21st Century Time Management for Busy Managers by Michael Erwin - HTML preview

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1.14. ......................................................Le sson 6 - Time Management Success

how you feel NOT how much you get done.

The 21st Century Time Management approach is all about making sure you do the tasks that will help you to feel good about yourself. To feel happy, to feel satisfied and fulfilled. To feel enjoyment, to feel love.

That is why values and goals are so important in this approach. Your values and goals guide you to what is most important in your life.

Almost all time management programs look at success as getting it all done or getting on-top of things. The focus is on how much you get done. The problem with that is there is always so much more to be done. And, in our 24x7 society it’s getting worse. There is more and more that could be done.

So I want to help you make a significant change in your life. A change that will make a HUGE impact on your life happiness. Adopt the 21st Century Time Management mindset, which is about making sure you do the things that will make you happy in your life, rather than doing stuff so you can catch-up.

Why is this important?

The simple answer is that life is for living now. In my experience you can’t “work hard for 10 years” and neglect your values and other aspects of your life and rationalise this by saying to yourself, “I just have to do this now and later I will …

- spend more time with my partner
- spend more time with my kids
- improve my fitness
- play golf

The “.. and later” never happens. Either tragedy or habit gets in the way.


21st Century Time Management is about being able to find the time to be the best you that you can be.


So time management success is really about spending time doing the things that help you feel happy, help you feel satisfied and fulfilled.


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Do you get fulfilment from “catching-up” on all your tasks? Usually the response I get is “no. I just feel a little relieved or slightly less stressed.”

Imagine for a minute you are drowning (I’m sorry, I know it is not pleasant, but stay with me please). Do you get your head above the water, YES! But, if your objective is ONLY to get your head above the water and then tread water, how do you feel? Do you think you are fully motivated to tread water? Often people reply “I’d do it for a little while and then probably give up.”

That’s what you do in life too. If you set goals like treading water, which is not very motivating, you try for a little while and then you give up.

Aiming to catch-up is like trying to tread water when you are drowning. You know in the back of your mind you will go under again – unless something changes. My point is that you don’t want to just catch-up. That’s not how you want to feel. You want to be saved from drowning. You can tread water for much longer if you focus on being saved. What does “being saved” look and feel like to you on a daily and weekly basis?

Your answer is how you define time management success.


Write it down.


Time Management Success for me looks like:








Download the I feel GAGA sheet to help you complete the Time Management Success for me feels like activity.


The FULL Time Management from the Heart program has a Examples of how others have defined time management success for them.


21st Century Time Management One Page Personalised Plan


The next activity is to create a one page plan that defines your personalised 21st Century Time Management system.

You can download the blank one page time management plan that has the structure and some instructions on how to fill out the page. You will be using all the information you have collected in each of the lessons.

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86 Nelson Rd Box Hill Vic 3129 03 9849 1723 fax 03 8640 0535

The FULL 21st Century Time Management system includes the blank template, detailed instructions and examples of a one page personalized time management plan.

Page 29 86 Nelson Rd Box Hill Vic 3129 03 9849 1723 fax 03 8640 0535 In this lesson is where you get started putting together all the parts of