8 Habits Towards Leadership by Universal Prayther - HTML preview

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8. Take Control


Allow your mind to focus on the content which is about to be delivered. Please feel free to contact us overinertia@gmail.com to schedule for an online or in person workshop, we also provide lectures for students and adults.

Furthermore, Genesis 1:26, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.

The “let us make” is the permission given to humankind to create his or her own self-image. Self- image is defined as the way you view yourself or your powers of I am. At this moment, we are talking about very different kind of control over dominion. This is the ability to create dominion of your own self-image and having the ability to manifest the efforts in the physical.

When we hear, “Let’s make man in our image”; Please don’t think of it physically as…this is not a physical thing. This image is in the image of the mind. In other words, it is your self-image; it is not you looking in the mirror. Rather, it’s you viewing yourself from the perfective of the mirror externally and internally. Now, ask how do you view yourself?

Your mind is like the universe and it is constantly expanding, growing and limitless.

However, you can oppose a limit and when you find it. You must change it. Don’t give yourself any reasons as to why you can’t reach your goals or dreams. You must believe, plan and make it happen. When you find yourself struggling, and feeling like it is not manifesting or nothing is manifesting than you might need a larger self-image.

This can happen simply by analyzing what you really want and imagine who you need to be to make it happen than see yourself as being that person and hold your subconscious mind to those standards. Once you have confirmed it, take control over the dominion which is yours and what is for you.

In other words, the way you view yourself is the cage and your entire life will function under it. Secondly, once you establish this cage; you are the bird which travels under it and you are bounded by its walls. However, you are the owner and you can purchase a new cage if you only paid attrition to how it was first crafted.

If you feel you need to fly new heights, simply re-build yourself image and take control. The way you view yourself will give you much power. It’s up to you as to how you are able to control and make things happen with vitality, confidence and leadership. More so, during the entirety of this book, we have not mentioned the definition of leadership solely because of this chapter. It is up to you to write it and create it. It’s time to be your greatest self and you are the author. Don’t live in some’s opinion of you. Live your life in the opinion of yourself and yourself image. Hence, I live my greatest dreams in God’s image of me.

Furthermore, When you give your negative thoughts power, you are still in control over your dominion. The negative thoughts are like the creeping things that creep on the earth. In other words, you are as powerful as you allow yourself image to be. The key behind this is that you can’t physically excel your self-image by default we fall short. The solution is to rebuild your own image. See yourself in God’s image…see yourself as being powerful, productive.

This is the construct of what you believe you are. What is your… I am? You don’t need to be God, you just have to be yourself…He has already given us the permission and the power to be who we believe we are.

Don’t give your power away! Control your inner thoughts; your very perspectives as it will impact your motivation and your will to take action. Take control as you have dominion over your positive and negative thoughts. As we like to say, RUinert? If so, let’s overcome inertia!

I live my greatest dreams in God’s image of me.












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