22 Powerful Tools to Transform Your Fear into Happiness, Peace, & Inspiration by Evolution Ezine Readers - HTML preview

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Chapter 4 " Transformation Tool #1

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques®)

Emotional Freedom Techniques® (EFT) is becoming increasingly well"known (and respected) in many fields related to alternative health and wellness.  Not only is it proving to be extremely effective on an increasing array of afflictions (including fears and phobias) " it‘s so simple that even children can do it once they learn the basics.

EFT is often described as "a needle"free version of acupuncture" because it clears energy blockages along the body‘s meridian pathways and proposes that most (if not all) illnesses are caused by unresolved emotional issues.  Whether you believe this or not, it‘s hard to deny the effectiveness of EFT when you see it in action " often clearing long"standing mental, emotional and physical ailments within moments.  Performing EFT involves very light tapping with two fingers on specific points on your body:

*The “Karate Chop” point is on the outside edge of either hand, midway between the little finger and wrist " right about where you would hit if you gave a "karate chop". This point is tapped continuously while reciting a "Setup" statement three times.  This statement is designed to reverse something called "Psychological Reversal" which is inner resistance to the tapping that will be done afterwards.

Besides the Karate Chop point, there are 7 main tapping points on the body:

Reader Contributions:

I am having to face the worst fear a mother can ever confront right now since my daughter has cancer. I actually use several methods for releasing fear, before going to bed I ask the angels to take my fear and transmute it so that I can sleep peacefully…they are very obliging that way. I start my day by meditating and bringing in the light of my higher self. While in this high vibrational state I think of all the things I have to be grateful for and send blessings out to others. I also use EFT to tap away the fears and tap in peace; many times I will do this mentally during a meditation with wonderful results. I use all of these methods to keep my thoughts in the light where fear cannot dwell. " Rhonda


I devised a technique that combines EFT with Ho’oponopono and added an interdimensional contract release affirmation that frees up several issues on various levels in one session. So far I have found this combination method to be one of the most powerfully effective processes to date. "

Jan Turner

*Eyebrow point: On the inside edge of either eyebrow, directly on the bony ridge of the eye socket.

*Side of Eye: At the outside corner of either eye, also on the bony ridge of the eye socket.

*Under Eye: Directly beneath either eye, still on the bony ridge of the eye socket.

* Under Nose: Midway between the nose and upper lip.

* Chin: In the crease between the lower lip and chin.

*Collarbone: Slightly below and to either side of the U"shaped notch where the collarbones meet.

*.Under the Arm: About four inches below the armpit, on the side of the torso (right about bra strap level for ladies).

*.Alternative points: Some practitioners also tap on the top of the head, four of the fingers on either hand or other locations, but even sticking with the main ones described above works well for most people.

To perform a round of EFT to ease fear, you would start by lightly tapping on the Karate Chop point on the side of the hand continuously with two fingers while reciting the Setup statement three times:  “Even though I feel afraid right now, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”  Being very specific about the details can often help you get even better results, so you may want to say, “Even though I‟m afraid I won‟t get this promotion, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

Then you would start tapping lightly five to seven times on each of the main tapping points, starting at the Eyebrow point and working your way down your body.  As you tap each point, tune into the fearful feelings and say one statement regarding the fear: “This fear.  This fear of failure.  This fear of being disappointed. What if I don‟t get this promotion?  What if I‟m stuck in a dead" end job forever?  I feel so nervous.  I don‟t want to be afraid of this outcome anymore.”

Reader Contributions:

The absolutely best method I have found to rid myself of fears has been EFT. I have used it to eliminate fear of success, fear of failure, fear of those I love dying or being injured, and many other irrational fears. I have also used EFT to help others overcome fears (of heights, and of public speaking). It’s a profoundly powerful tool and amazingly quick " better than any other method I’ve come across. It’s simple (and free) to learn, you can self"apply it in situations where you feel overwhelmed by fear and be free of that fear in a matter of minutes. " Ros Once you have completed one round of tapping, you can keep going and tap through more rounds (if you still feel anxious), or you can switch to more positive, empowering statements and tap on those.  Positive statements like these typically work well:  “I don‟t have to feel nervous about this.  I believe that it will all work out.  I choose to feel confident about my success.  I choose to believe that I‟ll get this promotion.  Or something even better will happen for me.  All is well.  I know that all is well.”

As you tap on the negative statements while tuning into your feelings of fear, you will be clearing out blockages in your body‘s energy field.  Following up with positive statements has proven to be effective for many people because they help reinforce a positive outlook after clearing out the negative emotions.

The more consistently you do EFT, the better it seems to work.  Some people start with a half" hearted round or two of tapping and conclude that it doesn‘t work, but some issues can be stubborn and require numerous rounds of tapping " even over a period of days, weeks and months.  The same will probably hold true for fear; if you are addressing very long"standing, intense fears, they may take some time to fully clear.  Minor bouts of anxiety or nervousness should be easier to clear, often within minutes.

Reminder: Be as specific as possible about the issues you are tapping on.  Rather than tapping for "I‘m afraid," try including the reasons you are afraid, what you most fear happening, and why.  This will help you to really connect with the limiting beliefs and strong emotions that are fueling the fear in the first place.  Read more about the power of EFT here:  Tap Yourself Into Magnificence