8 Habits Towards Leadership by Universal Prayther - HTML preview

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3. Be Prepared


It’s been said, “Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. We live in a very speedy environment. The last thing you want to be is not prepared. It’s understood that this cultural is moving so quickly that people don’t even have time to manage or take care of their own health. It’s important that your master your craft, your pitch, your every instrument to be ready and the best readiness is preparedness.

When you are taking an interview, the hiring managers will take the ready right away. When playing sports, the coach will take the prepared player right now.

In an environment when speed is so prevalent. Not being ready will result with a poor attitude, a late response and poor performance. It’s not all bad! If you are aware one can make the appropriate changes and updates needed to make one available and ready for the next event. In the rise of the opportunity, you can handle it with ease and less stress. Preparation is only awareness responded. This is responding to the fact that you know what is about to happen. To be aware is to be alive!
