22 Powerful Tools to Transform Your Fear into Happiness, Peace, & Inspiration by Evolution Ezine Readers - HTML preview

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Part 2 Reducing the Impact of Collective Fears


It‘s not easy to avoid absorbing these fearful messages, especially when you seem to be surrounded by endless examples of them every day. However, there are a few things you can do to minimize the impact they have on your life.

An obvious first step is to limit your exposure to news broadcasts; especially when they always seem to pertain to frightening events that are beyond your control...

Focusing on this force"fed fear programming only makes you feel more vulnerable and adds to the energy of the collective fear. Certainly you can stay informed about world events but it is advisable to seek independent, unbiased news sources on the internet, and then immediately start shifting your focus to something less fearsome.

Empower yourself by remembering that most of the things you fear will never come to pass. In fact, when you remember that giving your attention to anything only makes it seem bigger and more intimidating, you can surely see the wisdom in being more discerning about the things you think about.

Deliberately focusing more on positive things will help override the negative input you receive each day too. When you take greater control of your focus and place it decisively upon the creation of a joyful and positive reality, you contribute that same energy to the quantum field. This helps minimize some of the fearful energy being contributed by others around the world.

It‘s true that there are many horrible, scary things to worry about " but there are equally as many wonderful, joyful things to ponder. Spend time each day thinking about the people you love, happy memories, and the great experiences that may be waiting just around the corner for you. It may not make the scary possibilities go away completely but it will lighten your mood, leave you feeling happier and less fearful.