.

Quote #119

Say this out loud: "I am a certified champion by birthright. My certificate of life gives me the right to achieve success.”

Quote #120

Taking bold, focused action creates explosive results.

Quote #121

Your pledge to achieve your dreams is the foundation of your ability to do it.

Quote #122

Say this out loud: “I will not let my negative default determine my level of success.”

Quote #123

Failure is guaranteed if you are not committed to success.

Quote #124

You are a seed of greatness that God has planted in this world.

Quote #125

If you don't create and maintain a strong cement foundation of commitment, then the negative weeds will grow through the cracks between you and your dreams.

Quote #126

All you need to do is a little bit of extra everyday to become absolutely EXTRAORDINARY!

Quote #127

Don't let what you can't control end up controlling you.

Quote #128

Open your eyes every morning and smile, because you know that you have another day to make a difference in the life of another person.

Quote #129

A great person is guided by their integrity.

Quote #130

Expect that you will achieve greatness by living a life with no ceiling on it.

Quote #131

Champions are created from the insight of the heart.

Quote #132

You can't climb the ladder of success dressed with a failure attitude.

Quote #133

Enthusiasm is a rare trait for a failure.

Quote #134

Your habits predict your future.

Quote #135

Security will make you complacent and will ultimately destroy your dreams.  If you're secure right now in a job, then you could be in the process of demolishing any hope of achieving what you really want out of life.

Quote #136

Preparation predicts the end result.

Quote #137

The heart of a champion beats to a different drum.

Quote #138

Stress frustrates you and plants the seed of doubt in your mind.  Defeat it by resting and repairing your mind and body.

Quote #139

Adversity is inevitable in life.  Don’t run from it, because it will catch up to you.  Face it and extinguish it from the very beginning.

Quote #140

Believe in yourself.  If you don’t, then no one else will have a reason to.

Quote #141

Preparation builds confidence.

Quote #142

I know I can sustain any storm in my life, because I have seen the forecast and prepared for the weather ahead of me.

Quote #143

Nothing will change until you step out in faith and take uncomfortable, challenging action.

Quote #144

Expect a miracle. Command the atmosphere of expectation with your powerful faith-filled words and daily focused actions.

Quote #145

A champion decision is based upon irrefutable belief in yourself and your dream.

Quote #146

Until you believe enough in yourself, nothing is going to change.

Quote #147

Victory does not exist without conflict, competition and challenges.

Quote #148

Step into enemy territory with courage and defeat the giant that is holding your dream captive.

Quote #149

Courage is just a word until you take a risk based only on your faith in yourself.

Quote #150

Don’t allow the enemy to steal your dreams through doubt, fear and procrastination.

Take action today!

Quote #151

Champion eagles soar high above the clouds, while pigeons waddle around seemingly confused about their mere existence.

Quote #152

I made a decision today to release my champion desire burning inside of my heart.

Quote #153

Prosperity is so much more than riches.

It is the abundant overflow in every area of your life.

Quote #154

It is time to demolish the enemy of fear!

Quote #155

The mindset to make money equals instant failure.  Believing that you have the right to earn income so that you can bless others will provide financial freedom for you and your family.

Quote #156

Honor and integrity are traits that show who you really are when no one else is around.

Quote #157

The only thing that happens instantly is the decision to change.

Quote #158

You have the right to earn huge income when you pay the price for it.

Quote #159

Declare and command: “I expect a supernatural miracle today, because I've done what I know will make a difference in people's lives and I am bettering myself in order to better society.”

Quote #160

Money is just a small part of success.  You can’t buy the most important parts.

Quote #161

What do others see when they look at you? If you are strong and confident, then it will radiate from your heart and soul.

Quote #162

If you give money to someone that is broke not only financially but also spiritually, emotionally, physically and socially, then you might as well just throw it in the garbage.  They simply aren’t ready to receive it!

Quote #163

Your comfort zone is nice and cozy, but is it so great that you want to remain there forever?

Quote #164

Your family legacy is determined by the actions that you take today.

Quote #165

Being a leader involves more than just standing at the front of the line.

Quote #166

Say it: “I am a champion. I am highly blessed and favored. I am sowing seeds. I am a giver. I am receiving my supernatural miracle NOW!”

Quote #167

Don’t be offended by rejection.  Instead, let it strengthen your belief that God has better things in store for your dream.

Quote #168

The underlying foundation of procrastination is laziness and lack of belief.

Quote #169

Your ability to live your dream is not based on your physical capabilities.  It’s determined by the belief and faith inside of your heart.

Quote #170

You must speak it and believe it in order to receive it.

Quote #171

A tired mind equals tired results.  You must rest your mind and your spirit to achieve greatness.

Quote #172

Think outside of the box.  Your creativity is not found in your comfort zone.

Quote #173

Physical exercise not only changes the appearance of your body, it also clears your mind and releases frustration that causes you to make unwise decisions that produce an unwanted outcome.

Quote #174

Your dream is the reason that you climb out of bed every morning and face the challenges of the world.  Don’t hide under the covers and miss your opportunity to achieve it.

Quote #175

When we are born, we have the same opportunity as everyone else to achieve success.  Don’t let your past be the excuse for your failure.

Quote #176

Without commitment, you are like a dog chasing his tail.

Quote #177

Every failure is a stepping stone to success.

Bonus Quote #1

If you walk like a champion and talk like a champion, then it’s nearly impossible for you not to be champion.

Bonus Quote #2

You have to be on your game and in your zone to win the game of life.

Bonus Quote #3

The pain of failing is temporary.  That feeling that you get when you finally achieve your dream lasts for a lifetime.

Bonus Quote #4

Without the rain, flowers don’t grow.

Without challenges, neither do you.

Bonus Quote #5

Everyone takes a shower to get rid of the dirt on their physical bodies.  So, doesn’t it only make sense to clean your mind of all of the negative garbage from the outside world.

Bonus Quote #6

Life is a one time opportunity to be the very best that you can be so why do so many people waste it?

Bonus Quote #7

Champions make decisions, and decisions make champions.