8 Habits Towards Leadership by Universal Prayther - HTML preview

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Welcome to Over Innovation of Inertia. This is a totally free gift from us to you. Please enjoy this gift of giving as it’s for anyone moving toward leadership. It’s an easy but powerful read so please feel free to share our message of self-development. As this process of self-development belongs to everyone and anyone, it’s critical to understand that it starts with awareness. If you are unaware; you cannot change, and if you cannot change you will stay the same so as the things around you. RUinert? If so, let’s overcome inertia!

About the Author


My name is Universal Prayther. I am the founder and CEO of Over Innovation of Inertia. Over Innovation of inertia is a non for profit which creates and disseminate health informatics and Inspirational Praxis. IP is the edifice of self-development and vocational building. IP is the technology we present our member to become the ultimate version of self. We provide workshops of knowledge, self-knowledge, health and wealth. I am pleased to introduce this small booklet as a token of our appreciation for coming with us this year. We are ever excited to have the ability work with individual of all aspects of life.

Most importantly, we are even more excited that you have taken interest to invest in self- growth. As you grow into awareness, understand that you can improve any part of yourself, at any moment upon awareness. You must become aware before you can! More so, we hope you enjoy this as much as we did. Please feel free to join us on IG, FB, Sound cloud and our Blog us as we continue to overcome inertia. Thank you sincerely,

Universal Prayther


IG: https://www.instagram.com/over_innovation_of_inertia/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/RU0I0I

Blog: https://overinertia.wordpress.com/

Sound cloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-763104862