A Book of Infinite Possibilities by Melody Bass - HTML preview

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The mind is impressionable and you create the impression with stored data. Remember, the mind operates like a computer. The mind is a creative instrument, whatever we hold in mind we create. If you focus on your 'wants' you will create just that, 'wanting' or 'lacking'. Want is the most negative word, want equals lack.






Courage to Let Go and Surrender



How much are you willing to let go ,surrender and be courageous? Unless you are prepared to let go you do not create a space for new opportunities to come into your life.

Image a bucket full of dirty water, how could you allow it to be filled with fresh water whilst you still have the old stagnant water in it.

It is the same in your mind and your life.



You have to choose to have the willingness to let go to receive.




Visualize yourself turning the page on any resistance you may have to surrendering and letting go , and create a  positive shift in receiving the ideal outcome. The key to this shift in awareness is to live the question, without being invested in either the objections or the outcome. Just ask the question and let it go, knowing that it is already set in motion. Remember that the universe will honor your question and honor you in return. This requires faith and trust, which is the essence of who you truly are.


This is the art of surrendering.












The Art of Receiving



Feeling grateful is feeling blessed. When you feel grateful, you attract more of 'feeling blessed' into your life.

Gratitude aligns your energies and allows you to manifest easily.




Sincere and earnest thanks cannot be given without gratitude and it is impossible to be thankful and grateful without being happy. Therefore, when you are thanking the universe, your greatest friend, for the every blessing received, do so with every pore of your being.


Gratitude will speed you through your growth and success more than any amount of hard work ever can. Gratitude completes the lesson, that note of success, pulling to you the end result desired. Another way to put it is that you cannot leave a situation