717 Quotes & Sayings of Robin Sacredfire by 22 Lions Bookstore - HTML preview

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Quotes & Sayings


1. “A BOTTLE OF ALCOHOL shortens your life by four minutes, a cigar shortens your life by six minutes and a day of work shortens your life by eight hours.”

― Robin Sacredfire

2. “A decision is a conscious act and random thoughts are subconscious manifestations.”

― Robin Sacredfire

3. “A judgement does not end with one lifetime. Nothing is forgiven or forgotten. We are all still here as we were.”

― Robin Sacredfire

4. “A mad person without the capacity for self-analysis or the support of professional therapy, is like a bullet train without breaks heading for a cliff. Everyone on board, spouses included, will finish themselves before they can stop it.”

― Robin Sacredfire

5. “A man told me that my thoughts are opinions, so I asked back if he knows the difference between facts and opinions. He couldn’t differentiate them. And I had to conclude I was talking with an arrogant lunatic. He did admit to be arrogant, but the conversation was over before I could prove him lunatic as well.” 

― Robin Sacredfire

6. “A person can’t have enough money or more than that for as long as he can’t imagine having it all and losing it all at will. It is the fear of losing money that maintains an individual in a perpetual state of losing it. And this, as much as the desire to accumulate money without the capacity to duplicate the state of having it, maintains one in a repetitive loop imprisoning him in his present condition, and in which the world around him will deceive into thinking that the reasons for his misfortune are outwards.”

― Robin Sacredfire

7. “A person with knowledge may never find the truth, but a person with faith always finds the knowledge leading to truth.” 

― Robin Sacredfire

8. “A slave works the whole day for free and is offered a bed to sleep and food to eat. An employee works the whole day for money in order to pay for his own bed and food. Do you see any difference here?”

― Robin Sacredfire

9. “A strong feeling of happiness and a strong instinct to do what is right will come to your life, when you are within your purpose and God's purpose for you.”

― Robin Sacredfire

10. “A student who doesn’t study is certainly a student who feels embraced by the emotions of being a student, in the logical sense that whoever doesn’t study can only delay his life’s path, allowing such path to simultaneously increase.”

― Robin Sacredfire

11. “A very interesting paradox seen in individuals possessed by demons is that they are incredibly bright when analyzing others beyond appearances, but incredibly stupid when not noticing the obvious in front of their nose.”

― Robin Sacredfire

12. “After many years working as a successful author, I conclude that most people do not read to learn and change, but rather to reinforce their own paradigms, and feed their ego. Most readers are simply not qualified to judge what they read. Book reviews say more about who writes them than their purpose.” 

― Robin Sacredfire

13. “After some time spent with me, people start saying: ‘It is as if you knew what I was thinking.’ They never consider this as a fact.”

― Robin Sacredfire

14. “After spending an entire life analyzing human behavior and spiritual nature, I have no doubt anymore that the ones opposing me are hated by God. And God hates almost the entire human race. A person like me on planet Earth is like a living test for mankind, to see who could change and who will not. After I’m gone, destruction is certainly a promise to those horrible souls. On the other hand, the chosen ones are so few, that rescuing them is far easier than I ever imagined possible. Every time I encounter one, his or her name is written on the list of those who will not stay behind.”

― Robin Sacredfire

15. “Alchemy: In times of recession it is not wise to argue about the price of gold.”

― Robin Sacredfire

16. “All actions start with emotions and in this principle we find the key to change.”

― Robin Sacredfire

17. “All conversations with a dumb person turn into fights, because being dumb means not being able to process information, and communication is the most complex form of information.”

― Robin Sacredfire

18. “All elements of reality provide positive or negative emotions, according to the connection we develop with them, directly or indirectly.”

― Robin Sacredfire

19. All hatred and attacks on society and nature come from the minds and hands of individuals who are terribly afraid of others, of life; they fear their own weaknesses, and so, they attack what is perceived as stronger and more meaningful than them.”

― Robin Sacredfire

20. “Although our body gets older, our spirit only experiences present time. Therefore, the question is: Why can we remember the past but not predict the future? And the answer is related to our purpose as a spiritual being. If we knew the future, we could easily avoid responsibility and delay our spiritual development.”

― Robin Sacredfire

21. “An autobiography is the most valuable book an author can write.”

― Robin Sacredfire

22. “An awakening must be feared and fought at all costs by the majority, because the majority knows that if anyone realizes their true intent, as in being to stop and destroy anyone better than them, they would inevitably be the target of destruction themselves.”

― Robin Sacredfire

23. “An entrepreneur is not someone who starts his own business. An entrepreneur is someone who realizes that he doesn’t want to live the rest of his life as a slave and decides to buy his own freedom. Starting a business is just a common consequence of such decision.”

― Robin Sacredfire

24. “An individual affected by lower frequency waves operates with a logic that doesn’t necessarily solves a problem. It is a process that guides the mind without self-awareness or critical thinking.”

― Robin Sacredfire

25. “An insane person is, basically, someone who isn’t true to himself and lives between the reality he understands and the distorted perspective of it that he is trying to control. And the bigger this gap is, the more you can be sure to be in front of a neurotic or psychotic individual.”

― Robin Sacredfire

26. “An opportunity always comes before a change. If you wait for a change to occur in order to grab an opportunity, you will lose all opportunities coming your way.”

― Robin Sacredfire

27. “Any person who tries to discourage you, is doing it because in fact wants the worse for you, and that is usually towards the fulfilling of her own purposes. Deep down that person respects you and only wishes to use you for personal reasons. That person is being influenced and the danger will diminish through time.”

― Robin Sacredfire

28. “Anyone can have access to knowledge but very few are chosen by the Divine Light to be guided.”

― Robin Sacredfire

29. “Anyone could be making much more money if more people were honest.”

― Robin Sacredfire

30. “Anyone is measured by what they do, rather than what they say. The background of a person or the books such person has acquired do not say anything about the value such individual possesses. If you cannot value anyone by what they show you, if you do not possess the courage to see beyond the illusion, you are as ignorant as the ones who claim not to be. Both, the one who seeks the light and the one who claims to have it, share the same darkness.”

― Robin Sacredfire

31. “Apart from comprehension, when there is a clear purpose, concentration also increases, because we have a goal in the activity we choose.”

― Robin Sacredfire

32. “Apple and apricot seeds contain a vitamin called B12, which I found to be illegal to sell in pharmacies. You can buy all kind of vitamins in pharmacies, but not B12. Why would the pharmaceutical industry make a vitamin that we can eat on our own, through seeds, illegal? I asked this question to employees in the pharmacies and many doctors, and they couldn't answer. They just kept looking at me as if I was trying to get ingredients to make my own synthetic drugs. For most people, what is illegal is really illegal. Most people are too dull to think for themselves, even when a question is so obviously relevant that they seem to have brain damage when not realizing its importance.”

― Robin Sacredfire

33. “Arrogance is not a substitute for intelligence or personal worth. It is, very often, a camouflage, to hide lack of both.”

― Robin Sacredfire

34. “As a student, your ideal attitude must consist, not in minimizing the quantity of mistakes, but in increasing the possibility of error, and this, while increasing the level of knowledge about those same errors. In other words, the student that fears mistakes, has not learned enough.”

― Robin Sacredfire

35. “As everyone else, I also feared failure, and I also persisted in a certain direction because I did not want to quit. Today, however, I understand that failure is not only necessary but desirable. The best lessons in life will never be told by those who forget them or by those who wish not to remember them, for both the winner and the loser do not wish to remember their setbacks, their darkest moments. In both cases, they wish to forget their struggles. And yet, without those very dark and painful moments, they wouldn’t realize either that they are in the dark or that they want the light. Only through failure can one conquer truthfulness, honor and success. As a matter of fact, only through darkness will you truly know the light. Everyone is in the same path. Some people simply realize that there is only one way to go, and before others can see the same.”

― Robin Sacredfire

36. “As humans, we have learned to love and trust money, while losing love and trust for one another. That is how money became the anti-christian symbol of our world, opposing the christian alchemic transmutation taught by Jesus.”

― Robin Sacredfire

37. “As soon as you ascend to heaven in spirit, by being more spiritual and honest with yourself, you will notice that hell comes to you at the exact same time, and earth will literally feel like hell. Everyone who can't see it, went on the opposite direction, from crazy to crazier. They see butterflies instead of worms and juice instead of blood, and can't smell their own rotting flesh. They went from surviving to becoming zombies. That's why I despite the vast majority of those who consider themselves spiritual. They are in fact lunatics disguised as saints.”

― Robin Sacredfire

38. “As with a child, the mind of an adult is predisposed for destruction in the name of self-awareness. The question you may then ask is if that destruction is aimed at good or evil. And upon contemplating the actions of such adult, you will certainly see that occurring, for he is either attacking his ignorance or the wisdom of others, strengthening his jealousy or his admiration for what he perceives, feeling appreciative, joyful and thankful, or weak, resentful and fearful.”

― Robin Sacredfire

39. “Ask the person who found you about what kind of people she was looking for before meeting you, as she may not know that she has found one of them already.”

― Robin Sacredfire

40. “Beauty does not last forever and neither does love. But love can last a lifetime and beauty, despite any effort, never will. Therefore, one should assume that love is more important than lust.”

― Robin Sacredfire

41. “Before asking yourself why the law of attraction doesn't work, ask yourself if you're an arrogant and selfish human being. God does not like them.”

― Robin Sacredfire

42. “Before you hate, make sure you do not possess the same traits of those you hate. Very often, our incongruences towards the outside world hide all the mysteries to our failures.”

― Robin Sacredfire

43. “Belief is the seed of any change; Love is the water; Faith is the sun.”

― Robin Sacredfire

44. “Beliefs shape the size of our opportunities. Love expands them beyond faith.”

― Robin Sacredfire

45. “Believe me, people do change and they change often and many times through their lifetime. However, due to naiveness, passivity and selfishness, they commonly change towards a more negative self, becoming less than they were. Positive changes are destined only to those who seek them. Our world is, by default, designed to bring us down. In order to move upwards, one must consciously seek to dream and manifest dreams, by learning, reading, asking meaningful questions and actively making connections with others. One must, at least, love.”

― Robin Sacredfire

46. “Between a monkey and a snake, the one who resists change the most is the snake. You can hardly domesticate a snake and make it your trustworthy friend. And so, taking into consideration that most people refuse to change their attitude, and instead decide to discriminate others and act as enemies to the human race as a whole, in their selfishness, competitiveness and egotistical stubbornness, without empathy or compassion for others, they are acting like reptiles, not mammals. We have too much of reptile-thinking inside the human race; and the distance between our reality and a fiction movie about an alien invasion, in which reptiles walk among us disguised as humans isn't that much. We have been corrupted already. Humanity is nearly extinct due to a massive invasion of a reptilian belief-system.”

― Robin Sacredfire

47. “Between our mind and an object, there is nothing else than self-developed concepts.”

― Robin Sacredfire

48. “Books are the staircase to heaven. The more you read, the more you understand the world that God created.”

― Robin Sacredfire

49. “Books can change the world. They represent a second chance to those who want to change their life and can’t do it on their own.”

― Robin Sacredfire   

50. “Both, the one who seeks the light and the one who claims to have it, may share the same darkness, for a blind man explaining the world to another blind man is still a blind man.”

― Robin Sacredfire

51. “Bubble: A safe space where people who don't like to be confronted with the consequences of their actions live. Often known as the perfect environment for those who are too immature to assume responsibility for their lack of realistic perception, and instead focus their energy in maintaining a flawless image to the outside world, while hiding their real thoughts, quite usually very sadistic and selfish. Bubbles can easily blast when a small portion of truth or justified anger hits one, so people that live inside a bubble are particularly sensitive to those who tell them things they can't comprehend, even, and in particular, when such things are correlated with their immoral social behavior. And as people that live inside a bubble need the bubble as much as they fear the outside world, they often blend unrelated words with their own nonsense to keep the danger of having a bubble exploded far from sight. This includes being a hypocrite when calling one ungrateful, offending someone while calling such individual aggressive, and using negative depreciation with arguments that fit their agenda of keeping themselves within ignorance while bringing others further to that paradox. People who live in the bubble believe anything they hear but always assume that their beliefs are independent, as the bubble stops them from seeing further and admitting something they can't see or accept. Therefore, until the moment in which people will be happy to have a microchip attached to their brain and virtual reality headsets stopping them from seeing the world as it is, the bubble will be known as a transitory stage, between an unempathetic dumbness and being a brainless humanoid vegetal on two legs.”

― Robin Sacredfire

52. “By putting my trust in God and my love in the alchemical transmutation, which working on my dreams leads me to, I was able to attract ideas, and those ideas inspired me to create something new. That which I created was a product, with value.”

― Robin Sacredfire

53. “Cognitive dissonance occurs when I say what I do for a living and get as a reply: ‘That’s a bad pickup line.’”

― Robin Sacredfire

54. “Concepts like millionaire and money are abstract and part of a delusional world, so you won’t be able to understand the application of the knowledge if you keep thinking with the same paradigm that made you poor.”

― Robin Sacredfire

55. “Consciousness is acquired through the realization that life is a cycle of giving and receiving, in which we can only receive from what we produce to others.”

― Robin Sacredfire

56. “Consciousness is merely an awakening. The spirit is already conscious.”

― Robin Sacredfire

57. “Considering the fact that a human being has, as a life objective, the learning of himself, and knowing spirituality through his life experience, the meaning of life can be resumed in the development of a higher consciousness.

― Robin Sacredfire

58. “Crying is for the eyes as sorrow is for the heart. Both are natural cleansing processes. But you’ll more likely see a christian crying than a banker, because one has indoctrinated himself into the idea of being a sheep, while the other has educated himself into thinking like a wolf.”

― Robin Sacredfire

59. “Death comes when renovation isn't being allowed in order to force it.”

― Robin Sacredfire

60. “Deceptive positivism occurs when I say many things about a person hoping that I am wrong, and that person goes one step further to show me that I am more right than I ever imagined possible.”

― Robin Sacredfire

61. “Demons manifest themselves through the eyes of the possessed during your first moments of awakening. The wicked and psychopathic minds follow, with behaviors attempting to segregate you, isolate you and suppress you. But when you are truly enlightened, even the most religious and spiritual ones on Earth will feel enraged by your existence, for you will shine light on their weaknesses with your presence and reveal their level of ignorance and insanity with your words.”

― Robin Sacredfire

62. “Despite the experiences that put me in the spotlight as the co-creator of my wisdom, the human part of me keeps burning, like an alchemical process which I both accept and want to refuse. I'm changing the world as much as this world is changing me. The two are inseparable.”

― Robin Sacredfire

63. “Despite what you might think, normal people do not cause problems, misfortunes, conflicts, distress or accidents. And when they do, they can apologize and recognize their negative influence. A person who causes these things and can’t assume any responsibility for them is, apart from showing the cognitive and moral level of a child, deserving nothing more than abandonment, because she’s dangerous at all levels and can hurt, or even kill, someone by accident, including herself and whoever is with her. A person like this does not deserve any trust for absolutely anything.”

― Robin Sacredfire

64. “Developing a business depends on many factors. But you should basically understand the exchange between value. In other words, you must provide value to receive equal value. If you look at most single people, you can see that they can’t provide any value – they often don’t smile, dress, talk or behave in a way that makes others want to spend time, much less a lifetime, with them. Relationships and businesses are not much different. In a business, people know that appearance and the way you talk to a costumer is as important as the value of your product, and that’s why brands sell, even when their products have no quality. For example, in shopping malls you can see some shops packed with people buying clothes that have no value and will be ruined or out of fashion very soon, because such brands are selling an image, not quality anymore. Some countries, on the other hand, managed to compete in the world market by reducing price over quality, and are now paying the cost of a very bad reputation, as most people don’t trust their brands anymore. This is already impacting the world economy, so I don’t know what will happen in the next years. It is all in the hands of politicians and the internationalization of the companies. And yet, I just said this to illustrate the relation between value and product. But here’s another example: I tried to share what I know about learning with teachers, parents and psychologists, and nobody cared. Besides, what I earned in helping children with learning disabilities was a very low payment, and I had to quit that as I couldn’t afford to pay an apartment and daily expenses with such job. However, there are people making thousands of dollars with drugs that have no effect, toilets for cats and pet-rocks. In other words, it is never about what the world needs but what the world wants. And this freewill is within a law that puts it before value. Freewill sets value in motion. And that is why people tend to find excuses for their failures, as if maintaining their social value by changing the rules that classify the level of their self-determinism. In other words, lack of determinism is nothing more than an exteriorization of stupidity, i.e., the knowing that one can’t succeed and the giving up on trying to find why.” 

― Robin Sacredfire

65. “Differences between poor and rich people: Poor people ask me where's my money from; Rich people invite me for a coffee and never ask it.”

― Robin Sacredfire

66. “Do more for those who help you than you do for yourself. They are doing for you what you can’t do for yourself.”

― Robin Sacredfire

67. “Do not assume that you know what love is, until you learn what respect is; and do not assume that you’re a good person, if you don’t know what is empathy. Until you can love yourself, and feel compassion for the suffering of another person, you will not be able to love anyone. You can feel love but you can’t love. To feel and to do is not the same. You can choose to feel love and share anger, or feel love and share compassion.”

― Robin Sacredfire

68. “Do not attempt to help those who have not asked for your help. Interfering with their karma will result in a never-ending spiritual war from which you can only lose.”

― Robin Sacredfire

69. “Do not expect to find abundance and a higher level of truth by following the poor mindset of the majority. You will always find it in words like bestseller, famous or most popular. The poor love the ideas and concepts that keep them poor.”

― Robin Sacredfire

70. “Do not judge others before judging yourself. That is a grave mistake, and often the main reason to why people can't find love.”

― Robin Sacredfire

71. “Do not preach me on how much my friends don't like to hear my problems. If they’re associated with me to hear only about my successes, my gains and achievements, they are parasites, and must be pulled out from my life as fast as I would kill a virus inside my body.”

― Robin Sacredfire

72. “Do not tell me how much money you make. I do not care about that. Do not tell me about how many cars you own or countries you visited. It doesn't tell me anything about you. Tell me instead about how you think and which beliefs you treasure the most. Then, I will be able to tell you who you are, who you can be, and who you will become.” 

― Robin Sacredfire

73. “Do not try to explain the normal. Normal was never normal.”

― Robin Sacredfire

74. “Do not try to solve your problems. Surpass them by growing and becoming better tomorrow than you were yesterday. That's why problems exist. They are there to make you evolve. Depression is just a word that lazy and weak people invented to justify their unwillingness or incapacity to evolve.” 

― Robin Sacredfire

75. “Do you deserve it? Do I deserve it? These are questions that don't require an answer because they shouldn't be made. Live life to your will and let others judge the results as they want. They’ll probably never understand, and that's why they are they and not you.”

― Robin Sacredfire

76. “Do you wish to know who are the blind? I will tell you. They believe in only one book, in only one power, in only one authority and in only one perspective. They are blind to the fact that everything and anything they know is the size of a grain of rice in the vast amount of variables and multitude of complexities that God has created. A slightly higher awareness would easily drive them insane for life.”

― Robin Sacredfire

77. “Doing business has much more to do with war than education. Most people are not logical but intuitive in their choices. Their values are fruit of years of indoctrination and their virtues are ignored, and as much as they insult the most virtuous and valuable they encounter if, and only if, they can ever recognize such extremely rare souls. In other words, you do more for yourself if you act like you are a warrior and your life is a battlefield. You do more for others by punishing them with emotional pain, the same or more as what they make you feel. I wish I could say things are or could be different, but this is not paradise, this is planet Earth. If you create a paradise on Earth, you will find yourself isolated most of the times, simply because most people are like demons creating their own hell. What others claim to be normal, is only normal if you want to be in hell.”

― Robin Sacredfire

78. “Don’t ask me why I know the future. Ask me why you should know it.”

― Robin Sacredfire

79. “Don’t pay attention to the people who hate you but to why they do, as that's where you find your real value and uniqueness.”

― Robin Sacredfire

80. “Don’t work harder; learn faster. Invest in the reality you want, not the reality you have. Know yourself, and you will know your path to success.”