365 Affirmations to Absolutely Gurantee a Record-Breaking Year by John Di Lemme - HTML preview

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*365* Affirmations to Absolutely Guarantee

Record-Breaking Year

Affirmation #1: I am committed to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to be a Why Warrior 1000%.

Affirmation #2: I am a Faithful Dreamer!

Affirmation #3: I am living in the Kingdom of Freedom with Massive Monumental Miracle Expectation.

Affirmation #4: I am confidently walking strong as a Faithful Why Warrior Champion.

Affirmation #5: I am getting Healthier by the second.

Affirmation #6: I am driving Indecision right out of my life NOW!

Affirmation #7: I am believing for a Miracle.

Affirmation #8: I am ripping the negative label off of me right NOW!

Affirmation #9: I am an Abundant Giver of encouragement to everyone that I see.

Affirmation #10: My Dream loves me; that’s why I am a Champion.

Affirmation #11: I am opening today’s present with Explosive Focused Expectation for a Supernatural Miracle.

Affirmation #12: I am driving my Faith by my Words Now!

Affirmation #13: I am determined to increase my focus second by second.

Affirmation #14: I am building my strength!

Affirmation #15: I am stepping into enemy territory with faith to defeat the enemy of procrastination.

Affirmation #16: I am a persistent and prosperous life-changing Champion.

Affirmation #17: I am releasing ALL negative thoughts out of my heart & mind Now!

Affirmation #18: Greater is the Why that is in me than the fear that is trying to steal my destiny.

Affirmation #19: I am speaking affirmations out loud all day to build my faith.

Affirmation #20: Nothing is impossible for me, because I am a Why Warrior LaserFocused Champion!

Affirmation #21: My mindset is set in rock solid cement.

Affirmation #22: I will not be moved from my Why Warrior Success Journey!

Affirmation #23: My focused determination predicts my Why.

Affirmation #24: I am achieving Lifestyle Freedom Today!

Affirmation #25: I am a Mentor to millions worldwide.

Affirmation #26: I am pulverizing the enemy of fear now with my outwardly spoken words.

Affirmation #27: I am achieving my Why!

Affirmation #28: I am taking full responsibility today for the achievement and advancement of my Why in life.

Affirmation #29: I am a unique miracle created by God to live out God’s purpose for me right NOW!

Affirmation #30: Fear trembles at the sound of my voice, because my words demolish fear INSTANTLY!

Affirmation #31: My words are brilliantly orchestrated in creating miracles in my life now

Affirmation #32: I am building a fortress around my Heart to defend it against the works of the enemy.

Affirmation #33: I am responsible for the direction of my life!

Affirmation #34: I love challenging myself second by second.

Affirmation #35: I am a Faith Fighter for my Why!

Affirmation #36: I am taking the enemy of fear captive now by my outward spoken faith-filled Champion words.

Affirmation #37: I am an Extraordinary Winner!

Affirmation #38: I am a strong, wiser, powerful, decisive, miracle manifesting, Champion Why Warrior!

Affirmation #39: I am shocking my bank teller today!

Affirmation #40: Enough is enough! The Success Overflow has begun in my life Now!

Affirmation #41: I am resisting default!

Affirmation #42: I am a Supernatural Sower that will reap a Supernatural Harvest!

Affirmation #43: I am exchanging my negative friends for encouraging, empowering, fired-up Champions.

Affirmation #44: My Why is absolutely crystal clear.

Affirmation #45: My personal economy is explosive, because I’ve planted the right seeds.

Affirmation #46: I am a seed of supernatural greatness that God has planted on Earth for a massive miracle.

Affirmation #47: I’m loving the success process, because I am a Champion Eagle.

Affirmation #48: I am challenging myself each day to manifest the blessed life that I have a right to live.

Affirmation #49: Success is a cinch for me, because I was born a Champion!

Affirmation #50: My prosperity is solely based on one fact and one fact only…I am a Champion!

Affirmation #51: I am increasing my learning daily to achieve my Why NOW!

Affirmation #52: I have a right to live Lifestyle Freedom!

Affirmation #53: I am a shining example of a Champion with honor & integrity.

Affirmation #54: My construction zone represents my miracle.

Affirmation #55: I am willing to pay the price for success!

Affirmation #56: I am walking tall, standing strong and expecting a miracle.

Affirmation #57: I am living a remarkable, wonderful, breathtaking life!

Affirmation #58: My words are terminating fear out of my life NOW!

Affirmation #59: I am challenging myself every day to get to the next level.

Affirmation #60: I am free of fear, doubt, procrastination and low self-belief NOW!

Affirmation #61: I am only associating with encouraging, empowering, enthusiastic Champions.

Affirmation #62: Listen up and listen good – Fear be gone NOW out of my life!

Affirmation #63: I am an action taking, fear demolishing, eye opening, mind blowing, laser focused Champion.

Affirmation #64: I am activating Prosperity in my life NOW!

Affirmation #65: Never again will I retreat when the enemy of fear attacks my dream.

Affirmation #66: I am controlling my future with every word.

Affirmation #67: I am slaying debt out of my life!

Affirmation #68: I am overcoming the lack mentality by developing my Champion faith muscle.

Affirmation #69: I am living in an organized, forward moving, profitable, life-changing, construction zone.

Affirmation #70: My daily decisions determine my ultimate destiny.

Affirmation #71: I have the right to earn a huge income.

Affirmation #72: I am a faith building, no holds barred, Why Warrior Champion.

Affirmation #73: I am a persistent, patient, palm tree root building, overcoming Champion.

Affirmation #74: I am commanding a miracle in my life!

Affirmation #75: I am receiving only the truth about myself. I refuse to listen to naysayers!

Affirmation #76: I am the Commander and Chief of my Why.

Affirmation #77: Hey fear…I am demanding that you turn around and get out of my life now!

Affirmation #78: I am activating my faith with my faith-filled, fear destroying, belief building words

Affirmation #79: I am taking advantage of pressure to refine my dream now.

Affirmation #80: Pressure empowers me to soar like an eagle.

Affirmation #81: It’s a unanimous decision…I am a laser focused Champion that will achieve my Why!

Affirmation #82: My dream is my dream and I am responsible for it.

Affirmation #83: My future is crystal clear and full of miracles.

Affirmation #84: I am rolling over each morning and expecting supernatural miracles.

Affirmation #85: I am willing to faithfully fight for my Why in life.

Affirmation #86: I am an Achiever!

Affirmation #87: I am releasing the shackles to my past right now!

Affirmation #88: I am catapulting my success now!

Affirmation #89: I am walking with the armor of faith around me every day as I build my Why.

Affirmation #90: I am bombarding myself with self-belief to destroy the internal lying words of fear.

Affirmation #91: Bring it on! I am prepared to defeat the enemy that is stealing my dreams.

Affirmation #92: I am consistently and constantly building my belief structure with my Why Rollover in the mornings.

Affirmation #93: I am a fear demolisher!

Affirmation #94: My habits guarantee miracles!

Affirmation #95: I am digging down deep, building the Champion root structure to withstand the enemy’s attack.

Affirmation #96: I am phenomenally successful.

Affirmation #97: I am a finisher!

Affirmation #98: I am declaring and decreeing miracles in my life now!

Affirmation #99: I am a joyous giver!

Affirmation #100: I am relentlessly pursuing my dream!

Affirmation #101: I am solely guided by achieving my Why.

Affirmation #102: I am wired for warfare to combat the enemy of fear and procrastination.

Affirmation #103: I am a Why Warrior Champion that will win!

Affirmation #104: I am listening to my dream daily!

Affirmation #105: I am confident in my abilities!

Affirmation #106: I am faithfully resting in my belief to achieve my Why.

Affirmation #107: I am relentlessly speaking my Why into existence.

Affirmation #108: I am eliminating ALL distractions now in my life to ultimately live my Why.

Affirmation #109: I am overflowing with faithful enthusiasm!

Affirmation #110: I am releasing a supernatural harvest today with my actions and words.

Affirmation #111: My belief is rock-solid and bulletproof.

Affirmation #112: I am a Champion Decision Maker!

Affirmation #113: My faith foundation is growing deeper and higher every day.

Affirmation #114: I am predicting my miracle harvest with my Champion schedule.

Affirmation #115: I am changing lives by closing business today!

Affirmation #116: I am worthy of monumental success! Yes ME!

Affirmation #117: My schedule will predict my results.

Affirmation #118: I am persistently patient to press on to achieve my Why NOW!

Affirmation #119: I am free of excuses!

Affirmation #120: I am ready for a Champion breakthrough!

Affirmation #121: My habits predict supernatural miracles.

Affirmation #122: I am earning huge income, because I am focused on making a difference in the world.

Affirmation #123: I am highly motivated to achieve my dreams!

Affirmation #124: I am totally immersed in proven, time-tested personal development every day.

Affirmation #125: I am speaking power-packed, dynamic energizing words.

Affirmation #126: I am speaking words of increase 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Affirmation #127: I am exercising daily to live the healthiest lifestyle possible.

Affirmation #128: I am challenging myself second by second to be the best that I can be.

Affirmation #129: My words are explosive!

Affirmation #130: I am a certified winner by birthright!

Affirmation #131: I am a creative, life-changing, miracle manifesting Why Warrior.

Affirmation #132: I am believing in miracles now for me!

Affirmation #133: I am receiving my miracle today!

Affirmation #134: I am living a remarkable, wonderful, breathtaking, amazing, joyful life!

Affirmation #135: I am challenging myself each day to get to the next level, because I have the right to.

Affirmation #136: I am free of fear, doubt, procrastination, and low self-belief NOW!

Affirmation #137: My mastermind team consists exclusively of empowering Champions!

Affirmation #138: My mastermind is full of honor and integrity that love me and my dream

Affirmation #139: I am deleting ALL negative naysayers out of my life NOW!

Affirmation #140: I am a Champion preparing for recording-breaking victories.

Affirmation #141: I will not retreat when the enemy tries to defeat my dream – bring it on!

Affirmation #142: My uncomfortable, challenging daily actions predict my miracle results.

Affirmation #143: I am a Champion butterfly!

Affirmation #144: I am living a healthy lifestyle!

Affirmation #145: I am forever thankful for all of my blessings in life.

Affirmation #146: I choose to win!

Affirmation #147: I am accepting my challenges each day to explode out of my comfort zone.

Affirmation #148: I am committed to eliminating all negativity out of my life.

Affirmation #149: I am empowered to prosper by my birthright.

Affirmation #150: I am an energetic closer!

Affirmation #151: I am a beautiful butterfly struggling to free myself from my cocoon.

Affirmation #152: I am making miracles out of my past mistakes.

Affirmation #153: I am stepping over the fear line into faith land today.

Affirmation #154: I am building my testimonial today by speaking words of faith over my life.

Affirmation #155: I am learning to lose my ego!

Affirmation #156: Fear will not stop me from achieving my Why in life.

Affirmation #157: I am a generous and joyful giver!

Affirmation #158: I live to give!

Affirmation #159: My harvest is coming, because I have planted seeds of greatness.

Affirmation #160: I am listening to my mentor today with open ears, eyes, heart and mind.

Affirmation #161: I am releasing the stubbornness spirit in order to grow.

Affirmation #162: I am highly blessed and positioned for supernatural increase.

Affirmation #163: I am shocking my bank teller as I deposit my harvest check.

Affirmation #164: I am building my dream 1000% on a daily basis.

Affirmation #165: I am decisive about attending live events to change my life.

Affirmation #166: I believe that I will achieve my Why!

Affirmation #167: I am associating with ONLY laser focused, dream building, fired up, Why Warrior Champions.

Affirmation #168: I am absolutely loving my success struggle.

Affirmation #169: I am fulfilling my God-given destiny!

Affirmation #170: I am defeating the enemy mindset of debt forever!

Affirmation #171: I am listening to the faith in my heart.

Affirmation #172: I am scheduled and detailed in my daily planning.

Affirmation #173: I am sowing seeds of greatness into the lives of others.

Affirmation #174: The impossible is possible for me!

Affirmation #175: I am challenging myself to change my life second by second.

Affirmation #176: I am a leader that empowers others to dream bigger.

Affirmation #177: I am an overcomer and overachiever that is living in the abundant success overflow.

Affirmation #178: My Why is the driving force for my consistent, focused daily actions.

Affirmation #179: I am living the Championship life!

Affirmation #180: My success is my responsibility.

Affirmation #181: I refuse to compromise my honor and integrity for anything!

Affirmation #182: There are no cracks in my cement foundation of faith.

Affirmation #183: Storms in life make me stronger and more confident in my Why Warrior journey.

Affirmation #184: I respect my time and refuse to waste it.

Affirmation #185: I am on a mission to manifest my miracle!

Affirmation #186: I am opening long-term, profitable, life-changing relationships.

Affirmation #187: I am confident, because I dress for success and deserve to achieve my Why!

Affirmation #188: Preparation predicts my prosperity!

Affirmation #189: I am the light in the darkness.

Affirmation #190: I am destined to change my life NOW!

Affirmation #191: I am achieving Lifestyle Freedom!

Affirmation #192: My schedule represents my results.

Affirmation #193: I honor my Why and my Word daily.

Affirmation #194: I do what I say I am going to do plus I follow through 1000%.

Affirmation #195: I have a responsibility to change lives.

Affirmation #196: I am increasing my dream building every day to build my belief.

Affirmation #197: I am earning more by learning more!

Affirmation #198: I am achieving new results simply because my new actions guarantee it.

Affirmation #199: I am annihilating the enemies of fear, doubt and procrastination out of my life!

Affirmation #200: I am a Why Warrior ready to fight for my dream.

Affirmation #201: I am accountable for my daily actions.

Affirmation #202: My mastermind team moves me to a higher level.

Affirmation #203: I am washing my brain daily with positive motivation.

Affirmation #204: I am an outstanding steward of my money.

Affirmation #205: I have an attitude of gratitude!

Affirmation #206: I sow my seeds into good soil.

Affirmation #207: I REFUSE to quit!

Affirmation #208: My mouth will make me a Millionaire!

Affirmation #209: I am blessed beyond measure.

Affirmation #210: Champions live free, and I am a Free Champion Now!

Affirmation #211: I am absolutely determined to demolish fear daily.

Affirmation #212: I am actively listening to dream BIG!

Affirmation #213: I am destroying doubt with my outwardly spoken faith-filled words.

Affirmation #214: Today is my day for a breakthrough!

Affirmation #215: I am the CEO of my Billion Dollar Company!

Affirmation #216: I am the owner of my dream not you!

Affirmation #217: I am in a record-breaking season.

Affirmation #218: I am worthy of receiving my dream!

Affirmation #219: No matter what…I WIN!

Affirmation #220: I am a tenaciously passionate, committed, unshakable Why Warrior!

Affirmation #221: That’s right fear…Access DENIED Forever!

Affirmation #222: I am a rock-solid, honorable, born winner making a difference.

Affirmation #223: I am 1,000% emotionally connected to my Why.  Get out of my way fear!

Affirmation #224: You better not challenge my commitment or else you’ll feel the power of a Why Warrior Champion!

Affirmation #225: Right now, I am better than ever because of my focused preparation.

Affirmation #226: I am an income generating, donation giving, Millionaire machine!

Affirmation #227: Faith is my fuel, and I am a Why Warrior fighter jet.

Affirmation #228: Pay Attention! It is official…you have been deleted out of my life forever!

Affirmation #229: By my birthright, I have earned the right to change lives.

Affirmation #230: I am a record-breaking, supernaturally blessed Why Warrior!

Affirmation #231: I am standing strong in the face of adversity to strengthen my foundation.

Affirmation #232: I am a Champion Habit Maker!

Affirmation #233: That’s right! I am believing in jaw-dropping miracles for me.

Affirmation #234: Watch out supernatural miracle…here I come to own you!

Affirmation #235: Determination is my middle name!

Affirmation #236: I am a lifetime Why Warrior committed to miracle achievement.

Affirmation #237: I am on high alert 24 hours a day for the deadly dream destroying fear flu.

Affirmation #238: I am an eyeball popping, jaw dropping, bank teller shocking, million dollar giving Why Warrior Champion!

Affirmation #239: I am determined to protect myself from the enemy every second of every day!

Affirmation #240: I am a believing, motivating, life-changing, procrastination conquering Champion!

Affirmation #241: I am a faithful, fear destroying, motivated Millionaire!

Affirmation #242: My code name is Commitment!

Affirmation #243: All things are possible with my Why Warrior *7* minute morning rollover.

Affirmation #244: Excuse me! Who are you?  Get out of my way default!

Affirmation #245: I am dedicated to the achievement of my Why in life 1000%.

Affirmation #246: I am the master over my daily decisions to break records.

Affirmation #247: I am fired up and laser-focused! I do not multi-task or tolerate distractions.

Affirmation #248: I am energetically, aggressively, flawlessly achieving my miracle in life.

Affirmation #249: I am an important part of changing the world!  Yes ME!

Affirmation #250: I am an outward expression of inward laser-focused Champion habits.

Affirmation #251: I am led by my Why!

Affirmation #252: Preparation and dedication are what my actions represent daily.

Affirmation #253: Failure and quitting are not options as long as I am in my Why Warrior Success journey.

Affirmation #254: Abundance is overflowing in every area of my life!

Affirmation #255: I choose to stand on the *5* year faithful Why Warrior plan of action.

Affirmation #256: I am defying the odds to break records and shock my bank teller!

Affirmation #257: I am speaking victories into existence right now in my life!

Affirmation #258: I am walking in the highly-guarded, fully protected, Why Warrior miracle zone.

Affirmation #259: I am attacking my weakness with all out faith in myself as a Why Warrior Champion!

Affirmation #260: I am a strategic, record-breaking Champion willing do every day what others only think about doing occasionally.

Affirmation #261: I am taking back what fear tried to take away from me right NOW!

Affirmation #262: I am consistently keeping the miracle winning edge in my life.

Affirmation #263: How sweet it is to live my life laser-focused and fired up every single day.

Affirmation #264: I am sharpening my Why Warrior motivational marketing edge by listening to challenging, truthful wisdom.

Affirmation #265: I am deleting ALL whiners out of my life Now!

Affirmation #266: I am a responsible Champion dedicated to living life to the fullest.

Affirmation #267: I am known worldwide as a dreamer that achieved my Why!

Affirmation #268: I am willing to pay the price and go the extra mile because I am worthy of living my dream!

Affirmation #269: Fear will never be able to defeat a laser-focused Why Warrior Champion!

Affirmation #270: My fuel is my dream and my fuel tank is overflowing with faith.

Affirmation #271: I am an extreme dreamer motivated to achieve my jaw-dropping dreams!

Affirmation #272: Lifestyle Freedom is my birthright, and fear will never stop me from having it ever again!

Affirmation #273: My Why can trust me 1,000% to stay committed for the rest of my life.

Affirmation #274: Each and every day, I am discovering deep down exactly who I want to be, and the possibilities are endless.

Affirmation #275: I am planning second by second for the guaranteed achievement of my Why.

Affirmation #276: I am a Champion showing others how to live the Champion life by my outwardly spoken words and honorable actions.

Affirmation #277: I am a living, breathing, shining example of what daily focused, uncomfortable action can accomplish.

Affirmation #278: I am a dream building machine!

Affirmation #279: I believe in the miraculous supernatural process of changing my life!

Affirmation #280: I am building a life-long strategic plan of action to accomplish my mission.

Affirmation #281: I believe in my incorruptible, determined dream inside of me!

Affirmation #282: My Why Warrior success road is paved with opportunity and endless possibilities.

Affirmation #283: I am conquering my fears to achieve my dreams!

Affirmation #284: The enemy wants to stop me, but I will never quit on me or my Why! Get out of my way NOW enemy!

Affirmation #285: I have the right to live my dreams and be free!  I will no longer let society determine my level of success.

Affirmation #286: I am leaving a long-lasting legacy for my family!

Affirmation #287: My Why is more than enough for me to press on through any adversity and win!

Affirmation #288: I live by faith built on the belief that I was born a Champion.

Affirmation #289: I chose success over failure…no more whining about how hard it is to achieve!

Affirmation #290: My Why keeps me nourished to prosper through the rainy season.

Affirmation #291: I can and will change the world through my honor, integrity and commitment.

Affirmation #292: I will rise to the occasion every time that my dream calls me to step out in faith!

Affirmation #293: I am shouting my Why out loud in the face of the enemy every day.

Affirmation #294: Today is the day that abundant overflow happens in my life.

Affirmation #295: Have you heard the news?  I won the fear versus faith battle!

Affirmation #296: I am walking strong in the atmosphere of confidence as I achieve my Why!

Affirmation #297: The cycle of defeat has stopped as of right now!  I am defending my birthright to live a Champion life!

Affirmation #298: I am rock-solid in my daily determination to listen, apply and implement proven Why Warrior strategies.

Affirmation #299: I don’t drink the WHINE juice!  Excuses have no place in my life anymore!

Affirmation #300: Unless you speak faith-filled words, I will tune you out! I only listen to the Why Warrior success channel.

Affirmation #301: I possess undeniable courage to stand up for my God-given right to  live a life of integrity.  I will not compromise!

Affirmation #302: I am living all out every day expecting my Miracle!

Affirmation #303: I accept challenges to develop my bulletproof cement commitment!

Affirmation #304: My results are my responsibility!

Affirmation #305: My decisions are based in faithful expectation.

Affirmation #306: Shhh…I am listening to my Why!

Affirmation #307: I am certified by my Champion birth certificate to live a life of abundant overflow and bountiful blessings.

Affirmation #308: Nothing in this world has the guaranteed mountain moving power of my words.

Affirmation #309: I am personally prepared to make decisions that will ultimately lead to living

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